MovieChat Forums > Goofs > The Most Obvious Goof Of All Time?

The Most Obvious Goof Of All Time?

Name the most obvious goof you have ever noticed in a movie


The Silence of the Lambs, which is a really good movie, has a goof towards the end when the FBI's plane is flying into Chicago and you see what looks like the rocky mountains in the background.


The billboards in the background of the Ben Hur chariot race is a legendary goof.

The shifting ground levels in the T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park. First the T Rex head is peeking through the trees, then he is stepping thru the barrier at ground level, then the jeep, the kids and Dr. Grant are hanging off a 50’ wall.

Jennifer Grey’s pre-op the post-op nose scenes in Wind. The story is they called her back to reshoot the ending, except she had a nose job by then.


Nosferatu (1979) German version, when Lucy is standing in front of the mirror and the vampire comes up behind her you can clearly see his reflection. Doh! Other than that, awesome movie




one in Transformers 2 forest battle, the tree gets hit down by Optimus, the next second it's getting hit across

also TF3 the dual carriageway chase, the signs fall over vertical and then turn into ramps the next second

Stormtroopers hitting their head etc
