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(UNSOLVED) Prison TV series and Hercules movie

1) I'm looking for prison movie or TV series from 80's or 90's. I remember only short and violent scene. Two men are prisoners. Their main opposite man is cruel warden. The warden says to prisoner: "You are free", so the prisoners goes. When he is backed, warden shot him and prisoner dies. Then, warden says to second prisoner: "You will be suffer".

2) It's episode of "Hercules" TV series or movie connected with Hercules. I remember that Kevin Sorbo and other guy (he is a king, but he has not a crown) are stopped by group of warriors. The king is captured and shouts: "I'm your king!". Hercules laughs of him.


#1 sounds a bit like The Shawshank Redemption (1994)


It isn't, but thanks for your suggestion.


Maybe Oz.It's a late 90s prison series.


@horrorfan000 - Thank you very much for your suggestion, but it isn't "OZ". I heard about this series, but I'm sure that it was TV series connected with something other than prison. In my opinion, TV series was about other things, but there were only one or two episodes in prison, something like "Walker, Texas Ranger".


I found very similar plot of episode "Matlock", season 4, episode 9:

After an attempted prison breakout, one of the prisoners is killed, presumably by one of the guards. The prisoners riot and take over the prison, insisting on an in-prison trial for the guard. Matlock is recruited to defend the guard.

Is it possible?





