Thoughts on Jake Sisko?

good or bad? what did you think of him>


The least memorable main character on the show... save for the Visitor, I couldn't care for any episode that he was the main focus on.


he wasn't that bad was he?

he seemed like he should have been a recurring character rather than a regular. They should have given more for him to do in the later seasons.


He wasn't Wesley Crusher or Ensign Kim but he was the weakest character on the show. That does not mean bad. It just means he was unremarkable. The only episode where the character shined (not so much the actor) was the afore mentioned episode Visitor.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality! Restore the timeline!


Great point

I wonder if this was done on purpose to make him seem more of an average kid of the time


Of all the regulars I think he made the fewest appearances on the show. The actor who played Morn actually made more appearances than Lofton did and he was uncredited.


Very good. His being a "regular kid" worked to his advantage.


Definitely good!!!


I just started season 3. He's a good actor but I find him pointless so far.


"I just started season 3. He's a good actor but I find him pointless so far."

Apparently you changed your opinion...a bit. ☻


No. The link is me talking about Benjamin Sisko. This thread is about his son Jake Sisko.


Oh're right, my bad. 😳​


I liked Jake and the fact that he was a normal kid. If he turned out to be a junior genius like Wesley and saved the day while the clueless adults were wringing their hands, I would have hated it!

I used to like the scenes of Jake and Nog hanging out over the Promenade and talking or getting into mischief. Normal kid stuff in any century.
