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Will Florida be washed away and cleansed of all their sins?

I would guess that God is pretty mad at Florida. I mean madder than God has ever been at Florida before. I mean that's pretty clear. Will Florida learn their lesson and vote DeSantis out?


Because of a natural weather event that happens every year? You are aware that this year has been the lightest hurricane season in recent memory...yes?

Where were you when Puerto Rico was getting hit?


This is the worst it has ever been.

Where was I when Puerto Rico was getting hit? Watching Trump deny them any assistance. LMAO!


First of all if you believe in the magical sky daddy you need to be committed. Secondly hurricanes have been happening even before humans even evolved and it’s hurricane season so hurricanes are likely to happen. This is the period of time where the ocean temperature is at it’s maximum which causes lower air pressure which causes excessive evaporation which leads to a massive cyclonic storm.

Pick up a science book you moron.


Isn't it the Right wingers like you that believe in the magical sky daddy? Maybe if you don't you should change your evil ways.

Secondly And no shit diaper don this is hurricane season but Hurricanes have never been this bad before. God is mad at Republicans, mad as hell.

Why Ian will rank among worst hurricanes in Florida history


I’m an atheist and I understand how hurricanes form, you seem to think it’s caused by the magical sky daddy. Read a science book you fucking retard.


WTF if you like science then why TF do you align yourself with the party that denies science you fucking moron?

Whenever a newsource doesn't fit your narrative you call it "left wing". So are scientists left wing too?

The Reason Some Republicans Mistrust Science: Their Leaders Tell Them To

When are you ever going to use your brain and think for yourself?


Neither party respects science you dumbass. It’s the left that thinks you can just change your gender by saying so. The Republicans at least have something that resembles common sense which the left clearly doesn’t.

I can’t take someone who thinks hurricanes are caused by God seriously.


Democrats respect science scumbag. Republicans deny it. The right thinks science is only valid when it reflects corporate policy or powers their devices, but when it comes to our life support they deny it.

I can't take someone who thinks they are Republican but denies the existence of God seriously.


DemoKKKrats don’t know the first thing about science, they only count the science that they can twist to fit their far left agenda and that is the complete opposite of how science works.

I never said I was a Republican nor did I deny the existence of God, I said I didn’t see evidence of God which is what atheism is you fucking idiot.

2 lies in one post, damn you suck.


Sure that's why most scientists are Democrats you fuck wit.

All your posts are lies. All my posts are truth. Damn you are sick.


More scientists being DemoKKKrat is irrelevant you fuck wit. That doesn’t magically make the bullshit the DemoKKKrat party is spewing out factual. You also just appealed to popularity which is a logical fallacy you fucking retard.


Damn you're trying hard. More scientists being Democrats is totally relevant. The fact is Democrats support science while Republikkkans deny it you fucking retard.


HAHAHA coming from the cult who thinks that you can change your gender by saying so. Party of science my ass. You definitely are trolling, but you’re entertaining which is why I’m still replying.


There's even a Wikipedia article on it. Keep struggling. I'll keep correcting you.
The Republican War on Science


LOL you mean the website where anyone can submit anything?

Holy shit, the article was about a book someone wrote. All it did was acknowledge the books existence, damn you are retarded.
