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President Trump

I'm sure the Lefties here wouldn't want this video given too much exposure, but it's worth a look anyway, by anyone with an open mind.

It's so ironic that his opponents keep calling him dumb and stupid etc etc. He's anything but stupid!

His interviewer, on the other hand is... well, it's Donahue, so enough said.


Donahue was always a leftwing asshat. He spent the 80s telling everyone Reagan was going to start WW3.

Democrats making dire inaccurate predictions of a Republican President. Shocking isn’t it.


Yes, and I noticed that there were several people in that audience who seemed very favourable towards Donald Trump. That must have annoyed Donahue.


I have yet to find any old interviews of him where the audience wasn't favorable toward him.
Trump sounded the same then as he does now. He's genuine.

People were very interested in what he had to say back then (some still are😉) but quickly changed their tune once he decided to run for president. Interviewers and audiences alike were respectful toward him (until November 2016).
I think the last talk show he did was Jimmy Fallon not long before the election. Jimmy asked him if he could mess up his hair. Trump totally let him do it and was a great sport about it. After that, Jimmy became disrespectful after receiving a lot of flak for being nice to him. Now he's as miserable as the rest of the hate-night hosts.

I remember how many people thought he was a joke when he decided to run for president-and they didn't think he had ANY chance of winning. They became so disrespectful. When he won (and I was one of the few within my family and friends who knew he would win) I remember thinking well now they HAVE to be respectful because he's going to be our new president! Wow, how wrong I was there! I've never seen such disrespect. Unfortunately disrespect wasn't the worst thing that has happened to him as president.

He's pretty much a one man Army fighting the good fight for America! The silent majority know this.

Donahue always was a butthole. I remember being a kid and my mom would be "talking to the TV" when he was on. 😂


Yes, his opponents seem to be perfectly comfortable with showing their disrespect as crudely as possible, yet they'd be the first to cry foul if anybody treated them the same. That's another reason I find it difficult to sympathise with them. As I've said elsewhere, I've found that kind of blinkered egoism in many Lefties I've had contact with. I suppose one shouldn't say, "They're all the same", but in my own experience, they are. It's ironic. Those who claim the moral high ground are most often the one who inhabit the low.

I never liked Donahue, even before I became interested in American culture. Too smug, too egotistical, with nothing to be smug or egotistical about.


Sounds like you Poppy.


Does it, primitive one? So, you're that poor a judge of character, then?


Projecting again are you?


Oh, FFS! Look, chum, you probably don't realise it yet, but that "Projecting" thing is no longer used by intelligent people on forums, (which is why you used it). It doesn't work. So, try something else, will you!


You passed Psych 101, and now moved on to Psych 201 ? Congratulations! Your professors must be proud of you.


You're slipping, Mellie.


You're too obvious, Poppy.


Lol, not obvious enough for you, Mel! You never seem to get anything I say.

Why is that, Mellie?
