MovieChat Forums > Shôgun (2024) Discussion > Does every movie and tv series have to h...

Does every movie and tv series have to have a female warrior lead?

I mean, isn't it cliche at this point?


Not just a female warrior lead....but every show and movie now has women who all are absolute experts in martial arts, throw trained men around like ragdolls, never sustain a punch to the face, and never....ever lose a fight.

It's not just cliche and pandering, or's silly.


Really? Every show and movie? You know what's silly? Your post.


Every modern show and movie does not have that.


Most do.


By "female warrior lead" do you specifically mean "main character is a woman who is a warrior" or "*one* of the main characters, is a woman, who is a warrior"?


The latter -- even in properties where men are supposed to be the lead there is always a woman who is as equally skilled as him for some reason. Even Extraction 2 kind of suffered from this.

Apparently Disney has to retool the new Blade movie because the females took precedence over Blade as being the main stars.


He was making his point through hyperbole.


It's also wrong. For one thing, most modern TV shows aren't action-based and thus don't even have that dynamic to draw from.


Like TearofLys said, he was making his point through hyperbole.


Even considering hyperbole it's just wrong.


Lots of places have migrant camps. What's your point?

It's causing massive amounts of unrest and discontent among the populace. It is obviously not sustainable. In Massachusetts, they had to declare a state of emergency due to the crisis:

How is this obscene?

That is one example; the other examples I linked to exemplify my point.

Honestly, I think you're being a dishonest hateful sack of shit here and applying standards to LGBT identification that you would not apply to christian or far-right identification. He only declared non-binary AFTER he was arrested.

Not at all; just sounds like you're being prejudiced against him and denying him his truth. You do know they call that trans-erasure right? Or is trans-erasure okay when you do it?

Without seeing this supposed textbook, I cannot comment. But notably there's no evidence of sex education in a general sense in the UK causing any issues at all.

Yes there is -- in fact, it's spread from Scotland to Ireland to Britain:

No, we are not. Young people are having LESS SEX. And teen pregnancies are in DECLINE.

Young people (mostly men) are engaging in fewer relationships resulting in the decline of birth rates, but a disproportionate amount of women are engaging in more sex:


It's causing massive amounts of unrest and discontent among the populace. It is obviously not sustainable. In Massachusetts, they had to declare a state of emergency due to the crisis:

This still is not a failed state. You can name as many problems as you like. The USA, European countries are functioning democratic states.

>That is one example; the other examples I linked to exemplify my point.

Answer the question. How is that picture obscene?

>Not at all; just sounds like you're being prejudiced against him and denying him his truth. You do know they call that trans-erasure right? Or is trans-erasure okay when you do it?

You are continuing to double down on your continual dishonesty. I repeat because you did not address it: He only declared non-binary AFTER he was arrested. There is no such history in his record, and plenty of anti-LGBT attitudes in a general sense in his record. You ignore that because you are determined to build a dishonest narrative.

You would not be so credulous if a transperson shot up a school, and then claimed it was because they were some christian fanatic. Or do you personally just agree that so long as someone claims they are a christian, regardless of any context, that they automatically are and always have been?

>Yes there is -- in fact, it's spread from Scotland to Ireland to Britain:

Protests are not evidence of any societal problems. Also this source has NOTHING to do with pornography, and is protesting LGBT related education - and it's primarily by muslims.

>Young people (mostly men) are engaging in fewer relationships resulting in the decline of birth rates, but a disproportionate amount of women are engaging in more sex:

And the reasons, as many as there are, contradict your original claim that we're having insane amounts of sex and that teen pregnancies are through the roof. They are not.


This still is not a failed state. You can name as many problems as you like. The USA, European countries are functioning democratic states.

Not for long.

Answer the question. How is that picture obscene?

Being topless in public.

He only declared non-binary AFTER he was arrested.

How do you know he didn't self-affirm before he was arrested? Can you prove that he did not?

Or do you personally just agree that so long as someone claims they are a christian, regardless of any context, that they automatically are and always have been?

It all depends on if they followed Christian doctrine in their behaviour.

Protests are not evidence of any societal problems.

This link definitely indicates pornography is being taught as part of the sex ed:

contradict your original claim that we're having insane amounts of sex and that teen pregnancies are through the roof

Relative to the people having sex, it is. Especially since birth rates are below replacement levels. That means that a large portion of people are not sustaining the population, but the people who are engaging in intercourse are simply doing so out of promiscuity.


>Not for long.

No reason given to believe this.

>Being topless in public.

They aren't topless. How is this obscene?

>How do you know he didn't self-affirm before he was arrested? Can you prove that he did not?

By this logic we should just assume everyone was (is) trans because we can't disprove the possibility that they weren't. His actual history contradicts his claims.

>It all depends on if they followed Christian doctrine in their behaviour.

How do you know, in this circumstance, that your interpretation of christian doctrine isn't wrong? How would it mean they weren't sincere even if they failed to meet the standards you set out here?

>This link definitely indicates pornography is being taught as part of the sex ed:

No, this refers to "gender ideology". The OP calls it pornography, but it's not necessarily the same thing.

>Relative to the people having sex, it is. Especially since birth rates are below replacement levels.

I have no idea how you'd even pretend to know this. Got any data that backs this up at all?


No reason given to believe this.

WW3 looms on several fronts due to kakistocracies, while the migrant crisis is proving to cause economic and social collapse, and the birthing crisis is well below replacement levels, which will cause massive infrastructural problems within the next generation.

They aren't topless. How is this obscene?

The one in the middle absolutely is topless. Plus the other photos of the people in the bondage gear absolutely is obscene.

His actual history contradicts his claims.

No, select people claim that their brief experience with him contradicts his claims. So are you saying you believe others instead of the actual person and his proclaimed truth? Does that also mean everyone who says men can't be women are true and the trans who are born men that claim to be women are then lying? Can't have it both ways.

How do you know, in this circumstance, that your interpretation of christian doctrine isn't wrong?

Because it's in the Bible.

The OP calls it pornography, but it's not necessarily the same thing.

It is when everyone who witnessed sex ed films like this one called it explicit and it actually had to be pulled:

I have no idea how you'd even pretend to know this. Got any data that backs this up at all?



>WW3 looms on several fronts due to kakistocracies, while the migrant crisis is proving to cause economic and social collapse, and the birthing crisis is well below replacement levels, which will cause massive infrastructural problems within the next generation.

Whether or not WW3 looms due to dysfunctional foreign policy has nothing to do with domestic issues causing civilisational collapse on their own, which is what you were claiming prior.

>The one in the middle absolutely is topless. Plus the other photos of the people in the bondage gear absolutely is obscene.

That looks like a very tight shirt.

There is nothing against UK law in that picture. I'm also not sure that just dressing up in bondage gear in itself is "obscene" per UK law.

>No, select people claim that their brief experience with him contradicts his claims. So are you saying you believe others instead of the actual person and his proclaimed truth? Does that also mean everyone who says men can't be women are true and the trans who are born men that claim to be women are then lying? Can't have it both ways.

So do we have anyone whatsoever that corroborates his claims for being associated with the LGBT culture and movement prior to his rampage?

"Aldrich had allegedly created a "free speech" website that hosted violent and racist content — including a video that advocated killing civilians to "cleanse society" — as of the night of the shooting. A second site, that was identified as a "brother website" on its homepage, had hosted footage of the 2022 Buffalo shooting and, on the night of the Club Q shooting, came to display four other videos, including one which apparently showed Aldrich's face reflected in a vehicle's rear view mirror. Testimony from a February 2023 hearing implied that Aldrich had operated a neo-Nazi website prior to the shooting."

His own actions contradict his claims.

>Because it's in the Bible.

And your own interpretation is always correct? And secondly: >WW3 looms on several fronts due to kakistocracies, while the migrant crisis is proving to cause economic and social collapse, and the birthing crisis is well below replacement levels, which will cause massive infrastructural problems within the next generation.

Whether or not WW3 looms due to dysfunctional foreign policy has nothing to do with domestic issues causing civilisational collapse on their own, which is what you were claiming prior.

>The one in the middle absolutely is topless. Plus the other photos of the people in the bondage gear absolutely is obscene.

That looks like a very tight shirt.

There is nothing against UK law in that picture. I'm also not sure that just dressing up in bondage gear in itself is "obscene" per UK law.

>No, select people claim that their brief experience with him contradicts his claims. So are you saying you believe others instead of the actual person and his proclaimed truth? Does that also mean everyone who says men can't be women are true and the trans who are born men that claim to be women are then lying? Can't have it both ways.

So do we have anyone whatsoever that corroborates his claims for being associated with the LGBT culture and movement prior to his rampage?

"Aldrich had allegedly created a "free speech" website that hosted violent and racist content — including a video that advocated killing civilians to "cleanse society" — as of the night of the shooting. A second site, that was identified as a "brother website" on its homepage, had hosted footage of the 2022 Buffalo shooting and, on the night of the Club Q shooting, came to display four other videos, including one which apparently showed Aldrich's face reflected in a vehicle's rear view mirror. Testimony from a February 2023 hearing implied that Aldrich had operated a neo-Nazi website prior to the shooting."

His own actions contradict his claims.

>Because it's in the Bible.

And your own interpretation is always correct? And secondly: How would it mean they weren't sincere even if they failed to meet the standards you set out here?

>It is when everyone who witnessed sex ed films like this one called it explicit and it actually had to be pulled:

This is a completely different article from over 10 years ago. It has no relevance to the other articles you've linked.

My final question wasn't about birth rates (everyone knows they are declining), but what data you're drawing from that somehow demonstrates that we're having obscene amounts of sex and obscene amounts of teenage pregnancies.


