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Sit Back And Imagine How DoggieDaddy AKA MelaniasMirror Would React

If the Seattle anarchists AKA domestic terrorists, BLM & Antifa, were instead MAGA hat wearers! The OP page would be filled with his OPs! He would be salivating! His fingers couldn’t type fast enough! “T-rumpers it’s over! T-rumpers don’t have a thing to say. They’re in their corners weeping! Oh happy, happy day!”

He would not only use DoggieDaddy, he would post using his sock!😅🤣😂


He'd be demonizing the actually peaceful protesters who just wanted their own freedom and not to hurt anyone else, just like the leftist media did. But riots, looting, and murder are fine with them as long as the criminals are on their side.


The Seattle’s mayor decision to cede to the anarchists is so moronic words fail me. She called them patriots...not anarchists! Where do the Democrats find these nut cases? Trump would be wise to stay out of it and let them fall on their own swords!

I was watching the hooligans tearing down the statues earlier this week. I said to myself “I wish they would fall on the no-account idiots!” Guess what? One did fall on one of the anarchists! 👏🏻👏🏻


Not hard to imagine. He would wait for his spoon fed response to copy and paste.



Hip! Hip! Hoorah! Let’s hear it for Chaz country! Who would have ever thought a new “country“ could be created within a city! 😱


A new country run by Democrats that incorporates controlled immigration and walls.

Insiders are saying they’re really MAGA country fans disguised as antifa. Lol!!!



I’m anxious to see what their flag will look like. I’m sure the mast as been set. After all when a country is conquered the first thing to do is raise a new flag. Maybe with a hammer & sickle plus a swastika?
