MovieChat Forums > Politics > Must Watch: Steven Crowder tours Dallas ...

Must Watch: Steven Crowder tours Dallas destruction and confronts graffiti vandal in the act; interview gets heated!

Hilarious but also telling and kind of sad. Truth being exposed you won't find in most establishment media.

The confrontation with the graffiti artist starts around 27:10.


Update on the entertaining confrontation yesterday with the vandal.


Wow! Which guy is that from Moviechat?! 😂

I never heard of Crowder before. I'll have to check out a few more. Thanks krl!!


No problem! BTW, while Crowder is a peaceful man who doesn't seek violence he does a lot of MMA/jujitsu training, so if that guy did attack him the results would have been pretty funny. For us at least. ;)


I was getting a little nervous for him! Good to know.
He was respectful and just trying to ask him questions. The guy got so hot under the collar (if he had a shirt--which reminds me, the follow up to that in the next video, I busted out laughing when the other guy was explaining calling 911 and they asked for a description...what kind of shirt is he wearing?...NEGATIVE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)

He has another video about Don Lemon. I gotta check that one out next.

How did you hear about this guy?


I've seen Crowder off and on since he was a recurring guest on Red Eye back in the 2000s. I remember one episode in particular that had him and Amy Schumer before most people had ever heard of her. Gutfeld and that FNC crew helped Chuck Schumer's untalented niece gain more prominence early on before she threw them under the bus and showed her true colors. Her turn seemed to happen suddenly on this episode. They were talking about having sex or having children out of wedlock or something and she flipped out and starting attacking Crowder out of the blue over his faith, sarcastically dismissing him as a comedian who had just "worked the Christian circuit" (I remember that phrase). Crowder, who's way smarter and funnier than Schumer, handled it well as she lost her shit. Despite the enormous, undeserved free push she's gotten because of her uncle and her political views, given her string of failures (Netflix literally scrapped its old star ratings system primarily because of her rock bottom score 😄), he probably has far more true fans and is more societally relevant now too.


I've never seen Red Eye. Love Greg though. Funny, very smart guy.

I did not know she was related to the Joker, I mean the Warlock, I mean Chuck Schumer! Explains a lot. She never impressed me and I never thought she was funny in any way shape or form. Wasn't she a contestant on Last Comic Standing? I'm thinking she won or came in 2nd possibly...not sure though.

Interesting story though. So what is Crowder's faith (just curious)?

Although I won't watch anything she's in because she's not my idea of funny, I'd like to see that episode. Maybe I can find it on YouTube or something.


Crowder is a Christian, not Catholic but I don't remember what denomination.

I'm not sure if the whole episode is available to see what the rest of the show was like but here's the segment I was talking about. I think it's from around 10 years ago.

Watching it now for the first time since seeing it back then she realizes things got "heated" and tries to smooth it over near the end. But for a few moments early on she was pissed and tried to get that knife in about him not being a real comedian. That portion was what stuck in my mind all these years. It was unusual because the banter on that show was typically collegial. Even heated debates on political issues would usually only get personal in playful ways, not truly nasty ones.

The funny thing is Crowder got married to some hot chick a couple of years after that, remains happily married, and is a force online with millions of subscribers on youtube and his home site. Amy Schumer is widely viewed as a failure despite the enormous push she undeservedly got from the establishment infrastructure.


Ok, cool.

I'm gonna watch that tonight!!

He's a nice looking, smart man. I'm glad he found a pretty lady to share his life with.

The only time I really see Schumer is on shows like Entertainment Tonight or something. I can't believe she found a guy to marry her! They have a kid now too.


I just watched it. I enjoyed that segment. Too bad it wasn't longer. Isn't it funny how people hate it when others have morals and values? She got snippy telling him that she "has fun." He definitely got the last laugh. She looked like a dip. He was classy.
When I was single I lived the same way. Almost 30 years later, my husband is the only man who knows me. 😎


That part with the they say it's a black man when committing the crime. I say that's been the opposite these recent times. Lets do a test in the near future where there is some crime that all MSM report it and you'll see what I mean. Compare/contrast.


I know. The media racialization is only in one direction (e.g. "White cop kills unarmed black man"). Meanwhile you have to scroll down online articles and maybe find pictures to see that the monstrous "kids" who brutally murdered 18 year old white college girl Tessa Majors were all black, since they typically won't even say it in the body prose.

Heck, the NY Times and other liberal outfits even spent weeks calling George Zimmerman a "WHITE MAN" when he shot Trayvon Martin, despite Zimmerman being an Hispanic with some black ancestry.

It's all about narrative pushing to those people.
