MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Anyone See A..........

Anyone See A..........

Movie in the 80s, a very low budget zombie flick. A scene where a news crew is watching a plane land at an airport and crazy fast zombies get off and start attacking people. I think there was a scene where a zombie cut the nipple off a woman's breast while she was screaming. I think one of the leads was a drunk


saw this a while back. it's called the boat ride


The fact that the zombies got off of a plane makes me think it could be Nightmare City. Did they go from the airport right to the TV station and attack people on air?


Bingo! That's the movie. My father rented it when I was a kid. Haha what a terrible flick


nope, it was called "the boat ride." it was an independent film so it actually goes by a few different titles, depending on which country it is seen in.


Wrong. Evidence required.