Whether or not WW3 looms due to dysfunctional foreign policy has nothing to do with domestic issues causing civilisational collapse on their own, which is what you were claiming prior.

It's both:

That looks like a very tight shirt.

Nope; she's topless.

I'm also not sure that just dressing up in bondage gear in itself is "obscene" per UK law.

Only if it can be proved to be of good use to the broader public, including but not limited to scientific, artistic, or literary merit, of which sexual bondage gear applies to none of those:

So do we have anyone whatsoever that corroborates his claims for being associated with the LGBT culture and movement prior to his rampage?

Are you saying his truth is only determined by corroboration of the public?

His own actions contradict his claims.

Framing. None of that says he or his website directly advocated for the harm of LGBT members, nor can you prove that the content on the sites were highlighting the dangers that the community faced. Try again.

And your own interpretation is always correct?

No interpretation needed. The principles are clear as day.

This is a completely different article from over 10 years ago. It has no relevance to the other articles you've linked.

Which is why it's more relevant than ever to the point: that pornographic material has been used in sexual education for over a decade now.

what data you're drawing from that somehow demonstrates that we're having obscene amounts of sex and obscene amounts of teenage pregnancies.

That's what the data shows -- a large portion of people not having any sex, and yet the people who are happen to be doing so at alarming rates.


>It's both:

Crime exists. So what? This is not evidence of civilisational collapse.

>Nope; she's topless. Can literally see where the shirt begins.

>Only if it can be proved to be of good use to the broader public, including but not limited to scientific, artistic, or literary merit, of which sexual bondage gear applies to none of those:

This is literally about films and music, dude. It doesn't even mention or reference bondage.

And how does one objectively quantify "artistic" or "literary" merit?

>Are you saying his truth is only determined by corroboration of the public?

I'm saying he's full of shit, and this his actual activities prior to his arrest contradict everything he's saying - and it seems the courts agree with me.

>Framing. None of that says he or his website directly advocated for the harm of LGBT members, nor can you prove that the content on the sites were highlighting the dangers that the community faced. Try again.

You've been on his website, have you? Are neo-nazis typically LGBT? Do they typically shoot up gay clubs? I will ask again: Where is the evidence of any involvement from him in any LGBT culture or even just via internet search history?

You are a detestable piece of shit applying standards to someone who you would NEVER apply the same standards to a self-proclaimed christian after a crime.

>No interpretation needed. The principles are clear as day.

And secondly: How would it mean they weren't sincere even if they failed to meet the standards you set out here?

>Which is why it's more relevant than ever to the point: that pornographic material has been used in sexual education for over a decade now.

I mean it was withdrawn at the time, and at the complaint of the schools minister at the time.

>That's what the data shows -- a large portion of people not having any sex, and yet the people who are happen to be doing so at alarming rates.

Your data on sex habits is 7 years old (or contains data between only 2015-19 with comments only from 2017) - apparently was posted or reuploaded in 2022 though. It doesn't outline any historical trends that I can see.


Crime exists. So what? This is not evidence of civilisational collapse.

Mounting geopolitical unrest + infrastructural collapse = civilisation collapse. You cannot have a functioning epicentre consisting of an urban populace if the subways, housing, and streets are riddled with crime, poop, and dysfunctionality.

Can literally see where the shirt begins.

So it's a completely see-through shirt? Same difference as being topless.

This is literally about films and music, dude. It doesn't even mention or reference bondage.

That's because the OPA hasn't been updated properly, but it applies to public displays or acts, as it also references theatre. It's about public conduct, but they use entertainment as an example for exceptions.

Where is the evidence of any involvement from him in any LGBT culture or even just via internet search history?

He could have been on an anonymous LGBT board. How do you know he was not?

How would it mean they weren't sincere even if they failed to meet the standards you set out here?

It's not about my standards, it's whether their actions adhered to the principles set forth by the Bible.

I mean it was withdrawn at the time, and at the complaint of the schools minister at the time.

They haven't stopped:

And the results are as I feared:

It doesn't outline any historical trends that I can see.

It's more startling than that: it's showing that things were bad seven years ago, and have only become worse.


>Mounting geopolitical unrest + infrastructural collapse = civilisation collapse. You cannot have a functioning epicentre consisting of an urban populace if the subways, housing, and streets are riddled with crime, poop, and dysfunctionality.

Again you're just saying words now. Yes, things aren't great (experience varies nation to nation) but there's zero reason to assume any western nation is on the brink of becoming a failed state.

>So it's a completely see-through shirt? Same difference as being topless.

It's a very tight shirt. Find me an example of someone in the UK arrested for that.

>That's because the OPA hasn't been updated properly, but it applies to public displays or acts, as it also references theatre. It's about public conduct, but they use entertainment as an example for exceptions.

And as I asked: And how does one objectively quantify "artistic" or "literary" merit?

You know British TV has had many raunchy and sexualised and violent TV series and films, right?

>He could have been on an anonymous LGBT board. How do you know he was not?

So you have none then. Zero evidence. You're just taking him at his word when we both know that you would not take someone who claimed Christianity for the reason for a crime after they had done it.

>It's not about my standards, it's whether their actions adhered to the principles set forth by the Bible.

And how would their failure to meet them mean they weren't sincere in their motives?

>They haven't stopped:

Read and weep when you look at the polling.

Your second link is from the USA.

>It's more startling than that: it's showing that things were bad seven years ago, and have only become worse.

The data stops at 2019. It says nothing about what has happened since then. It seems to measure 5 years.


but there's zero reason to assume any western nation is on the brink of becoming a failed state.

If the migrant and infrastructure crisis hasn't convinced you, then I suppose nothing will.

It's a very tight shirt. Find me an example of someone in the UK arrested for that.

You aren't allowed to go around wearing a shirt that's completely see-through.

You know British TV has had many raunchy and sexualised and violent TV series and films, right?

Yes, and they were deemed by critics and the general public to be "artistic" enough so as not to be seen as obscene. Though, your mileage may vary.

So you have none then. Zero evidence.

And you have nothing to disprove his claims.

And how would their failure to meet them mean they weren't sincere in their motives?

They can be sincere in their motives, doesn't mean that they are righteous in their standards. Two completely different things. Or are you of the mind then that someone claiming to be gay and shooting up a club can represent LGBT communities just by saying their of that community?

Read and weep when you look at the polling.

That corroborates my point -- that the system is further indulging in prurient behaviours that is resulting in the corruption of the youth.

Your second link is from the USA.

Yes, but the point still stands.

It says nothing about what has happened since then.

We already see what's happening since then:

Trends are not good:


>If the migrant and infrastructure crisis hasn't convinced you, then I suppose nothing will.

Decline isn't the same as collapse of the state.

>You aren't allowed to go around wearing a shirt that's completely see-through.

People can and do wear shirts where their nipples show in the UK. Show me an example of someone arrested for this.

>Yes, and they were deemed by critics and the general public to be "artistic" enough so as not to be seen as obscene. Though, your mileage may vary.

So how does one objectively determine what is "artistic" enough to outweight the obscenity? We also, by the way, do not ban porn.

>And you have nothing to disprove his claims.

His history being contradictory to it. You're just taking him at his word when we both know that you would not take someone who claimed Christianity for the reason for a crime after they had done it.

>They can be sincere in their motives, doesn't mean that they are righteous in their standards. Two completely different things. Or are you of the mind then that someone claiming to be gay and shooting up a club can represent LGBT communities just by saying their of that community?

My point was I suspect you would accuse them of lying. That they weren't really doing anything in the name of christianity.

>That corroborates my point -- that the system is further indulging in prurient behaviours that is resulting in the corruption of the youth.

I await evidence that the "system" has contributed to the changing attitudes of the UK public.

>Yes, but the point still stands.

We're talking about the UK.


No actual statistical data on sex trends here. This is an opinion piece that... cites terms from the urban dictionary. Your claim was that a small % of people are having exponentionally more sex.


This has been a thing for a while, but your initial claim wasn't about gender imbalance but simply that everyone is having less sex compared to the 00s, 10s etc.


Decline isn't the same as collapse of the state.

Decline leads to collapse, that's exactly what preceded the collapse of Rome; the decline in moral standards, the seizure of property by the elites, the dissolution of societal infrastructure, and the collapse of the army. Sound familiar?

People can and do wear shirts where their nipples show in the UK. Show me an example of someone arrested for this.

Disingenuous comparison. They do not wear blatantly see-through shirts with nothing underneath.

So how does one objectively determine what is "artistic" enough to outweight the obscenity?

In the case of Pride - up until recently (where they began enforcing the rules to abide by the standards of the OPA ) -- they simply labeled the obscenity as political activism.

We also, by the way, do not ban porn.

Yes, but many films have been denied distribution by the BBFC for obscenity.

His history being contradictory to it.

No, his history is simply a tool you're using a weapon to condemn him, all while denying him his truth.

That they weren't really doing anything in the name of christianity.

Glad we agree.

I await evidence that the "system" has contributed to the changing attitudes of the UK public.

It's being taught at earlier and earlier ages, and parents are politically handcuffed from doing much about it:

Your claim was that a small % of people are having exponentionally more sex. [...] but your initial claim wasn't about gender imbalance but simply that everyone is having less sex compared to the 00s, 10s etc.

Correlative heuristics. Only a small portion of men are having a disproportionate amount of sex with many women.


>Decline leads to collapse, that's exactly what preceded the collapse of Rome; the decline in moral standards, the seizure of property by the elites, the dissolution of societal infrastructure, and the collapse of the army. Sound familiar?

