MovieChat Forums > Anthony Rapp Discussion > At the center of every controversy...

At the center of every controversy...

...and that he is seemingly at the center of all these things that keep affecting the shows I watch, for the negative.

- House of Cards: Pathetic final season because he called out Spacey right when filming started, regarding something that had happened decades earlier and something he was at underage for.

- Star Trek Discovery: Detestable show which does not represent Star Trek's Prime Universe at all, goes against everything that made Star Trek, well, Star Trek.

- Star Trek Picard: Discovery 2.0 essentially. Just found out original Icheb actor recast because of original Icheb actor's comments directed at Rapp on twitter, new Icheb mutilated and tortured and eyeballed due to twitter comments.


You forgot about the situation in the Ukraine. I’m pretty sure we can pin that on him too if we try.


He's got a bad Rapp sheet.


Rapp must be stoped!
