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Skavau (9899)


Rate this song between 1 and 10 (Post-Metal with Korean Folk influences) Rate the song between 1-10 (Prog Metal) Hungarian public broadcaster agrees to air hardline Chinese propaganda Ben Shapiro cries that Eurovision doesn't adhere to tradcon reactionary values Rate this song on a scale between 1-10 (Nordic Folk) Rate this song out of 10 My Top TV series of all time, ranked (mostly) Looks like Korea going for Squid Game again Trailer View all posts >


>I already linked it above. I found sources that date things as older, or concurrently old. >Someone who upholds the cultural standards of the community. And who appoints them? Who do they answer to? >Nope. I'm in favour of persecuting uncouth behaviour. What the public doesn't know about, the public doesn't care about. Which is persecuting them. You are imposing yourself on the lives others. It is innately totalitarian and that attitude is more familiar in the world of Iran and Afghanistan, not the western world. What does it mean to "know about it"? If you know that your neighbour is LGBT and in a relationship and you see them holding hands in public with their partner, what should happen? >Pre-marital sex isn't a right. You have the right to pursue happiness within the bounds of the law. You have civil rights for safeguarding and civic participation of upholding or maintaining cultural norms. This is where I said you are rejecting them as rights. And since you reject the rights for gay people to get married, this means all gay sex inherently becomes "pre-marital sex". Meaning you are de-facto in favour of sodomy laws. Can you confirm that you are in favour of the state punishing people for having gay sex? In addition, any attempts to persecute people for having premarital sex was struck down in 2003: >Anything that goes against the biologically deterministic cultural norms. As I asked above: What does it mean to "know about it"? If you know that your neighbour is LGBT and in a relationship and you see them holding hands in public with their partner, what should happen? >My perspective is dependent on how you answer the question about whether all matters are contained within moral objectivity or if morals only matter when they affect you? You are a coward. You can't even tell me if you think someone blatantly lying about someone else, an edict contained in the ten commandments you so proudly chest thump about is wrong, but you can tell me that you think people should be flogged. >They do; people idolise greed and covetedness all the time, much to their detriment, relationships, and even family. Or do you believe people like Sam Bankman-Fried are good for society? I see no reason that idolising in itself can be bad. Idolising can be a spark, a source of inspiration, of innovation as much as it can lead to bad things. Moderation, as with all things, is key. >The country you reside in was built on the principles of the Ten Commandments. And we're now not even 50% Christian. And we long discarded rule by religious tyranny a long time ago. We're now not a majority Christian. Ignoring that I could contest your claim, I don't give a flying fuck what it was "built on". I am not tethered to the actions of my ancestors. >We have a modern society thanks to people employing strict moral principles by force in the past. So quite the opposite. Almost all modern TV shows, films, video games in their writing will depict, in some sense, premarital sex, LGBT people, and general liberal attitudes and principles. I could go through all of my favourite TV series, and outline how they likely would run afoul of your potential censors. If you do wish to go further and ban 'blasphemic' content, as I suspect you might, even more things would be banned. But you didn't answer here: Are you in favour of implementing blasphemy laws? Should all known LGBT people right now in society be rounded up and attacked, or "flogged"? Should all producers of TV shows, films, video games that depict LGBT people (in a positive way that you despise) or premarital sex be flogged? The more likely possibility, hear me out, is that tvfan is full of shit. >I remember reading from a guy in the know on Quora, Lmao. Epic sourcing there. Someone posting from Quora. Plenty of people have made definitive claims about reality, and not presented their position as an opinion. What amazing arguments were put to me in that thread that I simply could not refute? Or are you of the opinion the murderous fascist who made that thread somehow has a point? Does anything ever happen in your world by accident? Not quite. I mean each European country has their own 'Idol' shows. Eurovision is just countries competing with each other every year and voting for each others entries. It's usually trashy europop, but you get the occasional rock, metal act. Weird. ESC geoblocking USA (I assume you're from the USA). It's a pagan themed music entry in this years Eurovision. Indeed. This is ridden with ads, so that lightens it. I doubt its that expensive to run. It's basically just text. You'd think that but the internet is littered with abandoned websites that are still operable. Jim last posted 6 years ago This site is basically abandoned tbh View all replies >