No, plenty of modern countries have gone or are into a natural economic decline for various reasons and there's no reason to assume they will collapse and become failed states. No Western country is anywhere near that point.

>Disingenuous comparison. They do not wear blatantly see-through shirts with nothing underneath.

I repeat: People can and do wear shirts where their nipples show in the UK. Show me an example of someone arrested for this.

>In the case of Pride - up until recently (where they began enforcing the rules to abide by the standards of the OPA ) -- they simply labeled the obscenity as political activism.

And what are you calling "recently", exactly? And you didn't answer my question: So how does one objectively determine what is "artistic" enough to outweight the obscenity?

>Yes, but many films have been denied distribution by the BBFC for obscenity.

The last example was in 2007.

>No, his history is simply a tool you're using a weapon to condemn him, all while denying him his truth.

I'm not someone who takes people at their word just because they say so if I think there's good reason to think they're full of shit, so you can pull the other one there with this "lived experiences" or "their truth" mantra.

>Glad we agree.

Don't quote mine me, fuckface.

"My point was I suspect you would accuse them of lying. That they weren't really doing anything in the name of christianity."

>It's being taught at earlier and earlier ages, and parents are politically handcuffed from doing much about it:

Chicken and egg. How do you know that attitudes towards LGBT people weren't naturally changing due to cultural changes, which then pressured for lawmakers to pass legislation to reflect that?


Do you think that number is anywhere near a majority of UK citizens?


No, plenty of modern countries have gone or are into a natural economic decline for various reasons and there's no reason to assume they will collapse and become failed states.

There is... it's called history, and we've seen it happen many times in the recent past. Typically they suffered the exact same symptoms before collapse.

Show me an example of someone arrested for this.

Pushing the goal posts. No one said anything about pokies through a shirt, but about toplessness and the appearance of obscenity in the public space.

And what are you calling "recently", exactly?

The parades within the last few years -- because they were getting to be sexually uncouth.

So how does one objectively determine what is "artistic" enough to outweight the obscenity?

It's usually down to the cultural standards, but if those standards keep eroding, then nothing will be viewed as obscene.

The last example was in 2007.

Which proves my point about the erosion of cultural standards in the West.

Chicken and egg. How do you know that attitudes towards LGBT people weren't naturally changing due to cultural changes, which then pressured for lawmakers to pass legislation to reflect that? [...] Do you think that number is anywhere near a majority of UK citizens?

It was definitely parliament (chicken) forcing the culture (egg) to adapt. Remember, just over a decade ago less than half of the populace thought same-sex marriage should be allowed; the rulings were forced through regardless of what the majority wanted. Now it's closer to 80% that supports a mandated societal change. It's social contagion:


>There is... it's called history, and we've seen it happen many times in the recent past. Typically they suffered the exact same symptoms before collapse.

The decline of Rome was over a much, much longer period dude.

>Pushing the goal posts. No one said anything about pokies through a shirt, but about toplessness and the appearance of obscenity in the public space.

Right, so you can't provide a single precedent for this.

>It's usually down to the cultural standards, but if those standards keep eroding, then nothing will be viewed as obscene.

And so society has moved on.

>Which proves my point about the erosion of cultural standards in the West.

Name me some things you think the BBFC should refuse. What is being permitted, right now, that should not be legally?

>It was definitely parliament (chicken) forcing the culture (egg) to adapt.

Evidence please.

>Remember, just over a decade ago less than half of the populace thought same-sex marriage should be allowed; the rulings were forced through regardless of what the majority wanted. Now it's closer to 80% that supports a mandated societal change. It's social contagion:

This is just a lie

At best you can argue only a plurality supported it, but most people at minimum supported either same sex marriage or civil partnerships. Only a much smaller minority opposed either.


The decline of Rome was over a much, much longer period dude.

The West is on a speed run.

Right, so you can't provide a single precedent for this.

When did toplessness become legal in the U.k.?

Name me some things you think the BBFC should refuse. What is being permitted, right now, that should not be legally?

Who said what was being permitted should not be legal? I simply pointed out that before the BBFC was rather strict before and used to ban quite regularly, but not anymore, as it's not as if movies have become less gratuitous. In fact, even news media have admitted that there are more genitals on-screen than ever before:

Evidence please.

Despite having LESS than half the support from the populace for it.

This is just a lie

Nope, people literally voted in America against it in prop 8, and prop 8 passed. The Supreme Court overruled prop 8 and the voters to legalise same-sex marriage:

Similar thing happened in the U.K.

Only a much smaller minority opposed either.

Nope. Most people would have been okay with civil partnerships, but were not on board with gay marriage, hence them voting against it rather aggressively for years.


>The West is on a speed run.

No reason to believe this.

>When did toplessness become legal in the U.k.?

"It's not an offence to be naked in public in England and Wales but it does become an offence if it can be proved the person stripped off with the intention to upset and shock. The complainant has to prove this."

And they were not topless.

>Who said what was being permitted should not be legal? I simply pointed out that before the BBFC was rather strict before and used to ban quite regularly, but not anymore, as it's not as if movies have become less gratuitous. In fact, even news media have admitted that there are more genitals on-screen than ever before:

You spoke of an "erosion of cultural standards" as if you think the BBFC should be denying modern material. Do you have any examples here?

>Nope, people literally voted in America against it in prop 8, and prop 8 passed. The Supreme Court overruled prop 8 and the voters to legalise same-sex marriage:

I am referring to the UK, not California.

In terms of the USA, by 2015 gay marriage already had popular support:

>Similar thing happened in the U.K.

And what vote is this?

>Nope. Most people would have been okay with civil partnerships, but were not on board with gay marriage, hence them voting against it rather aggressively for years.

Gay marriage had plurality support, and in some polls it had majority support. Both had much more support combined compared to nothing. And who "voted against it"? What referendums are you even referring to in the UK?


No reason to believe this.

Definitely linked plenty of reasons.

And they were not topless.

The people in BDSM gear definitely wear.

You spoke of an "erosion of cultural standards" as if you think the BBFC should be denying modern material.

It's about the change in pattern -- the BBFC used to have strict standards, and now they do not.

I am referring to the UK, not California.

You linked to an American poll; but voting patterns from the populace proved the poll wrong.

In terms of the USA, by 2015 gay marriage already had popular support:

That was after the Supreme Court had already forced the issue against the popular vote.

And what vote is this?

Even though it had support from less than half the constituents of the parliamentary.

Both had much more support combined compared to nothing. And who "voted against it"? What referendums are you even referring to in the UK?

Polls and religious institutions in the U.K; in America, propositions.


>Definitely linked plenty of reasons.

Societal strife is not evidence. There has always been crime, protests.

>The people in BDSM gear definitely wear.

Give me a link to the picture of that again, please?

>It's about the change in pattern -- the BBFC used to have strict standards, and now they do not.

They didn't censor very much actually. And the change is a good thing. People should be allowed to make things without being censored.

>You linked to an American poll; but voting patterns from the populace proved the poll wrong.

A national poll. Not a specific Californian one.

>That was after the Supreme Court had already forced the issue against the popular vote.

Gay marriage was polling at over 50% by 2012.

>Even though it had support from less than half the constituents of the parliamentary.

That's a parliamentary vote, not a referendum.

And objecting to gay marriage had *less support* than supporting it.

>Polls and religious institutions in the U.K; in America, propositions.

The polls that gave gay marriage a plurality? And a few that gave it a majority?

US polls that gave gay marriage a majority in 2012, 3 years before the supreme court decision?


Societal strife is not evidence. There has always been crime, protests.

Not at this level.

Give me a link to the picture of that again, please?

You'll have to scroll up for that. Providing evidence of such has put way too much Pride BDSM in my internet history as it is.

And the change is a good thing.

Having no standards is a good thing? It's only led to the dissolution of social cohesion.

A national poll. Not a specific Californian one.

California is the most Liberal location in America, and even THEY didn't want to legalise gay marriage. What does that tell you?

Gay marriage was polling at over 50% by 2012.

The votes never corroborated that sentiment.

That's a parliamentary vote

Yes, and parliament voted against popular sentiment of the time.

US polls that gave gay marriage a majority in 2012, 3 years before the supreme court decision?

Polls weren't reflective of electoral patterns in the least. The courts superseded the will of the people.

Essentially, they forced people to accept a controversial issue, against the will of the people.


>Not at this level.

You haven't provided any statistical comparison.

>You'll have to scroll up for that. Providing evidence of such has put way too much Pride BDSM in my internet history as it is.

I found the daily mail source, and can see no picture there where anyone is topless.

>Having no standards is a good thing? It's only led to the dissolution of social cohesion.

You keep saying this, but then also claim that the BBFC shouldn't have banned anything since 2007.

I'll also await evidence that violent/MA-type content somehow causes a breakdown of social cohesion.

>California is the most Liberal location in America, and even THEY didn't want to legalise gay marriage. What does that tell you?

That other polls did support gay marriage at the time.

>The votes never corroborated that sentiment.

California voted in 2008. I am talking about national polling from 2012 onwards, 3 years before the supreme court decision.

>Yes, and parliament voted against popular sentiment of the time.

Except more people wanted gay marriage than people who opposed it. And a few polls suggested there was a majority.

>Polls weren't reflective of electoral patterns in the least. The courts superseded the will of the people.

How do you know they superseded the will of the people when opinion polls suggested the opposite, repeatedly 3 years prior?

In addition, I reject the concept of tyranny of the majority. Gay people getting married doesn't harm straight people.

>Essentially, they forced people to accept a controversial issue, against the will of the people.

Does something happen to you if gay people marry?


