MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump administration “needs more immigra...

Trump administration “needs more immigrants”

“We are desperate — desperate — for more people,” Mulvaney said. “We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants.”


As the article states, the key word is "legal".


uh huh.

So how many legal immigrants do you want from Eritrea?


That's what I thought...


Actually, I find black women from the Horn of Africa, Eritrea, Ethiopia, to be very attractive. I think the supermodel Iman (David Bowie's one time fling) was from that area...


Obama let in 1,510 Eritreans legally from October 2014 to September 2016.

Trump let in 1,767 Eritreans legally from October 2017 to September 2019.

Those are LEGAL IMMIGRANT VISAs, not temporary visas for tourism, business, students, etc.

Is that what you voted for in 2016?


I love when Mulvaeny talks. He's almost better than Ghouliani.

FIrst he told reporters that yes - there was a quid pro quo between T-rump and Ukraine, and for America to 'get over it'.

Now he's saying that yes - in order for our economy to survive, we need more immigrants! Who else will cook your steak and potatoes at T-rump International Hotel ?


If Trump wants more immigrants why is he building the wall??? The wall should be built around him!!!


I guess in October 2020 we are "desperate" for more Proud Boys...
