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Ways marijuana can kill you

1. Eat a huge handful of marijuana then choke to death.
2. A heavy crate of marijuana falls on you and crushes you to death.
3. You slip on a baggie of marijuana and crack your skull then die.
4. Someone named Marijuana kills you.

Be careful out there... Marijuana is deadly!


Fuck yeah bro, what a way to go.

Signed, million man


Everyone who is high is afraid to click on this topic.


I clicked. 😉


Louisiana coroner says woman died of THC overdose
By Amy Lieu
Published June 6, 2019 6:59pm EDT
NewsFOX 5 DC

LAPLACE, La. - A Louisiana woman who died in February was killed from THC overdose, according to a coroner who said he reached the conclusion this month from a toxicology report.

The 39-year-old woman's body was found in her apartment in LaPlace. Her name has not been released. St. John the Baptist Parish Coroner Christy Montegut told the New Orleans Advocate that the toxicology results showed that the woman was killed by an excess amount of THC.

"It looked like it was all THC because her autopsy showed no physical disease or afflictions that were the cause of death. There was nothing else identified in the toxicology -- no other drugs, no alcohol," Montegut told the paper. "There was nothing else."

THC is short for tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a crystalline compound that is the main active ingredient of cannabis.

The coroner said that the THC in her system likely came through a vaping device with highly concentrated THC oil. The toxicology report said she had 8.4 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

"This lady must have vaped this THC oil and got a high level in her system and (it) made her stop breathing, like a respiratory failure," he told the Advocate.


Bullshit. That never happened. I use a vape with 91% THC oil daily and there's no way I would die from that no matter how many hits I take. Marijuana use has never killed anyone.


But it makes you a passive dolt with no ambition.


I don't give a shit what you erroneously believe in. I could tell you that I'm successful and happy but you would just discount it. If you don't like cannabis then don't use it. Simple enough? But leave those of us who use cannabis alone. Cannabis is legal in one form or another in 34 US states and most other states where marijuana is illegal they don't care about personal use marijuana. Too bad for you.


I never said it shouldn't be legal. I said it dulls the brain. Like every drug it has good and bad side effects. You're ignoring the negative side effects. That's all I'm saying. I've been there done that. It's a lazy high.


Looks like you touched a nerve on the space cadet. Lol




I thought weed smokers were supposed to be chill and agreeable but I’m reading a lot of rage and cussing in this thread


If someone is angry they are still angry, they are just too stoned to do anything about it. Hence coming online to complain about trump 7 days a week


Medical science agrees with rob.


not in these cases, they don't


That's a load of crap, millions of humans have been using Cannabis for thousands of years without a single death and we're expected to believe that one woman finally died from it?


A mom was charged with murder when her 4 year-old died after eating THC gummies.
Allana Akhtar
Nov 10, 2022, 9:27 AM CST

A 30-year-old mom was arrested in the death of her 4-year-old son, who died after consuming cannabis — but experts say they need more information on the case to determine whether THC was the cause of death.

The mother, Dorothy Annette Clements, was indicted by a jury this month in Virginia on charges of murder and child neglect after her son consumed what she said she thought was a cannabidiol, or CBD, gummy, Vice News reported. "Detectives believe the child ingested a large amount of THC gummies. The attending doctor told Detectives that if medical intervention occurred shortly after ingestion, it could have prevented death," police said, according to CNN.

She called poison control after the boy, Tanner, consumed the gummy and was told he'd "be fine" but later noticed he'd become unresponsive, the outlet added, citing a search warrant it obtained. Authorities took him to the hospital, where he was taken to off life support two days later, Vice said.


More bullshit.