You haven't provided any statistical comparison.

Don't need to, there is massive unrest over the migrant crisis that has resulted in massive protests around the globe in developed countries:

I found the daily mail source, and can see no picture there where anyone is topless.

Wasn't the Daily Mail with the BDSM pride stuff.

You keep saying this, but then also claim that the BBFC shouldn't have banned anything since 2007.

Never said they should not have banned anything.

That other polls did support gay marriage at the time.

Voting patterns did not.

Except more people wanted gay marriage than people who opposed it. And a few polls suggested there was a majority.

No, people were put on the spot to accept it via polling. There was no push from the general populace to get the assembly to legalise gay marriage.

How do you know they superseded the will of the people when opinion polls suggested the opposite, repeatedly 3 years prior?

Opinion polls in very Liberal regions.

In addition, I reject the concept of tyranny of the majority. Gay people getting married doesn't harm straight people.

It destroys social cohesion, which is why countries trying to maintain or build that cohesion ban it.

Does something happen to you if gay people marry?

Tyranny under any other name is evil in the eyes of Liberals, save for when it comes to forcing Liberal agendas.


>Don't need to, there is massive unrest over the migrant crisis that has resulted in massive protests around the globe in developed countries:

Yes, you do. Show me crime data from the 1950s and 60s and 70s and 80s etc.

>Wasn't the Daily Mail with the BDSM pride stuff.

Then I have no idea what you're referring to.

>Voting patterns did not.

And less supported blocking it at all.

>No, people were put on the spot to accept it via polling. There was no push from the general populace to get the assembly to legalise gay marriage.

I'll await evidence that people were "put on the spot" to accept it by polling organisations.

And in addition, people in the UK also poll massively in favour, for instance, for the death penalty - but that doesn't mean they're going to mass protest for it. A population being in favour of something doesn't mean they'll mass protest for it.

>Opinion polls in very Liberal regions.

No, these were national polls.

You clearly do not click any links I send.

>It destroys social cohesion, which is why countries trying to maintain or build that cohesion ban it.

I'll await evidence that it "destroys social cohesion".

>Tyranny under any other name is evil in the eyes of Liberals, save for when it comes to forcing Liberal agendas.

What tyranny is imposed upon you when two gay people have a service that is labeled "marriage"?


Yes, you do. Show me crime data from the 1950s and 60s and 70s and 80s etc.

Oh boy, you shouldn't have asked for that...

And in addition, people in the UK also poll massively in favour, for instance, for the death penalty - but that doesn't mean they're going to mass protest for it. A population being in favour of something doesn't mean they'll mass protest for it.

Thanks, this proves my point. Just because the demographic who polled positive/negative on something doesn't mean that's indicative of legislative adherence.

No, these were national polls.

National polls does not preclude political bias. Plus, the shift was unnaturally high, in-line with a very aggressive media campaign to program the populace. Between 2010 and 2014 there was a radical turnover in opinions in Western nations.

I'll await evidence that it "destroys social cohesion".

How does a community of only 100 men and no women maintain generational expanse and cultural genealogy?

What tyranny is imposed upon you when two gay people have a service that is labeled "marriage"?

It is a perversion of marriage, which is to be between a man and a woman for cohesively binding the two so that they maintain familial growth (i.e., offspring), and a family lineage. Forcing the issue to enable couplings under a term where there is no possibility of lineage is simply corrupting the intent of the recognised bond.


>Oh boy, you shouldn't have asked for that...

A specific single crime category within London. This is not evidence of incoming civilisational collapse.

What's the overall crime rate picture?


>Thanks, this proves my point. Just because the demographic who polled positive/negative on something doesn't mean that's indicative of legislative adherence.

What? I am pointing out that the UK public polls in favour of reimplimenting the death penalty. In the years preceding and around the gay marriage bill in parliament, more people as a % supported legalising gay marriage than rejecting it outright.

>National polls does not preclude political bias. Plus, the shift was unnaturally high, in-line with a very aggressive media campaign to program the populace. Between 2010 and 2014 there was a radical turnover in opinions in Western nations.

I'll away evidence that Gallup somehow manipulated the results. And your complaint about the media is completely unfalsifiable. It's inline with PRC propaganda that claims that Taiwanese self-determination doesn't really matter, and is invalid because of "propaganda". Either you support the will of the people or you don't, and you're being very inconsistent about it.

>How does a community of only 100 men and no women maintain generational expanse and cultural genealogy?

Was there something in the UK gay marriage bill that called for communities of only 100 men?


The gay marriage vote was on the 16th of July 2013. These polls preceded it.

>It is a perversion of marriage, which is to be between a man and a woman for cohesively binding the two so that they maintain familial growth

That's your definition. Not mine. Some cultures acknowledge polygamy as part of marriage. Does two people of the same sex having their union sanctified as marriage by the state somehow impact you?

Also, plenty of straight people get married with no intent to have children.


What's the overall crime rate picture?


It's in the second link.

Which disproves the BBC's findings, since crime rates across the board have nearly doubled:

And the BBC is going by false data, since the police have been purposely failing to report crimes in order to make it seem like crime is dropping:

What? I am pointing out that the UK public polls in favour of reimplimenting the death penalty. In the years preceding and around the gay marriage bill in parliament, more people as a % supported legalising gay marriage than rejecting it outright.

Yes, and as I pointed out, just because people poll positive for something doesn't mean they want it adhered to legislatively, nor does it mean it will become part of the legislature.

Either you support the will of the people or you don't, and you're being very inconsistent about it.

Media establishments and lobbyists can determine that "will". For instance, half of all people supposedly want tobacco products banned:

Yet people spend overwhelming on tobacco products if given the opportunity:

People can be cajoled into undermining their own best interests, no matter what it is.

Was there something in the UK gay marriage bill that called for communities of only 100 men?

It's a simple question of survival mechanics.

Some cultures acknowledge polygamy as part of marriage.

There is no first-world (or developed) civilisation built on polygamy.


>Which disproves the BBC's findings, since crime rates across the board have nearly doubled:

Is the ONS website lying?

>Yes, and as I pointed out, just because people poll positive for something doesn't mean they want it adhered to legislatively, nor does it mean it will become part of the legislature.

You originally claimed that most people in the UK objected to gay marriage at the time. Now you're claiming that it doesn't matter, and that people who said they supported it didn't really mean it, and didn't want it legislated for.

I'll also continue to await evidence that Gallup (for the USA) somehow manipulated the results. And your complaint about the media is completely unfalsifiable. It's inline with PRC propaganda that claims that Taiwanese self-determination doesn't really matter, and is invalid because of "propaganda". Either you support the will of the people or you don't, and you're being very inconsistent about it.

>Media establishments and lobbyists can determine that "will". For instance, half of all people supposedly want tobacco products banned:

How do you know that's a result of lobbying?

>Yet people spend overwhelming on tobacco products if given the opportunity:

You do realise that a small % of people make up a massive majority of tobacco sales, right? Are you of the impression that a significant percentage of people who said they support banning cigarettes are also buying it?,%2C%20conducted%20July%203%2D27.

>It's a simple question of survival mechanics.

That's not what I asked you: Was there something in the UK gay marriage bill that called for communities of only 100 men?

>There is no first-world (or developed) civilisation built on polygamy.

Much of the gulf now could be so-described as 'developed'. But I digress, legalising gay marriage isn't suggesting it should be "built on it" anyway.

I take it you've withdrawn your claim that the UK government legislated against the will of the people regarding gay marriage then?


Is the ONS website lying?

Lots of weasel-wording, such as "criminal damage decreased by 28%", just because less damage is done doesn't mean fewer crimes are being committed. That's just recorded based on insurance reports. They also avoided mentioning battery and assault offences without weapons. Par the course for the media manipulation I talked about.

Now you're claiming that it doesn't matter, and that people who said they supported it didn't really mean it, and didn't want it legislated for.

No; I'm saying people's views have been manipulated, and they really didn't want it until the media told them they wanted it and to support it.

Are you of the impression that a significant percentage of people who said they support banning cigarettes are also buying it?

No, it's to highlight that polls can be used to highlight trends of one group that may be in opposition to how the general public may actually feel about it, or vice versa. If there was no media condemning tobacco, would people still poll so high as to want sales ceased?

That's not what I asked you: Was there something in the UK gay marriage bill that called for communities of only 100 men?

Non-sequitur. The charge against homosexual marriage was due to crippling social cohesion. The legislation does not acknowledge outcome of change, only an enactment of change.

Much of the gulf now could be so-described as 'developed'.

No, most are war torn or are trying to develop.

I take it you've withdrawn your claim that the UK government legislated against the will of the people regarding gay marriage then?

No, the people were lobbied into it by the media, and little recourse to reject. Plus, a referendum would have kicked up a media storm about homophobia and people would have been shamed into withdrawing.


>Lots of weasel-wording, such as "criminal damage decreased by 28%", just because less damage is done doesn't mean fewer crimes are being committed. That's just recorded based on insurance reports. They also avoided mentioning battery and assault offences without weapons. Par the course for the media manipulation I talked about.

The ONS is a media website now?

Also, they show lots of data there.

>No; I'm saying people's views have been manipulated, and they really didn't want it until the media told them they wanted it and to support it.

And you've provided no evidence for this claim whatsoever. It's unfalsifiable nonsense.

But good to know you've withdrawn your initial claim that people didn't support it at all.

>No, it's to highlight that polls can be used to highlight trends of one group that may be in opposition to how the general public may actually feel about it, or vice versa. If there was no media condemning tobacco, would people still poll so high as to want sales ceased?

