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Blue Collar Boom

“Since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased by 47% -- three times faster than the increase for the top 1%.”

I don't know if this is true or not. I'll bet there's no data to support the claim.

USAToday says it's true...

This website says net worth is measured every 10 years, last time 2011:

"Bottom half of wage earners." Who is this? Is this everyone who gets a W-2? Does it include people earning salaries? Commissions? It sounds like "wage earners" is suggested to mean people punching a time clock.

Is it only full-time workers?


That is me and yes I have more money at the end of week than with Obama. Gasoline cost helps. It was $1.92 a gallon this morning. The left with a no fracking ban will double that price if they get elected.
Democrats say they will ban fracking nationwide. An empty campaign promise or are they serious?


"That is me"

How do you know this?


Is Trump throwing around these statistics at his rallies? Sounds ahelluvalot more appealing than his Juneteenth holiday...

Or did someone tell him those statistics were bullshit, or nonexistent?