You just posted another "death by THC" lie. What's your motive? There's got to be some hurt to your psyche that you relate somehow to mj use. Since it's almost as common a social lubricant as alcohol these days, I'm guessing you've been canceled by some pot smoking friends, or something like that.


i'm not against anything

just playing devil's advocate

you can't really post that "it never happened"

if there are actual cases where "it did"

p.s. i don't really appreciate being called a liar,

especially when i am the one posting actual medical sources


In 2015, after an 11-month-old baby died in Colorado, his blood and urine tested positive for marijuana, according to a case study from researchers at the Denver Health and Hospital Authority. Officially, he died of myocarditis, but doctors concluded in their report “this is the first reported pediatric death associated with cannabis.”

Read more at:


This baby didn't die from marijuana use instead he died from being poisoned by whoever possessed this marijuana that the baby got a hold of.


Marijuana slaps some magic black paint from ACME on the side of a mountain so that it looks like a tunnel, but then you run into it and there really isn't a tunnel and you die.


Let me just give you a word of caution. I smoked a lot of weed in my 20's but eventually quit. All my old friends who kept doing it now have brains of mush. It makes people passive and complacent. That's the real danger of marijuana.


Pfft. I think it was the penis.

Signed, million man


And how old are these friends whose brains have turned to "mush." And that "passive and complacent" meme is false. I still lead a very active lifestyle and still make gestures to other drivers that I feel guilty of later. Have you never heard of Ricky Williams the Heisman Trophy winner who toked up before each game? And the NBA is full of potheads. How about Conor McGregor--not very passive and complacent, is he?


Lol. I could see it when we were in our 20'sand 30's and it's even worse now.

I never said it limits athletics. I said it dulls the brain.


Well it certainly seems to have had that effect on your brain--or are you just scapegoating? And you never answered my question as to exactly how old these old friends of yours are whose brains YOU claim have turned to "mush?"


Hahaha. Projection, dude. Seriously, you potsmokers all think alike. You've lost that edge.


So, you admit you are projecting your own debilities onto those other "friends?" And answer the previous question, please (talk about losing an edge!).


I told you. I've seen it across the board from 20-somethings to 50-somethings. I'm not talking about old age.

You're awful paranoid and defensive. Are you high right now?


Also, I do know some older people in their 60's who have been prescribed cannabis for relaxation. They seem to do fine with it. I think it may be something which is helpful for older people and a negative for younger people.


There goes your "pot turns your mind to mush" theory. Oh well, back to the drawing board!


Huh? Have you read any of the examples on this thread about how maybe marijuana ain't such a good thing after all? Not only the Darth's news reports, but personal testimony from former pot smokers on this thread? You sound like an addict and addicts will never admit the reality of their condition. "Denial" is a river.


"I never said it limits athletics. I said it dulls the brain."

"It makes people passive and complacent."

Completely contradictory claims on your part, that verify its use most definitely affects athletics. I know from personal experience. I was a high school jock, active in several sports, and during post high school became what was known as a "pothead" or "hippie" for a while. Yeah, it makes one lazy, "passive and complacent", in direct opposition to the competitive spirit in sports. And "it dulls the brain", also correct because athletic competition often requires a powerful mental focus. So while you're right in its general effects, you're completely wrong about its effects on athletic performance.


Okay, you make a good point. I just don't know enough to address that issue.


Research has shown that cannabis use is associated with an increased risk for an earlier onset of psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia) in people with other risk factors, such as family history.122,123,138 Cannabis intoxication can also induce a temporary psychotic episode in some individuals, especially at high doses. Experiencing such an episode may be linked with a risk for later developing a psychotic disorder.125-127 A person’s genetics may play a role in this relationship.61,128-131


WTF all these numbers 122, 123 are we doing a foxtrot?


I spent 18 months in a psychiatric hospital after two bouts of psychosis, smoking strong skunk.


are you better now?


I was diagnosed with bi polar and have an anti psychotic injection every month. I haven't smoked weed since I got out of hospital six years ago so I guess I'm better now.

I miss smoking weed and the feeling it gave me. It helped with my social anxiety and gave me confidence in dealing with people, but I know I'm susceptible to bouts of psychosis.


Completely unrelated

Signed, million man