By this logic every opinion we hold on everything is manipulated. This is tantamount to asking "If people didn't know the health risks of long-term smoking, would they truly support legislation to restrict access to it?"

>Non-sequitur. The charge against homosexual marriage was due to crippling social cohesion. The legislation does not acknowledge outcome of change, only an enactment of change.

Still await for how this has causes a breakdown in social cohesion in the UK.

>No, most are war torn or are trying to develop.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar are war-torn?

>No, the people were lobbied into it by the media, and little recourse to reject. Plus, a referendum would have kicked up a media storm about homophobia and people would have been shamed into withdrawing.

And you've provided no evidence for this claim whatsoever. It's unfalsifiable nonsense.

I'll also continue to await evidence that Gallup (for the USA) somehow manipulated the results. And your complaint about the media is completely unfalsifiable. It's inline with PRC propaganda that claims that Taiwanese self-determination doesn't really matter, and is invalid because of "propaganda". Either you support the will of the people or you don't, and you're being very inconsistent about it.


The ONS is a media website now?

Given that they leave out key facts and manipulate the wording, they may as well be.

But good to know you've withdrawn your initial claim that people didn't support it at all.

Never said they didn't support it at all, I explicitly mentioned they were cajoled into supporting it.

By this logic every opinion we hold on everything is manipulated.

Nope, only opinions influenced to disrupt social cohesion.

Still await for how this has causes a breakdown in social cohesion in the UK.

Patterns of disruptive behaviour have led to the outcome you're witnessing right now, especially in combination with no-fault divorce, aggressive abortion agendas, and cultural incongruity with mass migration.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar are war-torn?

Saudi Arabia is not a polygamist state; they are however a polygnyist state.

'll also continue to await evidence that Gallup (for the USA) somehow manipulated the results.

Majority of the polling is not done in middle-America. That alone biases the results.


>Given that they leave out key facts and manipulate the wording, they may as well be.

They are literally not a media website dude.

>Never said they didn't support it at all, I explicitly mentioned they were cajoled into supporting it.

No, you claimed the legislation was passed against public opinion. Don't try to rewrite history. Now you've just claimed "oh well people were tricked" which is unfalsifiable gibberish.

>Nope, only opinions influenced to disrupt social cohesion.

How convenient. This again, is completely unfalsifiable.

>Patterns of disruptive behaviour have led to the outcome you're witnessing right now, especially in combination with no-fault divorce, aggressive abortion agendas, and cultural incongruity with mass migration.

No. I want evidence for how gay marriage, SPECIFICALLY has caused societal breakdown.

Mass migration policies have nothing whatsoever to do with any of this.

Should married couples not have the right to amicably divorce?

>Majority of the polling is not done in middle-America. That alone biases the results.

The majority of the USA does not live in middle-America. So that makes complete sense.

And your complaint about the media is completely unfalsifiable. It's inline with PRC propaganda that claims that Taiwanese self-determination doesn't really matter, and is invalid because of "propaganda". Either you support the will of the people or you don't, and you're being very inconsistent about it.


They are literally not a media website dude.

Not the point, lad. The point is that they are manipulating the presentation of data, which is even worse given that it's supposed to be a national website for delivering objective information. Reminds me of how the FBI now hides crime table data because people were using it to notice things.

No, you claimed the legislation was passed against public opinion.No. I want evidence for how gay marriage, SPECIFICALLY has caused societal breakdown.

It diminished the value and role of marriage in society.

Should married couples not have the right to amicably divorce?

Nope. Should never have gotten married then. Marriage is a holy contract, and it should only be dissolved when the contract is breached by one or both parties.

The majority of the USA does not live in middle-America. So that makes complete sense.

Yet they're precluded from polls that completely affect them.

Either you support the will of the people or you don't, and you're being very inconsistent about it.

Not at all. The "will" of the people can be manipulated by bad actors.


>Not the point, lad. The point is that they are manipulating the presentation of data, which is even worse given that it's supposed to be a national website for delivering objective information. Reminds me of how the FBI now hides crime table data because people were using it to notice things.

You know it says far more, and goes into much more detail than you alleged.

>It diminished the value and role of marriage in society.

No reason to believe this at all.

Nor does this translate into anything in practice. Supposing its true, how is that harming society?

>Nope. Should never have gotten married then. Marriage is a holy contract, and it should only be dissolved when the contract is breached by one or both parties.

Christianity does not have a monopoly on marriage. The UK does not take its orders from Christianity. What are a married couple supposed to do then? Just remain married on paper but have other partners as they've emotionally split? They may as well just get divorced at that point.

>Yet they're precluded from polls that completely affect them.

How do you know they were "precluded"? You said that the majority of the polling was not done in middle-america, not that none was.

>Not at all. The "will" of the people can be manipulated by bad actors.

By your reasoning, it's impossible not to be manipulated. Every single opinion poll on anything could just be spun to "oh the media/government/whoever tricked the people into thinking X". It's completely unfalsifiable.


You know it says far more, and goes into much more detail than you alleged.

Yes, and no. It says more without saying much at all about the issues I brought up, or the other statistics highlighting many other rising rates of crime, or the fact that it's based on incomplete reporting data because British police refuse to data-track certain crimes. Hence, it's misleading.

Supposing its true, how is that harming society?

The devaluation of marriage in society is evident in the epidemic of divorce rates; people do not respect nor believe in the institution of marriage. 80% of lesbians divorce within a few years of getting hitched, meaning only two-tenths actually believe in the institution of long-term monogamy. By proxy, people see marriage as a simple thing to do, rather than as an honourary condition upon which to uphold vows. As a result, it destroys the presence and importance of maintaining the nuclear family, and the nuclear family is the backbone of every industrialised civilisation.

Just remain married on paper but have other partners as they've emotionally split?

If you cannot be monogamous, then do not get married.

You said that the majority of the polling was not done in middle-america, not that none was.

That's because it's how the polls are framed in places like America, and how it manipulates people into supporting something they do not, or extricating that demographic altogether:

Most polls are done on coastal regions where majority are Liberal, so obviously it biases the results.

Every single opinion poll on anything could just be spun to "oh the media/government/whoever tricked the people into thinking X".

Hogwash. It's completely possible to have a definitive opinion on something that isn't: forced into a binary choice, or two, manipulated to fetch a result based on a pre-purposed outcome.


>Yes, and no. It says more without saying much at all about the issues I brought up, or the other statistics highlighting many other rising rates of crime, or the fact that it's based on incomplete reporting data because British police refuse to data-track certain crimes. Hence, it's misleading.

It does not say all crime is uniformly dropping at all. And noting the ethnicity of those committing crimes is a different thing altogether.

>The devaluation of marriage in society is evident in the epidemic of divorce rates; people do not respect nor believe in the institution of marriage.,Divorce%20rates,(opposite%2Dsex%20only).

"Figure 2: Divorce rates have fallen to their lowest level since 1971"

>80% of lesbians divorce within a few years of getting hitched, meaning only two-tenths actually believe in the institution of long-term monogamy.

Can I see your data source here, please?

>By proxy, people see marriage as a simple thing to do, rather than as an honourary condition upon which to uphold vows. As a result, it destroys the presence and importance of maintaining the nuclear family, and the nuclear family is the backbone of every industrialised civilisation.

Not sure how allowing same-sex marriage into the fold somehow makes it more likely heterosexual couples might divorce.

>If you cannot be monogamous, then do not get married.

Not what I asked you. In this scenario, they are already married but no longer love each other. What are they to do then? Just remain married on paper but have other partners as they've emotionally split? They may as well just get divorced at that point.

>That's because it's how the polls are framed in places like America, and how it manipulates people into supporting something they do not, or extricating that demographic altogether:

This has nothing to do with WHERE they are polling, but how they are framing the questions. Basically if you add civil partnerships as an option (semantics, really) then the support officially drops to a plurality.

>Most polls are done on coastal regions where majority are Liberal, so obviously it biases the results.

You haven't provided any evidence this is true. More people from those areas will be polled because MOST AMERICANS happen to live in coastal states, and border-coastal states - depending on how far you expand "coastal regions". What you seem to be calling for is to over-represent middle-america relative to their actual population, which is disingenuous.

>Hogwash. It's completely possible to have a definitive opinion on something that isn't: forced into a binary choice, or two, manipulated to fetch a result based on a pre-purposed outcome.

Yet anyone can claim that any polling trend for an opinion they don't like just constitutes people being propagandised too. It's completely unfalsifiable. There is zero positive reason, however, to believe that LGBT acceptance didn't just happen naturally over time, and you have provided fuck all evidence for your claim that it was somehow artificial.


It does not say all crime is uniformly dropping at all.

In your previous comment you try to infer that the ONS depicted that crime was dropping across the board, and not that only certain crimes were down, and that only those that were down were due to reduced reporting of said crimes. That's highly misleading, wouldn't you say?

"Figure 2: Divorce rates have fallen to their lowest level since 1971"

Because marriage rates have fallen drastically:

Can't get divorced if you aren't married.

Can I see your data source here, please?

That was from 2020, at 72% -- the numbers have gone up since then.

they are already married but no longer love each other. What are they to do then?

Marriage isn't a car. You don't replace a partner with a newer model when you get bored. "For richer or for poorer", "for better or for worse". It is a vow. As stated, if you cannot uphold the vows, do not get married.

This has nothing to do with WHERE they are polling, but how they are framing the questions.

Both actually; because Gallup mostly uses phone calls:

Most older Americans -- which makes up a good portion of middle-America -- do not answer the phone from random callers (67% actually):

Meaning, majority of the polling is weighted for people who do answer the call; typically Liberal, non-White and usually under 65.

