MovieChat Forums > Politics > When will Trump & Co. get to work?

When will Trump & Co. get to work?

They've run out of EOs that were written ahead of time by special interests to enact, and the one executive order that seems to have truly originated from the administration was written by neophytes who did not bother to run it past officials who could, for instance, at least find the listed countries on a map of the world.

No legislation has been sent to Congress from the administration, and there is no indication that any will be sent any time in the near future. Thousands of positions are empty or being held by Obama staffers. This is not unusual early in a new administration, but what is unusual is that very few names have been put forward to fill these posts, even critical ones at the DoD and DoS.

Trump seems to have believed that being president would be a continuation of the campaign, with rallies and parades and dinners and speeches. While chaos reigns in the executive branch, he retreats to Florida every weekend.

What gives? How long will it take for this situation to turn around? Who will truly end up in charge?


I figure the stock market reflects Republican optimism that Trump will actually do something some day. On that basis, you should see the slide begin any day now.

The news is real. The President is fake.



I'm still waiting for America to become great again.

President Trump is a failure! What a loser. Sad.

Never trust a black man named "Chip." 


I thought you fvcktards claimed the country was great.


He got that lady out of Egypt that Obama was paying to be held there the last 3 years without a trial.But that was him in wanting to prove he is Muslim. It was easy getting her out though with Obama doesn't have government money to pay them to hold her anymore.
