MovieChat Forums > Best and Worst > 2017 Worst Movie - Zoolander 2, NOT Dawn...

2017 Worst Movie - Zoolander 2, NOT Dawn of Justice

Being a fan of the DC Comics movies, I thoroughly enjoyed "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice." However, I tried watching "Zoolander" on Pay-Per-View, and turned it off after 10 minutes, because I thought it was that incredibly stupid. I can't imagine that "Zoolander 2" would be any better, which is why that movie got my vote for Worst movie of 2016.


I have seen Zoolander from start to finish. It had its funny moments, but I don't have a lot of patience for Ben Stiller or Owen Wilson. I can certainly believe Zoolander 2 wasn't any better, and I'm sure it was a lot less funny than my current pick for the worst of 2016, Ghostbusters (7/10). And I did like Dawn of Justice, though it was nowhere near the standard set by most of the MCU.

That being said, the fact that you've started a thread to trash a sequel you haven't seen to a movie you haven't finished is frankly kinda contemptible.

The Angels Have the Phone Box


You liked Batman v Superman more than Zoolander 2? You must be trolling. BvS, The Darkness, Warcraft, The Forest, The Boy, Independence Day: Insurgence... there is nothing to recommend about any of those movies. At least Z2 was intentionally funny!


BvS and ID2 were both horrible. So much good source material just utterly wasted.


I haven't seen Zoolander 2 but I did enjoy Batman vs Superman.


The Golden Raspberries started off as an informal joke. Something for a publicist and his friends to do after the Oscars had ended. Over time, it has become and enduring and irreverent tradition. In theory, The Razzies poke fun at the worst movies of the year. But like any awards ceremony, the Razzies frequently make the wrong call. We’re going back and looking at the history of the Golden Raspberry Awards one year at a time.

The thirty-seventh annual Razzies nominated the movies of 2016. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Finding Dory were the top movies of the year. La La Land was announced as Best Picture at the Academy Awards in error. The prize actually went to Moonlight. Casey Affleck and Emma Stone took home the top acting honors. At the Razzies, voters were still recovering from an exhausting presidential election and a joyless super hero slugfest.


At least BvS can be watched more than once, unlike the avengers. Even though I love superhero movies I have not been able to sit through the avengers after the first time...Not bashing all marvel movies. I thoroughly enjoyed Iron Man, Captain America Winter Soldier and Gotg

"Haven't used IMDB since 19th Feb 2017"
