MovieChat Forums > Politics > Republicans: Victory in Cold War, tax cu...

Republicans: Victory in Cold War, tax cuts/deregulation, social sec. reform (private accounts), school choice......

....resisting socialism/nanny state, rejecting gun control, nominating constitutionalist judges, maintaining a strong military, reducing crime after it skyrocketed due to liberal policies in the 60s and 70s (Republican Giuliani even cleaned up NYC shortly after Democrat leaders had tossed up their hands in despair and proclaimed it "ungovernable")....and that's just what Republicans have done and/or offered since the 1980s. I didn't mention abolishing slavery, settling the west, or turning the US into the most prosperous, powerful country on earth (liberals moronically dismiss this crucial period as the "robber baron era"). Bush's social security reform proposal was especially good and will hopefully be implemented some day. Letting young people divert a portion (up to a quarter) of their SS taxes into a private account that could be invested in conservative funds (even something as safe as the DOW) that would yield multiple times the return the current program does. Plus people would actually own their accounts and be able to pass them down to their children, unlike the current program, letting low income families build generational wealth. It would be the most transformational conservative legislation in decades and would wean people off of government dependence, reaffirming traditional American values like self reliance that have been eroded and rendering old entitlements obsolete. The budget could eventually be balanced to boot and the US could realistically start cutting down its national debt.

Instead Democrats mindlessly defend the anachronistic status quo, these statist poison pills from the mid 20th Century, despite the programs' own trustees declaring they're unsustainable.

In fact Democrats haven't had any new, good ideas that would actually improve Americans' lives for a very long time. There's no creativity or true reforming spirit among Democrats. Just endless, vague calls for bigger government and more socialism. The same old discredited crap but more of it.


All I expect and experience from Democrats is reduction of my income and imposition of regulations that reduce the quality of my life. Everything they touch is ruined.


