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1,000 Days of T-rump making a mockery out of the Presidency

Today marks the 1,000th day of T-rump's Presidency. His approval rating stands at 42.7%, 1,000 days of mocking the Presidency, 1,000 days of destroying our democracy, 1,000 days of selling out to foreign adversaries, ,000 days of lying to America (he's just under 13,500 lies since taking the oath of Office).

And yet the T-rumptards love him and stand by him.


ONLY 1,000? Sure feels a whole HELL of a lot longer than that.


I know - it feels like a lifetime.

Today is the 16th of October, yet it feels like the 56th of October with him in Office.


I can't even fathom the thought of 8 years of his melodrama...


Have we ever had a President like t-Rump who communicates constantly with Tweets???


You...just...can't shut up...can you? Blah blah blaaaaaaaaah
