MovieChat Forums > Rebecca (1940) Discussion > so how did u discover this film?

so how did u discover this film?

it came free with a newspaper, so one night i was bored and decided to watch it....then couldnt stop. i loved it.



After seeing all of Hitchcock's best known heavy weight films over the last several years, I started looking for his less well known earlier stuff. A couple of months ago I watched... I forget the title... Joseph Cotten goes to visit his sister's family, he's leading a double life, he acts like a sweet guy but he's secretly very evil. (edit: Shadow of a Doubt) Anyway, in one the of the supplemental pieces on the blu ray someone mentioned Rebecca and it sounded interesting, so...


I took a course in college called "Detective Fiction". Rebecca was one of the assigned books. The professor called it an example of the "help my husband is trying to kill me" genre. I devoured the book. A few years later a local business set up a small "movie house" where they showed classics. Rebecca was the premier movie. I took my grandmother, who had read the book many times, to see it. That was first time I ever saw it.


It's one of those films that's always been around - at least it was on TV when I was growing up and there were only a few terrestrial channels to choose from.


I'm not really sure how/when I learned of it. It's one of Hitchcock's most famous films, and he's a director I've been aware of since childhood. I don't know exactly when I realized this one existed. I know that I didn't see it until college, when a nearby theater played it on a double bill with Suspicion.
