MovieChat Forums > Politics > President Trump substantively demolished...

President Trump substantively demolished Biden's entire stated agenda in yesterday's press conference.

He started by talking about new policies in response to China crushing Hong Kong's autonomy agreement and virus issues before taking aim at Biden. While it included pithy lines like, "Joe Biden’s entire career has been a gift to the Chinese Communist Party,” Trump also expertly destroyed Biden's policy proposals in clear logical ways, his points often supported by details.

More importantly the President observed that there might be a bigger difference between the candidates than in any presidential election in US history. He's right, and the stakes are higher than before because this election really will determine whether the USA in its current form continues to exist or not, and whether this will be a Chinese Century for the world or another American one.

No one should be voting primarily let alone solely based on personal views or hatred of the candidates. This is too important and the decision should be based on substance.

Here's the video (his criticisms of Biden really get going around 20 minutes in):

A preview of what Trump might look like in a debate?


It was a beautiful audible mural of reality.

Of course the best part was making the Democrat media sit in the sun masked up while they waited to scream at Trump when he walked out to speak.

Biden’s speech was a nice deep fake production. Everyone knows he can’t form sentences. It’s sad to see one of America’s longest serving public servants mental capacity deteriorate in front of our eyes.


He violated the Hatch Act by holding a campaign speech on White House grounds, and having government employees stand by in attendance while on 'the clock'. But what do Republicans care ? If they speak out, they will be the victim of his Twitter melt-down.


LOL! Obama took partisan shots in every speech I ever saw him give, from the Rose Garden to the Oval Office to foreign soil. Unlike Obama Trump's commentary was substantive and important to national survival. There's no remotely constitutional prohibition against the President's ability to speak freely on policy issues.

A better argument would be that the race baiting Democrat traitors painting "Black Lives Matter" on public streets with tax payer money while not allowing other views violates various campaign laws.


Partisan shots are quite different from a full-blown campaign speech three months before the election, moron. He violated the Hatch Act by having government employees stand in the Rose Garden and listen to his campaign speech, idiot.

Another victory lap for me - this is getting tiresome.


Wrong, moron. Obama and Clinton were very bit as partisan, more so, in fact, since they're the ones who junked the long standing tradition of politics stopping at the water's edge. Obama was disgusting in his cheap shots at Republicans to cheering, anti-American audiences on foreign soil and you praised him for it, hypocrite.

At least Trump's comments were legitimate. Given that the media is so corrupt and biased it's essentially an arm of the Democrats' campaign, a venue like that is also one of the few times he can speak unfiltered to a national audience without his words being chopped up and taken out of context. They still will be in the post coverage, of course, but at least people get to hear his policy arguments directly too.

Oh, and the Hatch Act doesn't have any authority over the President's free speech, you ignorant clown. I'm still waiting for your condemnation of government officials using tax payer resources to engage in partisan campaigning by painting "Black Lives Matter" on public streets, btw. I'm you'll post those threads aaaaaaannnnnnyyyy minute now, lol.

Finish your growing series of defeat laps you've let stack up.


Did you watch the Chris Wallace interview ?


I stopped watching Chris Wallace interviews years ago. Was it live or recorded (edited)?
