MovieChat Forums > Politics > Patrick Lancaster - witness to Crimean r...

Patrick Lancaster - witness to Crimean referendum in 2014 to join Russia:

The US claims it was a fake referendum by force from "little green men" from Russia threatening the local Crimean population.

People in Crimea born before 1954 were actually born in Russia.

Most Crimeans consider the 1954 hand-over to Ukraine as an illegal handover.

Even so, at the end of the USSR, Crimea was still mainly Russian and should have gone to Russia by consideration of the will and ethnicity of the people, the investment of Russia in shipping and defense, and the necessity of a warm water port - which Ukraine already had and did not need Crimea.


I'm sure Brux is 100% consistent with this and supports Kosovan self-determination


Crimea was the historic homeland of the Tatars and Stalin forcibly relocated the Tatars in 1944. Many of the Tatars made their way back to Crimea over the years and they've faced harassment by Russian authorities. The Russians are even destroying a UNESCO World Heritage site palace with supposed renovations that are wiping out traces of the Tatars. * Russian orcs destroy UNESCO World Heritage Site *


> Many of the Tatars ...


Today, Crimean Tatars constitute approximately 15% of the population of Crimea. There remains a Crimean Tatar diaspora in Turkey and Uzbekistan.

Tatars are Turkish Muslims, no?

> Russian orcs

Not a bit biased are you?


You are just hand-waving and not doing any kind of analysis of
the issue.

> The understanding that Crimea is a traditionally Russian territory handed to Ukraine by Nikita Kruschev as a gift negates the role of non-Russian minorities in Ukraine, particularly the Tatars, and it sanctions Russian aggression in sympathy for Russia’s “supra-national sense of shared culture.”

There is nothing to say about whether these people want to belong to Russia or Ukraine.

And the complaint that it sanctions Russian aggression ... possibly, but in that part of the world especially, but elsewhere also that kind of aggressive has been going on for all of history.

For the discussion of Crimea and Ukraine the Tatars are irrelevant, and you only bring them up to confuse the issue. They'd have the same problem living under Ukraine in the middle of Ukraine's genocide against the ethnic Russians.

Care to try to actually articular a fucking point?
