MovieChat Forums > Young Frankenstein (1974) Discussion > I laughed exactly once in the entire mov...

I laughed exactly once in the entire movie and even that very mildly

I watched this movie a long time ago and didn't find it good, and now I decided to give it another shot on the presumption that my sense of humour might have changed over the years or that I just didn't understand or missed some of the jokes the first time. I was wrong. This just isn't funny. 4/10.


The only time I laughed is when Igor picked up Frankenstein's small briefcase instead of the large one.


I laughed several times.

My brain must be abbie normal


I saw it as a kid and didn't think it was that funny either. I rewatched it recently and found it a little funnier, but I still don't find it as funny as some of the other Mel Brooks films. Blazing Saddles is probably the best Mel Brooks comedy.


Pshaw! This movie gets a 5/10 with the sound off just for Teri Garr!

Abby Normal easily one of the top 20 funniest lines in cinema.


Y'know, I don't recall laughing all that much either... What I do recall is a feeling of overwhelming joy at the whole thing. I mean, I've only watched it three times in forty-odd years, but I expect I will probably react similarly the next time too.


This is a favorite movie of mine, and a staple in our household growing up. But now that you mention it, it never even really occurred to me this is considered a comedy. I don't really laugh at it in any traditional way. It's more like it tickles and amuses me.


Humor. It is a difficult concept. It is not logical.


I must be abbie normal, too, because I found it very funny. If you don't laugh out loud at "You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the turban," then I just don't know what to say. Or the whole Gene Hackman scene. Or "Seda give?!" Or the Marty Feldman "Freshly Dead" bit. The whole film is worth watching just for the "Puttin' on the Ritz" scene.

Wonderful ensemble of actors, each at their very best.

Funny, funny stuff.
