MovieChat Forums > Politics > Kamala Harris would rather help colored ...

Kamala Harris would rather help colored people rather than white people

Well... It seems Kamala and I guess her superior would rather let white people suffer while helping those of color. Quite shameless.


This is the whole diversity/equity/inclusion agenda and that's why I cannot vote for Democrats as a white male. I am presently okay as a middle-aged dude BUT I am concerned about my fate in twenty years when I am a senior citizen trying to get medicine or my senior discount. Equity is creeping into every facet of society and I personally believe in equality of opportunity.

The Biden administration is focused on equity and that means white people/males need to get to the back of the line. The Justice40 initiative is bizarre since it stipulates that 40% of federal programs must benefit underrepresented groups.

The white male farmers were initially denied covid relief but the federal government changed their programs after the white male farmers sued.

The white male restaurant owners were suing because they were also excluded from the restaurant covid stimulus packages.

There was also a federal government policy to prioritize non-whites for covid therapeutics. A few states were actually making race a risk factor for receiving the treatments and this was based on federal guidance.

I've been complaining about Hollyweird's diversity/equity/inclusion agenda resulting in my favorite movie/tv characters being gender/race-swapped BUT it is more concerning when doctors, engineers and pilots are hired based on demographics instead of MERIT.


Already documented here but it's one of many examples of her racism.


Also don't believe the fact-checkers. They are misunderstanding her speech. Kamala twisted her words so it wouldn't be as obvious to them as to what her true agenda is.
