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Military spending.

Donald Trump previewed a boost in military spending during a speech Friday to conservative activists, pledging "one of the greatest build-ups in American history."

Well, we're going to need a bigger military considering the fact that we won't have ANY ALLIES!!! For all of you who are stoked at the idea of a large military-just consider the fact that large militaries NEED large wars-meaning that our sons and daughters will be coming home in body bags. Be careful what you wish might just get it!!!

And for those of you who are NOT VETS, but still want to make the military bigger...why don't you put your money where your mouth is and send YOUR KIDS FIRST!!!!


Donald Trump is a it's no surprise he'd be in favor of sustaining and even increasing the size of the U.S. military force.

And another reason the size of the U.S. military is so massive is an economic one, kind of a dirty little secret but it's the truth: having all those soldiers and sailors in uniform lowers the unemployment figure by giving poor and badly educated teenagers and young adults an option after they realize there's no decent-paying jobs for them in today's America.


Well, your complaint is unfounded in reality as the protection of the country is one of the things specifically tasked to our government in our founding documents. That and infrastructure, fire departments, police, basic security, those are things the government (federal and state) is supposed to do. Much of the other waste done by the government were things not assigned to the government.

"Send your kids first". That's just stupid. The military is VOLUNTEER. I'll assume you understand what that means so then you know that no one joins the military who does not want to. They are adults and they choose to join the military or not to. You word things as if minors are abducted from their beds and shipped off to military bases against their wills.

These ignorant statements on your part kind of make you hard to take seriously.