There is zero positive reason, however, to believe that LGBT acceptance didn't just happen naturally over time

It did not, because it had no reason to


>Because marriage rates have fallen drastically:

>Can't get divorced if you aren't married.

Right, but you initially claimed that there was an "epidemic of divorce rates".


"In 2020, there were 1,154 divorces among same-sex couples, increasing by 40.4% from 2019; of these, the majority continued to be accounted for by female same-sex divorces (71.3%)."

This says that 71% of divorces from same-sex couples come from female same-sex couples. Not that 71% of married female same-sex couples divorce. There is a difference.

>That was from 2020, at 72% -- the numbers have gone up since then.


>Marriage isn't a car. You don't replace a partner with a newer model when you get bored. "For richer or for poorer", "for better or for worse". It is a vow. As stated, if you cannot uphold the vows, do not get married.

NOT WHAT I ASKED YOU. It doesn't matter what you "think" marriage should be. The reality is that sometimes married couples fall out of love. WHAT SHOULD THEY DO WHEN THAT HAPPENS?

>Both actually; because Gallup mostly uses phone calls:

Which would actually preference older generations, making it if anything more likely to prejudice older people with more conservative views.

>Meaning, majority of the polling is weighted for people who do answer the call; typically Liberal, non-White and usually under 65.

Baseless unevidenced garbage. You think younger, non-white people are more likely to answer landlines?

>It did not, because it had no reason to

Yes it did. The USA had a general strong individualist culture and focus on civil rights. Gay people already existed and were present in public life.


Right, but you initially claimed that there was an "epidemic of divorce rates".

Relative to the drastically declining marriage rates, there is an epidemic of divorce -- it's only lower because marriage is about to become non-existent if it keeps at the current rate.

There is a difference.

Not according to divorce attorneys... as linked below....


Law firm:

It was actually at 78% in 2016 -- but divorce lawyers have stated lesbian divorce rates are at their highest yet.

The reality is that sometimes married couples fall out of love. WHAT SHOULD THEY DO WHEN THAT HAPPENS?

Not get married. Period. Marriage was ordained by God as a vow between a man and a woman, anything other than that is sacrilege. Anyone not marrying to maintain those vows should not get married. Period.

You think younger, non-white people are more likely to answer landlines?

That's precisely what the data said... from the Pew link:
Hispanic and Black adults are more likely than White adults to say they generally pick up for a number they don’t recognize

The USA had a general strong individualist culture and focus on civil rights.

No, they were duped into the Civil Rights act in the 60s, majority did not support it, same as they did not support gay marriage. It was media influence that pushed it into the mainstream:


>Relative to the drastically declining marriage rates, there is an epidemic of divorce -- it's only lower because marriage is about to become non-existent if it keeps at the current rate.

No, there's an "epidemic" of non-marriage. That might be a different, more relevant argument.

>Not according to divorce attorneys... as linked below....

You don't understand the data. It's saying that most divorces in SAME-SEX MARRIAGES come from lesbians. It's comparing them with divorce rates of gay men. It is not saying that 71% (UK) or 78% (USA) of lesbian couples overall divorce.

>Not get married. Period. Marriage was ordained by God as a vow between a man and a woman, anything other than that is sacrilege. Anyone not marrying to maintain those vows should not get married. Period.

Could have, should have, would have. They are already married and have fallen out of love. WHAT SHOULD THEY DO AT THIS POINT?

I, and they don't give a flying fuck about your shitty little god. The USA is not a theocracy. The UK is not a theocracy. I am not, and no-one else is bound to regard marriage as "ordained by god". You can shove your scripture up your ass.

>That's precisely what the data said... from the Pew link:
Hispanic and Black adults are more likely than White adults to say they generally pick up for a number they don’t recognize

And aren't black people not... notably less LGBT friendly?

Also older people are more likely to a) be at home, b) HAVE A LANDLINE. You appear to have missed that little data point.

>No, they were duped into the Civil Rights act in the 60s, majority did not support it, same as they did not support gay marriage. It was media influence that pushed it into the mainstream:

Not sure what this article has to do with your claim that people were "duped" into the civil rights act. And are you now unironically arguing that racial segregation in schools should be legal, that employers should be able to fire people for their race, and that states should be free to discriminate on race regarding voting rights?

Also by "civil rights" I mean civil liberties in a general sense. The USA has an individualist culture and doesn't tend to support using the state to control people's lives. Other than the minority of dominionist Christian Iran fucks like yourself, apparently.

Also your second link does show that most Americans at the time did support the civil rights act.


No, there's an "epidemic" of non-marriage. That might be a different, more relevant argument.

If majority of people aren't getting married, and the few who do are getting divorced. then there is a massive issue.

It's comparing them with divorce rates of gay men. It is not saying that 71% (UK) or 78% (USA) of lesbian couples overall divorce.

Did you click the link? Just over half of all same-sex marriages are lesbian couples, and 71% of same-sex divorces are lesbian couples. That means majority of lesbian marriages do not last.

They are already married and have fallen out of love. WHAT SHOULD THEY DO AT THIS POINT?

Marriage counselling.

You can shove your scripture up your ass.

People are already doing that, and it's why first-world nation relationships are crumbling. Your current pathway is unsustainable for the short and long term.

And aren't black people not... notably less LGBT friendly?

Not the Liberal kind.

You appear to have missed that little data point.

And they do not pick up the phone, which is the crux of that report.

Not sure what this article has to do with your claim that people were "duped" into the civil rights act.

Read it all -- support in general for the Civil Rights Act was overall far less enthusiastic than what the media led on. It was essentially forced through just like gay marriage, despite opposition from most of the general public.

The USA has an individualist culture and doesn't tend to support using the state to control people's lives

Yes and no. America had a bit of a war over State's rights.

Also your second link does show that most Americans at the time did support the civil rights act.

No, they supported reduced discrimination, but most supported moderate enforcement, not full-on liberalism.


>If majority of people aren't getting married, and the few who do are getting divorced. then there is a massive issue.

Where is your evidence that amongst those that do, that divorce rates have skyrocketed?

>Did you click the link? Just over half of all same-sex marriages are lesbian couples, and 71% of same-sex divorces are lesbian couples. That means majority of lesbian marriages do not last.

Yes, lesbians divorce at higher rates than gay men. That's not the same as saying that 71% of all lesbian couples divorces. It's saying that AMONGST THE DIVORCES of same-sex couples, 71% of them were lesbians. That doesn't mean that 71% of all married lesbians end up divorcing. It actually on its own makes no comment on the divorce rate of gay people. The divorce rate could be 2%, but just that of those that do divorce 7 out of 10 of them are lesbian couples.

You are unable to understand the data.

>Marriage counselling.

And if that doesn't work? Or they've done that? What then?

>People are already doing that, and it's why first-world nation relationships are crumbling. Your current pathway is unsustainable for the short and long term.

No reason to believe this at all.

>And they do not pick up the phone, which is the crux of that report.

And yet younger people are less likely to own the landline in the first place, or be at home. Also, how do you know Pew doesn't account for this? They've acknowledged the disparity.

>Read it all -- support in general for the Civil Rights Act was overall far less enthusiastic than what the media led on. It was essentially forced through just like gay marriage, despite opposition from most of the general public.

It still had popular support. All of it? No. Fear of mission creep? Sure. But almost NO BILL DOES.

>Yes and no. America had a bit of a war over State's rights.

Some 160 years ago. The point is that the USA prides itself on government getting out people's lives. But apparently you think they should meddle and control what people do in their bedrooms.

>No, they supported reduced discrimination, but most supported moderate enforcement, not full-on liberalism.

What were the "full-on liberalism" aspects you're alluding to?


Where is your evidence that amongst those that do, that divorce rates have skyrocketed?

Divorce rates have settled at 42%, yet marriage rates have dropped precipitously:

So still high divorce and low marriage is catastrophic. And more divorces would take place if it were financially viable, hence why people are simply not getting married:

You are unable to understand the data.

No, it's quite clear. 5/10 of all same-sex marriages are lesbians, and 7/10 of all same-sex divorces are lesbians. Hence, majority of lesbian marriages end in divorce.

And if that doesn't work? Or they've done that? What then?

More counselling... or prayer.

No reason to believe this at all.

Divorce rates, relationship implosion, low marriage rates all prove this to be true.

Also, how do you know Pew doesn't account for this?

Leap of presupposition.

What were the "full-on liberalism" aspects you're alluding to?

What modern day Western nations have turned into.


>Divorce rates have settled at 42%, yet marriage rates have dropped precipitously:

That's unchanged then.

Less people are getting divorced, because less people are getting married - the rates are the same though.

>So still high divorce and low marriage is catastrophic. And more divorces would take place if it were financially viable, hence why people are simply not getting married:

It's not "high divorce" in the sense that it's not different to what it was in the 1960s or 70s.

>No, it's quite clear. 5/10 of all same-sex marriages are lesbians, and 7/10 of all same-sex divorces are lesbians. Hence, majority of lesbian marriages end in divorce.

First of all, how do you know 50% of all same-sex marriages are lesbians. There may be slight disparites. And, no you don't. This is such basic statistical failure.

It does not say that 70-80% of lesbian marriages end in divorce. It says that amongst the divorce statistics of same-sex couples, 7/10 of them are lesbians. I really don't know how I can point this out clearer. Do I need to come up with an analogy to walk you through it?

It isn't tracking same-sex divorce rates - it's tracking what % of divorced same-sex couples are lesbian couples.

