MovieChat Forums > Politics > Rioting leftist mobs tear down Abraham L...

Rioting leftist mobs tear down Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt statues; smash museum windows.

This was never about the Confederacy. The Civil War ended a century and a half ago and the nation had long since reconciled. People were wrong to roll over and let the radical, vocal minority get their way in removing rebel statues, banning flags, etc.. That just established the precedent they wanted. This was always about taking down the USA. Now anti-Americanism is running amok.


You ask for ignorance I give the Democrat party and their lemming followers.


Nancy Pelosi: "People will do what they do."

(What a Witch! -- or Bitch. I never could spell!)


These hypocrites spray paint, "stolen land" and at then end of the night, they go back to their homes on "stolen land". Why don't they lead by example and donate their "stolen home" back to the natives?

Absolute idiots!


It's all about power. Logical consistency wasn't even invited.
