samoanjoes's Posts

I just realized that Wint3rFir3 hasn't posted in two months. Rate this actor out of 10: Sharon Stone New pics of the cast and they're not too happy with the studio. Another director dropped out. The only April that counts. Today I went to the doctor to find out why I had dry skin and apparently I suffer from something common. Shit band. Kim Kardashian says she was happy when her father helped get OJ Simpson acquitted. Today in "things I didn't want to hear"... She's gained a lot of weight recently (CLOSED) Rate this actor out of 10: Bruce Willis Do you listen to film soundtracks (original scores)? That funky monkey. Amazon to begin streaming free episodes. If he was still alive... How did E.T. walk down the stairs when Elliott wasn't home? I think these brothers are directors. (CLOSED) Rate this actor out of 10: Kate Beckinsale Your favourite songs over 15 minutes long. There was going to be a sequel to this.