Apparently it's: "Among opposite-sex couples in 2021, females were more likely to petition for divorce (63.1%) compared with males (36.9%); these are similar proportions to those in 2020, with 62.6% of petitions where females petitioned and 37.4% with males petitioning."

I can't actually find concrete data on the rates of gay marriages that end in divorce, but it is suggesting that gay men are more resilient than straight couples.

>More counselling... or prayer.

And what if they don't want to? Why should two unhappy people be forced to remain together forever?

And in this analogy, they're non-religious and think prayer is a load of fucking garbage.

>Divorce rates, relationship implosion, low marriage rates all prove this to be true.

You haven't really demonstrated all of these to be true coherently, nor have you demonstrated that the changes in any of them derive from a lack of religiosity.

>Leap of presupposition.

So "I made it up" basically. All polling agencies account for this stuff dude.

>What modern day Western nations have turned into.

And how did the civil rights act have anything to do with how modern day western nations have developed?


Less people are getting divorced, because less people are getting married - the rates are the same though.

Divorce rates have only gone down by some percentile and marriage rates have dropped significantly, where there are almost twice as many unwed women today than 30 years ago within the same demographic age bracket. Meaning, marriages are twice down while divorces are still mostly steady.

First of all, how do you know 50% of all same-sex marriages are lesbians.

56%. It literally says it in the link.

It says that amongst the divorce statistics of same-sex couples, 7/10 of them are lesbians.

Yes, and we already know that half of same-sex marriages are lesbians, and 7/10 of same-sex divorces are lesbians. That means only a third of all gay men who get married get a divorce.

it is suggesting that gay men are more resilient than straight couples.

Because many of them are in open marriages:

Why should two unhappy people be forced to remain together forever?


You haven't really demonstrated all of these to be true coherently

Yes we have. Majority of Westerners are Godless hedonists, and it's created a vapid and destructive relationship landscape with no positive outcome.

how did the civil rights act have anything to do with how modern day western nations have developed?

It paved the way for the current outpouring of discriminatory DEI/ESG manifestos being employed as part of a globalised corporatocracy backed by central banking.


>Divorce rates have only gone down by some percentile and marriage rates have dropped significantly, where there are almost twice as many unwed women today than 30 years ago within the same demographic age bracket. Meaning, marriages are twice down while divorces are still mostly steady.

I... don't think you understand statistics. Divorce numbers in real terms have declined at roughly the same rate as marriage numbers.

>Yes, and we already know that half of same-sex marriages are lesbians, and 7/10 of same-sex divorces are lesbians. That means only a third of all gay men who get married get a divorce.

So presumably gay male marriages are the most stable, by your logic.

>Because many of them are in open marriages:

Okay. So? If they're happy in open relationships - so what?


What's to stop them from just seeing other people?

>Yes we have. Majority of Westerners are Godless hedonists, and it's created a vapid and destructive relationship landscape with no positive outcome.

"You haven't really demonstrated all of these to be true coherently"

>It paved the way for the current outpouring of discriminatory DEI/ESG manifestos being employed as part of a globalised corporatocracy backed by central banking.

This is just gibberish nonsense. Genuinely no reason to believe it.


Divorce numbers in real terms have declined at roughly the same rate as marriage numbers.

That's not how the numbers work. Try again... using the sources I provided.

So presumably gay male marriages are the most stable, by your logic.

Which goes back to my question about how can a community consisting only of 100 men produce another generation?

Okay. So? If they're happy in open relationships - so what?

No reason to be married.

What's to stop them from just seeing other people?

They can, but then it voids the marriage contract.

"You haven't really demonstrated all of these to be true coherently"

Large portions of the West are depressed, lonely, on anti-depressants, divorced/never married, with falling birthrates, and entirely unhappy. That's not even including the economic bubble about to burst and impending WW3. You'll have to reason how all of those things -- cumulatively -- are good for a prolonged and healthy civilised society?


>That's not how the numbers work. Try again... using the sources I provided.

Less people are getting married, but roughly the same % of people who get married are getting divorced.

So if 20 people get married, 10 divorce. Now it's 10 people getting married, 5 divorce. There's no massive increase of divorces.

>Which goes back to my question about how can a community of 100 men produce another generation?

And it goes back to my original point that I don't recall anyone saying anywhere that everyone should be gay.

>No reason to be married.

Why do you give a fuck? Does it somehow harm a heterosexual persons marriage?

>They can, but then it voids the marriage contract.

Okay. So what's the difference in practice between an unhappily married couple just getting a divorce, and then seeing new people and an unhappily married couple just mutually agreeing to have 'affairs' so they can have their marriage contract voided?

>Large portions of the West are depressed, lonely, on anti-depressants, divorced/never married, with falling birthrates, and entirely unhappy. That's not even including the economic bubble about to burst and impending WW3. You'll have to reason how all of those things -- cumulatively are good for a prolonged and healthy society?

Birthrates are actually falling everywhere, not just in the western world - it's just countries with much larger birth rates have many more levels to drop. And two of the most religious countries in Europe (Greece and Poland) have amongst the worst birthrates. How do you explain that?

The "unhappiest country" metric only took data from 71 countries. And the actual unhappiest one was *Tajikistan*. The only other European country in the top 10 there was Ireland. This isn't really demonstrating what you think it is.

>That's not even including the economic bubble about to burst and impending WW3.

Neither of these things, if they happen, have anything to do with 'godlessness'.


So if 20 people get married, 10 divorce. Now it's 10 people getting married, 5 divorce. There's no massive increase of divorces.

If the same amount of people are getting divorced while fewer people are getting married, how does that help improve social cohesion or improving the family unit dynamic?

And it goes back to my original point that I don't recall anyone saying anywhere that everyone should be gay.

No one said everyone should be gay, the point is that fewer normal families and more gay marriages equates to disruption in cultural standards. You cannot build or maintain a civilisation that way.

Why do you give a fuck?

Societal collapse.

So what's the difference in practice

There isn't one. Both are bad for the people involved and for society at large.

How do you explain that?

Greece is going through migrant upheaval:

And Poland is going through a cultural crisis:

Neither of these things, if they happen, have anything to do with 'godlessness'.

They absolutely do, since it's kakistocrats looking to disrupt the natural order for their own gain. Nothing Godly about those actions.


>If the same amount of people are getting divorced while fewer people are getting married, how does that help improve social cohesion or improving the family unit dynamic?

I didn't say it improved. Just that the divorce rate hasn't gone up.

>No one said everyone should be gay, the point is that fewer normal families and more gay marriages equates to disruption in cultural standards. You cannot build or maintain a civilisation that way.

The same gay people would still be gay whether or not they could get married or not. Legalising gay marriage doesn't reduce the overall amount of families that exist.

>Societal collapse.

No reason to think open relationships cause it.

So the Greece and Poland birth rates have... nothing to do with a lack of religion then. That was my point. (At least if we assume the Greece migrant crisis is related, which I have no idea why it would be). Polands housing crisis/issues might, to some degree, but not related to religion. Poland does however have strong forecasts economically.

>They absolutely do, since it's kakistocrats looking to disrupt the natural order for their own gain. Nothing Godly about those actions.

What "natural order" of geopolitics are you referring to that is being disrupted, exactly? The period before WW2, which was on average much more religious, was rife with much more conflict across states in Europe than we have now. What foreign policy has been made by the west that would not have been made if they were more "godly"?

Also, I'll ask the other question in here. I would very much like an answer from you: Cyguration, can you tell me if you think it's morally acceptable for someone to accuse someone else of being a pedophile on the back of no evidence?


I didn't say it improved.

Right, so you concede my point that it is a major detriment to society. Thank you for agreeing with me.

The same gay people would still be gay whether or not they could get married or not.

Precisely. You agree with me again, that there is no reason for them to be married since it changes nothing, but only diminishes the definition of marriage between a man and a woman for the sake of starting a family. Glad we're finally coming to the same terms here.

No reason to think open relationships cause it.

They only lead to chaos:

So the Greece and Poland birth rates have... nothing to do with a lack of religion then.

Lack of maintaining principles, upholding the border, and balancing the economy due to leadership corruption spawns from a lack of maintaining religious principles from the top down.

What "natural order" of geopolitics are you referring to that is being disrupted, exactly?

The global attacks on the nuclear family unit.

can you tell me if you think it's morally acceptable for someone to accuse someone else of being a pedophile on the back of no evidence?

That is neither here nor there, given accusations are generally a reaction, and reactions are based on a platform of contention. The contention determines why the accusation takes place.


>Right, so you concede my point that it is a major detriment to society. Thank you for agreeing with me.

No, I said no such thing. I simply said that marriage rates declining is a separate issue to divorce rates. I also made no observation about whether that's good or not good for society.

>Precisely. You agree with me again, that there is no reason for them to be married since it changes nothing, but only diminishes the definition of marriage between a man and a woman for the sake of starting a family. Glad we're finally coming to the same terms here.

There's also no reason for them not to be married, or in a civil partnership (a distinction purely rooted in semantics).

There is not a singular definition of marriage. Many other countries, as I've said, had polygamous concepts of marriage and plenty of straight people get married with no intent to have kids.

>Lack of maintaining principles, upholding the border, and balancing the economy due to leadership corruption spawns from a lack of maintaining religious principles from the top down.

Poland doesn't accept many migrants (outside of Ukraine, who are culturally similar). Doesn't apply to them. Also, I fail to see how 'religious principles' would be inherently anti-migration. They might not be.

>The global attacks on the nuclear family unit.

Which, if true (and to be clear I think this is somewhat baseless), has nothing to do with the prospect of WW3 via interfering/antagonising/resisting Russia or China. You specifically spoke about the move into WW3.

