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Trump accepts Biden offer to debate him in June and September

Trump blasts Commission on Presidential Debates as 'totally controlled by Democrats': 'Biden is the worst debater I have ever faced'"


Former President Trump accepted President Biden's offer to debate him on television in June and September.

After Trump said he was in, Biden said in a post on X that he "received and accepted an invitation" from CNN for a debate on June 27.

"Over to you, Donald. As you said: anywhere, any time, any place," Biden wrote.

When asked for comment, Trump told Fox News Digital that he will accept and "will be there." The Republican added that he is "looking forward to being in beautiful Atlanta."

The proposal was initially outlined by the Biden-Harris campaign in a letter to the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates on Wednesday morning. It abandoned the decades-old tradition of three fall meetings organized by the debate commission. Trump afterward told Fox News Digital that he'd accept the timeline proposed by the incumbent Democrat.

"Crooked Joe Biden is the worst debater I have ever faced – he can't put two sentences together," Trump told Fox News Digital. "Crooked is also the worst president in the history of the United States, by far."

Trump told Fox News Digital that "it is time for a debate to take place – even if it has to be held through the offices of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which are totally controlled by Democrats and who, as people remember, got caught cheating with me with debate sound levels."

"I'm ready to go," Trump said. "The dates that they proposed are fine. Anywhere. Anytime. Any place. Let's see if Joe can make it to the stand-up podium."

TRUMP 2024 BABY!!!! πŸ‘


But Biden beat him in the last debates and election! Nothing has changed, Trump hasn’t won anything since 2016


Biden has never beat Trump in any debate, except in your dreams.


Um..,, yes he did and went to win the election.


Biden was installed. The 2020 election had all the signs of a fraud election.


You’re insane if you believe that Q nonsense
Get help


You're insane if you believe 2020 was legitimate. Trump's loss went against every incumbent election in U.S. history.

The 2020 election had all the signs: too many voters, high turnout in specific areas, delayed results, results that don't match, more votes than ballot papers, too many....


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election. This would involve thousands if not millions of co-conspirators working together across state lines without caught so they rigged the electon. There wasn't a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. It's been over three years since Trump lost spectacularly in 2020 yet you fucktards still believe that Trump won. I bet you wonder why everyone laughs at you including family. Especially your wife/sister.


The 2020 election had all the signs: too many voters, high turnout in specific areas, delayed results, results that don't match, more votes than ballot papers...all to Biden's benefit.


That's just terrible! Show your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else has. Maybe you can get Trump reinstated as president and then all his 88 felony charges will go away.

Yet you believe that thousands if not millions of co-conspirators working together across state lines without caught rigged the electon. There wasn't even a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible.


Again, there were gobs of problems. Imagine accepting that an honest election is going to take 4 days to call.


What gobs of problems are you alluding to? It took more time to count votes in the 2020 election because of the the mail in ballots. If you have proof that the 2020 election was rigged where is it? Show us, Goober!


Early voting dominated in 2020. Most of the mail in ballots had to be in by election day. There was a tiny fraction of post marked ballots left. Again, you're talking lunacy if you think an honest election is going to take 4 days to call. The 2016 election was much closer yet it was called the next morning.


If you have proof that the 2020 election was rigged then where is it? Include links to reliable news sources to back you up. Especially about the gobs of problems that you claim to have.

Show us, Goober! Otherwise go fuck yourself.


I flopped your mail in ballot excuse. Imagine still asking for proof.

β€œIt's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
― Mark Twain


yelling loudest and spewing deranged lies is not the criteria for winning


What lies? A moderator debating Trump is not a debate.


the purpose of the debate is to discuss running the country , not cater to Donalds delusions of persection and rigged elections in the form of a tantrum


Our country is in bad shape because of a rigged election, so Trump is justified in whatever he has to emphasize.


I'm sharing helpful tips here - things that should be obvious
If Trump wants to win he should attempt to debate like an adult on subjects that are relevant.

If he continues to cry like an infant and rant about imaginary slights of the past he will be deemed the loser of the debate - like last time


His subjects are relevant, they are all connected considering that the country is suffering because of the stolen election.

He didn't loose the last debate considering that Biden was left speechless several times.

All his proclamations have merit. Just because you dismiss them as imaginary doesn't affect reality or the importance of his points.

The debate will not be between Trump and Biden, it will be between Trump and CNN regardless that Biden will be there.


