Barefoot ? WTF ?

I personally love Die Hard and have seen it too many times to count. What kind of weirdo is Bruce Willis to not put his shoes ON ? If anything, why doesn't he at least have socks ?


Err, he took them off to do ‘fists with your toes’ then was interrupted by the terrorist attack while shoeless. Did you watch the whole film?


Yes and continued to have many other opportunities to get socks and shoes throughout the movie.


No he doesn’t. He has one opportunity and the shoes are too small. You haven’t watched the whole film, you confessed to skipping the beginning here:

Sounds like you’re another low attention span internet gobshite.


I can tell you've never watched it. There's about 5 opportunities in the movie. I'm sure there's YouTube videos. Watch it again.


No there are not ‘5 opportunities’, you pulled that out of your ass. He has one opportunity and the shoes are too small. You haven’t watched the whole film, you confessed to skipping the beginning here:

Sounds like you’re another low attention span internet gobshite.


All you know how to do is repeat the same thing over and over. You're the definition of Insanity. How many terrorists did he kill ? That many opportunities he had. You mad bro about a fantasy movie ?


He has one opportunity and the shoes are too small. You haven’t watched the whole film, you confessed to skipping the beginning here:

Sounds like you’re another low attention span internet gobshite.


McClane is shown to be endlessly impulsive and not think things out too much. He just reacts. Totally believable that he would be caught in such a sour luck position.


Remember the guy on the plane at the start? He told him to take off his shoes and make fists with his toes to feel good after the flight, so he was doing that when the terrorists stormed in and took over the place. He had to get outta there suddenly!


Oh right 😅 I always skip the beginning on account of being super boring. Plane, wow, skip.


Because of people like you there should be a licence for watching movies.


After watching a movie 10 times or more, I can skip which ever fucking part I want to skip. I wish they had a Stupidity Test at the DMV and yet a license to watch movies ? I think you just failed the stupidity test, no license for you.


Get a life, you troll.


Claiming to have seen a movie ten times and not understanding the context of things that happen in it makes it worse. Not better.


That would suck because I would hardly be able to watch any movies then. I also always skip the movie until the terrorists take over the building


If Die Hard was made today as it was then, incels would be complaining that they deliberately had McLane barefoot to make him look ridiculous and handicap him in his fight with the bad guys. Needing to run away and leave the detontators behind. Then hide in a bathroom nursing his feet and feeling sorry for himself while talking about how stupid he is and how his wife is right about everything.
