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Democrat vs Republican

Democrat: We are going to send billions more to the Ukraine

Republican: Why?

Democrat: It’s an investment

Republican: What type of investment?

Democrat: Zelenskyy didn’t say

Republican: So we are going to give him tens of billions of dollars so he can continue to demand for more without knowing the specifics of this investment?

Democrat: Yes

Republican: You do realize we are broke right?

Democrat: Yes

Republican: What about the fifteen million Americans that will lose their Medicaid coverage because we are giving a corrupt dictator billions of dollars that he claims is an investment?

Democrat: That’s ok; we will make the U.S. citizens pay for it by raising their food, gas, taxes, etc.

Republican: What about when they end up broke and homeless?

Democrat: That’s ok, we will make them sell, their kidneys, livers, and lungs…and they will be happy about it


The red coats are coming


THIS really does sound like their plan


They really are generous with other people's money, particularly when it's all part of a scam that will end with them getting richer.


They are always generous when they are in charge. Trump was denied $5 billion for border security. Dems already passed a $369 billion IRA and now want to pass $1.7t. They were for fiscal responsibility just 2 years ago.


Seems they're following Saul Alinsky's book perfectly, in bankrupting the US under crushing debt. Makes me wonder how long we have before the monetary ax falls.