Trump should demand that there be a drug test and wire check for both candidates. Also when it's a candidate's turn to speak, all other mics are off including the moderator's.


Agreed about the mics, Trump is always blathering nonsense while other speak



Those demands make sense. Also, Trump should have demanded a 3rd debate and public audience at all debates, forgoing debate tradition is a benefit to Biden.


On CNN? Besides debating Biden, Trump will also end up having to debate the moderator, which has happened before. But he'll still win, even though the moderator will be helping Biden, and Joe's handlers will have him amped up on pharmaceuticals. Joe has nothing to offer but a lot of senile, angry old man shouting. Trump will annihilate him, but after it's over the leftist media will all claim poor old demented Joe won, and their useful idiot viewers, listeners, and readers will believe it.


But Trump said "anytime, anywhere, anyplace" , so what's the problem.
You think Biden should have chose Mar a Lago or the Pillow Place?


this will be EPIC! Joe will be on so many uppers that he will by yelling the entire time.


Between those uppers and truth bombs from Trump, Biden may have a stroke and fall over.


Agreed. I want drug testing BEFORE the debates.


Look at the video Biden did about the debates.

Very short video, five cuts.

I wonder how controlled this debate will be.

Hope Trump secretly records the whole event - I imagine there will be people wiping the drool from Biden's face and the like while Trump is talking.


sadly, people will still be programmed to vote for the dementia patient.


Isnt too soon a debate in June? They usually do it in the Fall right?


I mean, there is simply no way Trump gets a fair shake in this debate and with CNN Moderating at that?? They'll cut Trump's Mic off when his time is about to expire and do so while answering the question and claim later on Morning Joe on MSDNC he didn't know the answer, while CNN will give full reigns to Joe Biden because while they have been critical of him in recent, they still hate Trump more and the Cast of The VIEW have already declared Biden the winner before the debate even happens.. πŸ€”


First debate on CNN " about as trustworthy as gas station sushi." πŸ˜„


Trump will win. That's what he does.



Was Trump's anti-gun agenda an example of his "winning"? What else do you want him to do?

Gun confiscation without due process.
Trump gun grab.


You're starting to mirror robocel with all your copypasta.


Grow a spine and provide an actual answer?


I already have, multiple times. You should see a doctor about your memory loss.


Your answer is always, "Deep State". You need to do better than that.


The Deep State is very real, that’s a fact regardless that you refuse to believe it.

They have been around for a long time and they control 98% of DC and the politicians.


He hasn’t won anything since 2016!


But Trump said "anytime, anywhere, anyplace" , so what's the problem.
You think Biden should have chose Mar a Lago or the Pillow Place?


It wouldn't make any difference since Biden has no idea where he is or what day it is most of the time.


Trump said anytime and anywhere.

It's going to be comedy gold!!


The Man

Crooked Joe Biden is the worst debater I have ever faced – he can't put two sentences together," Trump told Fox News Digital. "Crooked is also the worst president in the history of the United States, by far."


Which guy spends his life in Court?



He's just as bad, a power hungry little troll that MAGAS swoon over


All questions should be made public weeks before the debate, to both candidates.

The American people should get to decide what questions will be asked.

Moderators should be banned from speaking. An AI should read the question, each candidate will get time to answer, and 1 rebuttle. Time runs out their mic is cut and the light on them is turned off.

CNN should be fed its own ass for Americas entertainment.

But, we all know how this will go. The Democrat administration and their media rectum will rehearse for months, focus group which words to say, and walk in with a script. Trump will win anyways. The Democrat rectum will declare it a win for Biden while the American people saw Trump embarrass the senile pantshitter.


I was thinking one of the U.S Supreme Court Justices would make a good Moderator, perhaps Chief Justice Roberts presiding over it?? πŸ€”


I think Moderator 5 would be perfect !


It’s ironic that a judge has never been considered. As though people in the media are more qualified. lol!!!


'All questions should be made public weeks before the debate, to both candidates."

Considering CNN leaked questions to Hillary in advance, this sounds fair.


It really doesn’t make a difference- Trump never answers the questions anyway - he just rambles word salads off topic


Fair point!


OTOH, if Biden doesn't have electronic assistance, the same could happen for him.


Biden Assistances:

- Medical Assistance

- Diaper Assistance

- Reading Assistance

- Hearing Assistance

- Pharmaceutical Assistance

- Speaker Assistance
