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Is Biden a trojan horse to get President Harris in?

Completely inevitable that she would take over.

I was shocked by Obama's endorsement with the words 'Joe Biden nailed this decision" .

It made me feel like he was told to do this.

What if he was? President Harris within 2 years?


The Democrat leadership are controlled by billionaires. Big tech. Teachers unions. Communist China. These people don’t have core values. They don’t bring any real world experience to the table. They do and say whatever they’re told to.

Do you think Obama just happened to write the 20,000 page Obamacare legislation his first week of his presidency? It was waiting for him when he arrived.

The DNC and their communist bosses have a file cabinet of communist crap they want to shackle us with and they’ll use whatever means necessary to make it happen.


Absolutely that's the plan. Biden will either be forced to resign or die in office due to his failing health.
