MovieChat Forums > Film General > No message boards...IMDB I think is goin...

No message boards...IMDB I think is going to slowly die.

I think IMDB has underestimated just how many people used their message boards, and how many will now abandon their website since they no longer have them.

I have been a user since 2004 and wrote on a board weekly ever since, and honestly I feel alone when I log onto imdb now. I log in, see my voting viewing history...and that is it.

There is no point to even go there.

The ratings of the movies never interested me, because I wanted to read the thoughts of those that saw the movies.....IN THE MESSAGE BOARDS!

To me IMDB is dead. I think the website is going to die a slow death without their message boards.


Totally agree, it was a crazy decision. I cancelled my account this morning. Had been a member since June 2002.


I miss the message boards so much. I tried to check it for the last time yesterday but it was already take offline because apparently they are on London time. So sad:( Out of habit I will still visit but it won't ever be the same again.


It was their choice. They made their bed now they have to lay in it.


It was a bad decision. Imdb may may have f---d up big time with this decision.

They didn't even consider the members. If they were worried about a few idiots on the board making racial remarks or other innuendos, all they had to do was remove the posts, there was no need to shut down the whole board.


yeah they messed up, but these effers have so much power they can recover from anything.

look at netflix. their stock went into the toilet when they raised prices, dissed their core business model and it's customers, tried to foist "quickster" on their customers.

and now look. they are back to being the 1000lb gorilla again.


imdb will become what Amazon wants it to become, which is just one big advertisement for revenue.


TBH, I hope it dies quickly and they lose a shitload of money when it happens


Yeah, it may not happen overnight like some people are hoping, but if other sites start (like Letterboxd) to rival start to rival IMDB for movie ratings/information without the core boards users they may not have a net to fall on so to speak.
