MovieChat Forums > Ghislaine Maxwell Discussion > Do you feel bad for her?

Do you feel bad for her?

She had such a great life. Now she's suffering in prison till she dies!


More rich and privilege basts ought to go to jail, many more.

Michael Moore had a skit called "Corporate Cops", I only wish it were true.


She did such a great job for Israel! She doesn’t deserve prison. She deserves to be free!


^ ^ ^


Indeed. But although it's absolutely disgraceful to associate the entire Jewish diaspara with a handful of awful people who happen to be Jewish, it also pains me as a staunch opponent of anti-Semitism, to see people like Maxwell, Epstein and Weinstein, behave in a similar manner to the way Jews are portrayed by virulent anti-Semitic propagandists (i.e. sexually exploiting mostly gentile women/girls).

Do the likes of Maxwell, Epstein and Weinstein realise that NOT only are they hurting innocent girls/women, they are also providing ammunition for all the anti-Semitic scumbags who rely on such tropes as the 'predatory Jew'?

For people with low IQs and/or mental illnesses/problems with cognitive dissonance, it's very difficult to see Jewish people behave in this way without recalling such anti-Semitic tropes, and you and the ADL, and such organisations may argue "Well, that's the anti-Semites' problem..." but isn't it really the problem of ABUSIVE shitheads like Maxwell, Epstein and Weinstein, rather than entirely INNOCENT people with low IQs/mental health issues, who are only going on what they see/read?

If one is constantly bombarded with stories/imagery of Jewish people committing such abhorrent crimes, it stands to reason that people (including many Jews; Larry David even did an SNL skit commenting on Jewish sexual predators around the time that MeToo was particularly trending), will make problematic inferences, as wrong as they may be, which all goes back to my original point about the responsibility of people like Maxwell, Epstein and Weinstein NOT to fucking ABUSE innocent women and girls. 😠


I'm pro-Palestinian. But to reference Israel here as if it has anything to do with her crime and punishment, is an anti-Semitic meme.


Totally agreed. And I know what this poster, Porsche911, is doing with their trolling. It's not remotely defensible.

I was looking beyond conscious/virulent bigoted people like them, and thinking about more casual and unintentional anti-Semitism, and how low IQ and/or mentally ill people can easily fall into these traps when they're bombarded with news stories about stereotypically predatory and exploitative Jews.


She's probably not even in prison. Some body double they're paying to replace her is.


God hope so! His and her service to Israel is much appreciated. However they also cut ties. “His” money just disappeared.


No sympathy here. Let her rot.


I didn't watch the trial, so it's hard to say one way or another. I do feel like she was made to be the fall girl in all this just to cover up for the big names that were involved in Epstein's underage hooker business.

I mean seriously, does anyone really believe Epstein took his own life in prison?


I'm in two minds about Epstein. On one hand, I think that people who are suicidal often are so because they feel shame, and clearly a monster like Epstein is NOT a shameful individual. On the other hand, Hitler killed himself, so... 🤷‍♂️

Thus, my conclusion, is that people who constantly feel suicidal, but in most cases, don't proceed with suicide, or only do so after a *long* period of agonising over the choice, are often innocent and good people.

People who automatically take their own lives without much deliberation (e.g. Hitler and, supposedly, Epstein), are usually pieces-of-shit, who make rash, reckless decisions, like most psychopaths, because they've been caught, and are 'faliure-adverse'. Their suicide is all part-and-parcel of their innate narcissism, and as soon as the image they've created og themselves and/or their lifestyle, is under threat, they decide to take the easy way out.

Thus, clinical depressives, and those of us who've felt/considered suicide on many occasions, but are highly UNLIKELY to ever proceed with it, look down on those SHITHEADS who do take their own lives because they's fucking SELFISH. 😠

Which is emphatically NOT to say that everyone who *goes through* with a suicide is a bad person. Some are genuinely decent and sad people who've agonised over it for days, weeks, months and years, but a good many are just scumbags who aren't doing it out of remorse for the harm they've caused, but because of the remorse they feel for being *found out*.


Since I'm not a doctor, I'm not going to dive that deep into the psychology of suicide.

It's an awful thing when it has no explanation and even when it does have some explanation. Epstein had an opportunity to sell-out and save himself some prison-time and that is a motive to kill someone. I don't know what his feelings were at the time of his death, so if he did in fact take his own life, it's hard to say why he did it.

I've known a few people that have actually done it though, and it didn't make a lot of sense to me, they had what I thought were good lives. Generally speaking, I'm an optimistic person, like a happy go lucky type which is hard for some people to relate too. Most people are what I would call "complainers" and don't want to try to make sense of it all, they just feel the world is against them. lol...

I can't say for certain that I've narrowed it down to two types of people in this world, complainers and non-complainers but I have noticed this a lot about certain individuals I've known in the past.

It's like the fight or flight scenarios which I believe are sometimes discussed in psychology classes... For example, if you put 10 kids in a room and turn the lights out, some of them will scream and some will just sit there and ignore it. Which person was Epstein, I don't know? But I do know he was in a dire situation for sure but that doesn't mean he's the type the would scream when the lights go out.

You have a fighting chance in court but of course, it depends on the evidence they have against you and to be honest, the evidence would have sunk a lot of people in my opinion.


No, she’s just as bad as Epstein.


No. She made her choices freely. Too bad the dirt further up in this will not get the same.


No. As a great man once said, 'You lie down with the Devil, you wake up in Hell'.
