
Druff (1510)


Cool trivia re: a certain punk band Zero ROI What movie are they watching? Never noticed until I saw it in 4K recently High frame rate? What the fuckage Executioner hoods? View all posts >


...says the guy with permanent orange tanning spray stains around his mouth from sucking Trump's deformed shroom on a daily basis since 2015. "I'm MAGA so I'm cool with whatever bullshit Trump pulls, no matter how fucked up. lol pwn teh libs." Almost as bad as the purple woman who stabbed the little green boy to death a few days ago. So, so tragic. Have you ever considered becoming an hero? It's so weird how many things don't make sense in a story about a man with mental illness whose mind is almost literally falling apart, told from his point of view. Tyler Durden was very methodical and had a plan. A "big picture" plan. He knew he had to make it look like some outside third party "enemy" of the narrator blew up the apartment, because if it was obvious to the police and the narrator himself that he blew up his own apartment, that would ruin everything before it had a chance to get off the ground. Please post more often. You are not an annoying nitwit at all. I hope you don't commit suicide. That would be just awful! P.S. I swear am not a pathological liar. I watched the video. It was just a guy in a uniform making general statements with nothing to back it up. A proverbial, "Trust me bro, I know what I'm talking about." "No steel core tower has ever collapsed before or since 9/11." How many steel core towers have been hit by planes that size or larger, at that speed, carrying that much fuel? "JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL!!!!!" It doesn't have to melt steel. It only needs to soften and weaken it enough to compromise the structural integrity needed to support the hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and steel in the floors above the fire, and when those top floors start falling, there's no stopping that inertia. These are simple concepts a child can grasp. The original book itself made a plot point and set piece on the notion of eating a mushroom and extremely weird shit happening afterward, that's where I'd look for the connection. Hallucinogenic/psychedelic magic mushrooms pre-date LSD by thousands of years and had definitely found their way to the western world long before Carroll wrote Alice. Glad I saw this old post. I just searched Amazon for "baby it's you 1983" and a listing popped up for Prime Video streaming and the Olive DVD and that was it. I figured oh well, guess it never made it to blu ray, not that surprising" and left. Then I saw this post, went back to Amazon and searched for "baby it's you 1983 blu ray" and BINGO still in stock at not too outrageous of a price. View all replies >