MovieChat Forums > quartz

quartz (437)


Whenever I watch the Top Gear episode where Brian Cox is on The Rebels didn't destroy DS2 I'm watching these to see what the fuss is about I hope this is more interesting than what it's prequelling this is very close to a bad shlockbuster I might need to rewatch it Special effects I would have done differently a bit unfair at the end/spoiler just done a marathon session incl the 1979 version and this one View all posts >


Jeeves and Wooster was one of his original programs. That was late 80's/early 90's. plus stuff like a bit of Fry and Laurie. 7 year old post buy hey. Hugh Laurie - great actor/presenter/comedian type person. Hugh Laurie doing an American accent in House, sounds like Hugh Laurie [trying to do] an American accent. The pollution on Coruscant may have kept him young. Breathing in all the Spice was probably good for his biology. Once he got to Dagobah, high moisture content in the air, maybe a lot of bacteria or virii, no medical facilities, just not good for general physical wellbeing. On an unrelated note, I don't know. I think it's just the concept of it happening, rather than the practicalities of how the situation would actually progress. It's er....not that disconnected from reality. When I first saw it age....10 or something, I hated it. ET's long neck and wide front pivoted triangle head reminded me of something which I can now describe as one of the long necked monster head things from something like 'The Thing'. Much more likely to be dubbed. Did they do retro in 1984? point is - there isn't enough room in an electronic phone, for the two brass ringers in a mechanical phone. Or ok I'll re phrase that - for the electronic phone they used in the film there wasn't enough room for a mechanical ringer. Similar to the first F13th film tbh. Was she in the boat? Did that carcass grab her? Or was it all a.... It just seems to be an "ahh, I'll get you" film. Based on the idea that a dude who was killed by mob rule, got pissed off and "came back" to get revenge. A bit like Vorhees. tbh, what was Elm Street number 1 about? it was "I think that dude seems to have a disfigured face and blades for fingers, but can't quite make it out". I did does an electronic phone have a mechanical ringer? Yeah this. Apparently it's designed to be on the turret on the back of a jeep/truck. Or possibly you would need some futuristic cyborg robot with mechanical strength to use it. View all replies >