MovieChat Forums > Politics > Are you on the Q program yet?

Are you on the Q program yet?

"Everyone is so caught up on arrests, sealed indictments, and resignations when these aren't even the priority in Q's eyes.

You are the priority. Getting you up to speed and becoming a potent individual is the goal.

Do you not see it yet?

Boosting the economy, ending disastrous trade deals, peace,

People standing up for their rights

People developing a resolve to improve themselves and combat their addictions.

Who cares what liberals say. Watch what they do. They are curious. They won't show it, but deep down they are considering what we are saying.

Why? Because its the truth. And the truth will penetrate any level of brainwashing as long as their brains and hearts are still intact.

That is why some are beyond hope, their brains are beyond scientific repair. 90%+ are able to be saved.

Socratic method. We spend so much time online, did you ever stop to watch and interact with the real life people around you on a daily basis?

Things are changing. The energy is changing. People are getting stronger. Look at your local grocery store. See the drastic change that is happening with the foods? GMOs, preservatives, artificial flavors and colorings being removed?

Do you not see karma taking effect? Good things happening to people who are on the path to do good.

Bad things happening to people who are on the path to do bad. And if bad stuff does happen to you, its a lesson. God never means to punish. Only for us to grow. Because why punish an infant that is trying to learn how to walk?

You have to accept that most people will not know about Q.

Most people will not know about the insane chain of events that have transpired because of Q.

But it does not matter.

Because nothing can stop what is coming.

And people will benefit from the good whether they understand the origins or not.

Our task is to incubate. Our task is decipher and prevent false flag attacks. Our task is to ensure that the wrong people DO NOT take credit for the good things that are coming in the future. Why do you think Joe Biden mentioned that his administration will cure cancer?

They are now trying to barter with the very same technology and research that was withheld from the public.

Our task is to plant seeds and questions.

So that when the time comes, which is at a different point of time for majority of people, their minds will be open to it.

I see a small trend of people jumping back onto the fence. To those of you on the fence, I ask that you take the plunge. The world is going to need more leaders. People who understand what is happening here are going to be very important for the development of our future.



Wow... You didn't just drink the alt-right looney-bin Kool-Aid, you evidently inject it straight into your brain-stem.



Let the staunch and strong aura of patriotism gag the deep state, fascistic reflex in the treasonous left, let it make them retch their bilious amoral rhetoric out like a drunk tourist in the DR!





TDS is a self-toxin.


But that would mean that you drink the alt-left looney-bin Kool-Aid. Is it the purple flavor?
