MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Movie involving wirehead (but not Wirehe...

Movie involving wirehead (but not Wirehead) - SOLVED

Please help me identify the movie in which this short scene appears:

They are working on some scientific project, and they catch one of their programmers slumped in his chair. He has apparently wired himself up so that he relives an experience again and again. They find out what that experience is. He has fallen over in the snow on a ski slope, and a woman is bending over him as if to kiss him. This tableau (as it were) is looped to repeat every three or four seconds.

The movie is not recent; maybe eighties.

Thanks in advance.


I think you are thinking of the movie Brainstorm but the looped scene isn't what you remember (not giving any spoilers away).


That looks very promising. Thank you.


If it is the movie you are looking for, please edit your title to add 'solved' into it.


Brainstorm deals with exactly the right subject matter. I got the DVD and played it. However it doesn't contain the scene I remember.


Oh I apologise. The DVD I obtained was of a 2014 remake with the same title. How I wish they wouldn't do that.


Didn't know it had been remade. I still think it's the original movie you are referring to, which you can watch in the link below.

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Thanks for the link but I would like the full (home) cinematic experience.

I am on the case. Second-hand copies of the 1983 DVD are shockingly expensive but I can get the Italian DVD release for a reasonable price.


You could flick though the link I provided to see if it is the same movie you are thinking of before buying the Italian DVD (which is great if you speak Italian).


Yes, that's the movie I was looking for. Thank you everyone for your help.


You're welcome.


Possibly StrangeDays
