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Volley (3382)


Problems with the movie That entire Eros story arc in Season 1 & 2... The Winds of Winter Spiral Is this show about… What is this actually about? No one will talk to you So far so good Cheap, but fun popcorn film Let's go chooms! There goes another one… View all posts >


The Lost World was enjoyable (and definitely my 2nd favorite Jurassic Park film) but not as good as Michael Crichton's book which would have vastly developed the Lewis Dodgson character and BioSyn Corporation. The soundtrack for the film was pretty epic though, one of the first soundtracks I ever bought too. We’re not going to get to Andromeda in 2071 either and you’d be foolish to think so. We won’t even get to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri in 2071, our closest stars. There are many more problems, but I don’t have time to write more. Definitely check out SpaceEngine on Steam, it gives you an idea as to how vast the local star group is, let alone the Milky Way, and the trip to Andromeda. I see no reason to laugh at #9, you cannot prove or disprove either way. One thing is for sure, you are not a drone, you are sentient and you have consciousness. AI is not. The actress is awesome in GirlHouse as well. LOL, true, true. 18, my hs graduation year too. Was pretty awesome, and we had a room full of laughter watching it with fellow grads in 2000. Hey at least the Cubbies won the World Series, lololol The Expanse is by far the better I thought, though I enjoyed Dark Matter as well, it has been 7 years I hope you saw both and enjoyed them since. No kidding, and these are some of the things I noticed too. For me, first half of the season was interesting, but second half was pretty messed up. Officials have no idea where the San-Ti fleet location is, so they think they can send a solar sail vessel whipping by at 1% light speed or 0.1 whatever it is and it will be picked up by the fleet which is moving much faster? The San-Ti are not omnipotent, yet officials totally expect them to pick up a tiny little vessel carrying Will's brain in the deep of space, just hoping they got the position and trajectory of the San-Ti fleet right... come on. Tatiana is supposed to be a supernatural entity that can manipulate security camera systems, instead she's just some trailer trash living out in the sticks that is only being used by the San-Ti and just happens to be good with a pistol? What the heck? When did they actually fly out and place the 300 nuclear bombs not to mention place them in such a position that it's aimed directly at the incoming San-Ti fleet, that no deviation can occur whatsoever. No government in the world would ever give 300 nuclear weapons for a project as convoluted as this. Then they have to detonate the nukes 300 times hoping that not a single problem will happen? Ridiculous. Wade orders the deaths of over a thousand people living on the Judgment Day ship, children, men and women, families, scientists, etc, and this isn't a problem? Where's the morality? What they did to those people is pure evil and worse than anything the people on board ever did. They're hoping that Will can be reconstructed from his brain by the San-Ti, but what will emerge is not Will, but a clone. Will died the moment they took his brain out of his body, there's also the soul to consider which this show conveniently ignores. Season 2 is gonna be weird, I wonder if they will time jump because 400 years is a very long wait. 24 years ago we had instant messaging via MSN Messenger, it seems odd that Madison would write out 85 emails instead of utilizing something like that. Unrealistic amount of emails in a 12-18 hour period, even for an obsession. Amy. I kept wondering why on earth would he cheat with someone who doesn’t look as good as his girlfriend, that early in the film already takes points away from my review. View all replies >