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chilidoggg (13206)


Miss Crane Candlepin Bowling $10,000 Booze? Dear Abby - Who's Writing The Columns Now? Poop Implants Images Of Northern Lights In Los Angeles Jog Your Memory or Jar Your Memory? Happy Mexican Mothers Day Bligh's Orders Were To Enter Pacific Through Cape Horn? Endeavor Strait Australia 18 Feet Deep? View all posts >


I still wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers. 1. Safeway Chocolate Chip M&M cookies 2. Chips Ahoy! 3. Famous Amos Cookies 4. Tate's Bake Shop 5. Entenmanns 6. Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Thin & Crispy Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies 7. Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies 8. Keebler 9. Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies 10. Grandma's Chocolate Chip Cookies 11. Mother's Chocolate Chip Cookies 1. Safeway Chocolate Chip M&M cookies 2. Chips Ahoy! 3. Famous Amos Cookies 4. Tate's Bake Shop 5. Entenmanns 6. Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Thin & Crispy Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies 7. Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies 8. Keebler 9. Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies 10. Grandma's Chocolate Chip Cookies 11. Mother's Chocolate Chip Cookies "Capt_Beef_Blower" I only learned about this a few years ago...,the%20RCA%20Victrola%20record%20label). From 1956 to 1959, Chrysler included the Highway Hi-Fi, a factory-installed record player, as an option for Chryslers, Plymouths, Dodges and DeSotos. From 1960 to 1961, RCA produced the Victrola vehicle record player (not to be confused with the RCA Victrola record label.) I don't remember the movie where I saw this, it might have been "Sabrina" with Humphrey Bogart... "There’s a price to pay for unwise financial decisions" Exhibit "A" You got so excited you copied the whole damn thing off the website and then bukkake'd yourself. Social Security was a Ponzi scheme from Day 1. This is news to you? Imitation of Life (1959) The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) Marty (1955) She Done Him Wrong (1933) The Night of the Hunter (1955) Everything on Led Zeppelin (I) The rest is a distant second. Sambo's was a neat place that I liked as a kid, I didn't know it was a racist term, I liked the Indian boy and his tiger. It was like Denny's/Howard Johnson's. The last one closed in Santa Barbara (but that one was kind of a hipster cafe, soy sausages, that sort of nonsense...,tigers%20for%20decorations%20and%20advertising. Four of the five stocks you posted are up year-over-year. I don't know why Starbucks is in the toilet. View all replies >