samoanjoes's Replies

She was the bees knees. Do the kids still say that? Twisted logic would be you being stupid enough to end up in prison and then trying to sugarcoat it by saying you made a mistake. I hope Biff was easy on you when you dropped the soap. The fact that you can't understand the concept of me starting a post wondering if someone is okay just says a lot about you. It makes sense since I haven't seen you start one worried about someone else. It was completely unintentional. My friend let me borrow a bunch of his DVD's back in the day, and that was one of them. I was like, "hey, I get to watch a movie for free". Immediately? No, I only said that in response to you. As a matter of fact, I referred to her in the present tense in my main post: <blockquote>She holds the distinction of being one of the few people not blocked by R_Kane.</blockquote> For a guy who says I make things about myself, you sure tried to put the attention on you in this thread. But it should have been there from the beginning. Even if it wasn't doing anything. "Liked" because she hasn't posted in two months. I know the book selection in prison isn't extensive, but that's no excuse not to understand the context here. Trust me, if you were gone for two months, I wouldn't have started a thread of concern. No one here would have. But yeah, I care. I liked Wint3rFir3. Is just wish there was a way for this site to implement a "left MovieChat" or "temporary break" option. At least that way we'd know they were okay. I believe he made a post a while ago listing the people he was okay with. The list was short. As someone who hates math, I give this movie full credit for being interested throughout. The dark and creepy look helps too. My only guess is that people want the feel of the classic Godzilla films. Early screenings said that the black and white looks really good. I'll skip it though. I've only seen the second one. Wait, he did Dewey's theme? I may have to rethink my Zimmer position now. I think she's average, but I just thought there would be more hate. She doesn't have a definitive role that's hers and her career has been irrelevant the last 2 decades. Recently while going through this soundtrack phase, I checked out his IMDb page and I wasn't interested in checking out any of them any further than what I already knew. Compared to John Williams.or Danny Elfman, I don't think he's even close. Does he even have a memorable theme song? No "Casino"? I am shocked the scores are as high as they are. Fun fact: the Star Wars soundtrack was nominated for an album of the year Grammy. He's done too many legendary soundtracks. My mom isn't the type of person to watch movies, but even she knows the Star Wars theme as "that space movie".