MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is Queen a Rock band for pop fans ?

Is Queen a Rock band for pop fans ?

I read a comment like that on Queen video on YouTube about true rock fans don’t care for Queen, that Queen is truly a band for pop artists fans.

That really got me thinking that yes it can be true and gave me another thought are they the pioneers for hair bands that now most those hair appeal to people who like Rock/pop or just plain pop.

Is the Queen band the one to blame or thank for These famous hair bands.


Hair bands suck. I don't mind Queen. They've got some good tunes.


Well I do like hair bands, probably mostly as guilty pleasure but many of those bands songs are really catchy and fun to listen to with pretty cool rhythm. They get me in a good mood. Probably that’s why I really enjoyed the film Rock of ages which Is mostly hair metal of hair Bands of Ages. Lol 😂

Anyway your thoughts on Queen tell me that yes Queen is definitely more for pop fans or rock/pop fans.

Just curious to your opinion is rock/pop a true music sub genre or just an idiotic term for some pop artists to be considered cool ?


I'd regard myself as primarily a pop fan, but there are more authentic *rock* bands I prefer to Queen.

I do think that like, say ABBA, Queen is one of those ultra-commercial bands that appeal to a mass audience, partly by arguably diluting the genre they're predominantly based in, for a more 'palatable' mass market flavour (in the case of ABBA, disco, and in Queen's case, rock).

That said, I like a lot of Queen's songs (and although I'm generally not a fan of ABBA, they've got a few good tunes here and there). They're just not among my *favourites*.


That’s pretty fair enough, so you’d say Queen is really not true Rock.

You know my whole life I’ve been mostly a pop fan it’s recent that I’m really enjoying Rock/Pop to be precise, I’ve enjoyed some rock songs before but never called my self a rock fan till now.

When I was younger I was like yeah I can try a few rock songs but with hesitation now I’m totally open to try rock music but mostly Rock/Pop

My favorite rock bands so far : Queen, Bon Jovi and Aerosmith that I guess tells you my style of rock.


I'm not a fan of Bon Jovi, at all. But I DO like a lot of Aerosmith tunes (setting aside recent controversies regarding Steve Tyler). If it wasn't for the dated transphobic sentiments, Dude Looks Like A Lady, would still be a great track, but Walk This Way, Love In An Elevator, Janie's Got A Gun, Livin' On The Edge, Crazy, and Pink, still rock, and "Pump" is a particularly great album overall.


I'm a rocker and I absolutely hate pop. Having said that, I don't like Queen at all, but they're not a pop band at all.


Very helpful answer, though the first I ever read who says I hate Queen.


Pop gets a bad name, but most pop is actually a lot more intelligent and well-constructed than it gets credit for. People just automatically think of the cheesy, mindless, boy and girl-band twaddle, when they think of the genre.


I just hate the sound of it. I like the grind of guitars, the deepness of bass and the power of drums. Most pop music don't use actual instruments that aren't constructed off a computer.


I dislike Queen intensely. They're a gay camp band. And gay camp has its place. Sparks did it effectively.

Queen's first two albums were excellent hard rock.

But then came the songs "Killer Queen" and the godawful "Bohemian Rhapsody", which neither did camp nor hard rock justice.

So no, that's not pop. It's camped up hard rock.


Queen does have some good songs though like most of the first two albums, Stone Cold Crazy, Brighton Rock, Shear Heart Attack, It’s Late, Now I’m Here, Tie Your Mother Down, Dead On Time, etc.


Depends on what type of Queen you like. Because the members usually don’t collaborate on the song writing we end up with a wide variety of musical genres, from straight ahead hard rock (Tie Your Mother Down) to soft rock/opera (Bohemian Rhapsody), to funk music (Another One Bites The Dust) to gospel music (Somebody To Love), to dance music that pretty much sucks (most of the entirety of Hot Space)


There is a reason their anthem song is not called We Will Pop You.

I don't rate Queen's music much. I think they are similar in creativity as 95% of every rock band that has existed. I.e. a band with at most a fistful of good to great songs. But they are a rock band. What saved Queen from being copied without losing their influence on the next generation of musicians was Freddie Mercury's voice. It is the best voice in rock music, and will be so as long as rock stays comatose.

I don't care about their hair or their image or their excesses. I care what my ears detect, and what I perceive. E.g. I think Queen have a goofy presence, they are far from being groundbreaking (apart from Bohemian Rhapsody) and they have lost both their cool factor and me. Their frontman's supposed charismatic presence at mega concerts doesn't put me under their spell. Mercury was ridiculous with his posturing without being cool. Among all the greats in rock, only Mick Jagger is more laughable. An artist can be ridiculous onstage without being uncool; Bowie, Thom Yorke, Bono, Madonna, Boy George, Sting, Santana, for example.

Pop fans might have adopted Queen. I can't say. But Queen's music is the main property of their success.



I have all their albums and all the solo stuff and have been lucky enough to have seen them live several times.

In the early days they were considered to be a respected rock band, however, when they released The Game, which announced on the album sleeve their first use of a synthesiser on record, the rockers started to drift away.

From then on, they became more poppy.


I thought Queen did both pop and rock.