>That is neither here nor there, given accusations are generally a reaction, and reactions are based on a platform of contention. The contention determines why the accusation takes place.

A now-deleted user, baselessly, accused me of being a pedophile and a would-be school shooter on zero evidence. They were a pretty hostile troll. Melton decided to pick that up and repeatedly ask me across many different threads if there is any truth to the "rumours". He continued to ask this despite me, every time, rejecting it outright. He also edits his posts after I reply to him to suggest that my reply constitutes an admission of guilt of being a pedophile.

Here's an example. The moderators deleted a few of his posts (as you can see in the thread) after I reported them for this. You claim in our dealings, or act, as someone who wishes to give off the impression that behaviour and conduct matters. Do you think this constitutes fair-minded, moral conduct?


Your misleading moral questions falsely pre-suppose that you’re some harmless innocent suddenly hounded on by sadistic bullies… when the reality is that you’re hated across the site because you’re an evil, lying sack of shit with a sinister agenda, and now you’re enjoying the karmic consequences of your behaviour.

Like most Leftists, you’re too dumb to pull off the sophistry you’re attempting, and you’re getting exactly what you deserve.

Now, mindlessly fart out another load of Straw and Hatchling questions, in total self-denial of the fact that you’ve been called out on this dirty tactic time and time again…


What's "misleading" about the questions? I accurately depicted your behaviour, not just in that thread, but elsewhere on the forum when you continue to obsess about me.

And I didn't say I was hounded on by "sadistic bullies" plural. It's just you. Corbell is a scumbag, but he doesn't spend his entire life following me around, like you do. TVfan is a fascist piece of shit, but he also doesn't spend his time harassing me (although he did briefly some time ago). No-one else does anything to me, or tried to antagonise me on here except for you. You have the energy of the Scientologist Dan Mernon harassing Mark Bunker, if you're familiar with that analogy.

The comparison is more of a troll who has absolutely nothing else going on spending his whole life harassing me.

>when the reality is that you’re hated across the site because you’re an evil, lying sack of shit with a sinister agenda, and now you’re enjoying the karmic consequences of your behaviour.

What have I lied about? What makes me evil? What is my "sinister agenda"?

How does any of those things, if they are true, justify hurling false allegations at me?


>Now, mindlessly fart out another load of Straw and Hatchling questions, in total self-denial of the fact that you’ve been called out on this dirty tactic time and time again…

And here comes the childish edit. You're doing *exactly* the same behaviour in here that you claim I'm misleading cyguration about. I will bring this to his attention.

Also, there were zero straw or hatchling questions in my response to you.


Now I've compared you to a Scientologist a few times now. I'll expand.

Scientologists harass critics as a matter of doctrine. Their purpose is to try and ruin their life. They will do so in obviously immoral ways. They also do so as a bloc. What makes all of this even more Scientology coded is that the in-group, out-group attitude on here is so overwhelming. You have behaved, publicly, and repeatedly in an awful way. Not just to me but to others (although at least in this case, mostly me since I seem to be your life obsession now). And although I'm not talking about cyguration here (yet?) - so many of your ideological allies: tvfan, Craig, Corbell, BVB, Blacksun and JoWilli (although I did managed to get a muted "it's wrong" response from them once) just can't admit it. They can't say that accusing people of being a pedophile is wrong. Or even, as you put it "asking to confirm (baseless) rumours about someone being a pedophile" happens to be wrong. They just can't say that editing your post to suggest that they're saying something they're clearly not after the other person has replied is pretty immoral. And why can't they say it? Because you're on their team. I am the enemy, not you. This is literally the fair game policy of Scientology in action. You are the ideological ally, and you can't be criticised. I'm the suppressive person, marked as the enemy. If I threw unfounded accusations at other people, they would have no problem piling on me and calling me horrible for doing that. But if I am the recipient of them, they just can't bring themselves to say anything.

The behaviour from you specifically, in all of this, is very obviously internet bullbaiting too. Just like the typical Scientology tactic. Talking to you or watching you is unironically like watching Mark Bunker being targeted by these guys:


Now I've compared you to a Scientologist a few times now. I'll expand.

Knock yourself out 🥱


Yes, I know you never read any of my points. That's precisely what Scientologists do as well.

Attack, attack, attack. Never defend. The doctrine towards suppressive people.


Cool story 👍🏻


I also made no observation about whether that's good or not good for society.

So you think people getting divorced at relatively the same rates, whilst marriages are in a double-decline for marriage-age demographics over a near 30-year period, is healthy for society?

or in a civil partnership

They can have the civil partnership without marriage, especially since you don't think marriage is important... right?

There is not a singular definition of marriage.

It was intended originally, according to the Bible, to be a holy matrimony between man and woman. Anything else is just a variation of a civil union.

I fail to see how 'religious principles' would be inherently anti-migration. They might not be.

They are, since Poland is majority Roman Catholic, and they do not favour inter-faith mingling; most migrants are Muslim.

You specifically spoke about the move into WW3

When drafts are enacted, who do you think will be called to war and how will it impact the family unit?

Do you think this constitutes fair-minded, moral conduct?

Asking questions, in good faith, is never immoral.


>So you think people getting divorced at relatively the same rates, whilst marriages are in a double-decline for marriage-age demographics over a near 30-year period, is healthy for society?

Less divorces on the whole means less problems for the court system as people can just separate. I don't see it as inherently harmful.

>They can have the civil partnership without marriage, especially since you don't think marriage is important... right?

What's the relevant distinction in your mind? Other than them having different names?

>It was intended originally, according to the Bible, to be a holy matrimony between man and woman. Anything else is just a variation of a civil union.

I don't give a fuck what the bible says.

>They are, since Poland is majority Roman Catholic, and they do not favour inter-faith mingling; most migrants are Muslim.

Poland is one country. They are not the only example of potential Christian-influenced policy. In Latin America, it could be liberation theology.

>When drafts are enacted, who do you think will be called to war and how will it impact the family unit?

That's not the same thing as saying that irreligiosity somehow caused WW3, or will cause it - as you implied

>Asking questions, in good faith, is never immoral.

He never asked it in any good faith. Do you habitually just assume people you talk to in life are pedophiles and ask them if they are? That's good faith, is it? Sorry, he keeps doing it. I have repeatedly denied his allegations and he continues to imply I am a pedophile either by asking me again and again, or implying I am a danger to kids, or by editing his posts after I reply to suggest my reply constitutes an admission.

He literally did it just a few hours ago.

And you did not answer my other question regarding the editing of posts, which he does repeatedly AND HAS DONE IN THIS VERY THREAD whilst simultaneously accused me of lying to you that he does it.

Do you think it is moral to edit your post after the other user has replied to make it appear as if they are admitting to something they are not?


Again, your misleading moral questions falsely pre-suppose that you’re some harmless innocent suddenly hounded on by sadistic bullies… when the reality is that you’re hated across the site because you’re an evil, lying sack of shit with a sinister agenda, and now you’re enjoying the karmic consequences of your behaviour.

Like most Leftists, you’re too dumb to pull off the sophistry you’re attempting, and you’re getting exactly what you deserve.

Now make a load of pathetic unconvincing excuses mixed with tedious victim-whining while you continue to be a bell-end across the site. Go…


What's misleading about them? You have behaved EXACTLY like you did in the other threads and what I've charged you for doing.

> pre-suppose that you’re some harmless innocent suddenly hounded on by sadistic bullies… when the reality is that you’re hated across the site because you’re an evil, lying sack of shit with a sinister agenda, and now you’re enjoying the karmic consequences of your behaviour.

This is literally a cut and paste from you. As I said then, and will say now:

And I didn't say I was hounded on by "sadistic bullies" plural. It's just you. Corbell is a scumbag, but he doesn't spend his entire life following me around, like you do. TVfan is a fascist piece of shit, but he also doesn't spend his time harassing me (although he did briefly some time ago). No-one else does anything to me, or tried to antagonise me on here except for you. You have the energy of the Scientologist Dan Mernon harassing Mark Bunker, if you're familiar with that analogy.

The comparison is more of a troll who has absolutely nothing else going on spending his whole life harassing me.


>Now make a load of pathetic unconvincing excuses mixed with tedious victim-whining while you continue to be a bell-end across the site. Go…

Another childish post-edit response that I will direct cygurations attention to.


He just said this to me. Do you specifically think this is moral behaviour?

This really should be easy. Do you think Melton is behaving honourably? All he does now is follow me around and try to antagonise me. That's literally his sole purpose in life, from what I can ascertain.


Cyguration, you’re still doing an admirable job of trying to reason with the most blinkered moron on this site.

Skavau is allergic to reality and facts, is completely ideologically captured by the ruling regime, and has only an unimpressive bag of rhetorical tricks in his ‘intellectual arsenal’.

Before he drains much more of your time, check out this thread dedicated to exposing his agenda and his dishonest debating strategy:


>Cyguration, you’re still doing an admirable job of trying to reason with the most blinkered moron on this site.

What precisely are the specific claims he's made that you find so compelling? He's misunderstood statistics and repeatedly made wild claims and arguments that he's abandoned.

>Before he drains much more of your time, check out this thread dedicated to exposing his agenda and his dishonest debating strategy:

I will take note to ask him, should he reply to you here, since whatever else he might be, cyguration does at least appear to be an honest poster, if he feels that accusing people of being a pedophile on no evidence is a moral thing to do.

I also continue to note your obsession with me. Do you actually think about nothing else in life other than what I do on here?



If for nothing else, I have not engaged much with people who hold his views in a while that require me to dig out and dig through a collection of sources. So, it has at least enabled me to dust off some of the old Gorgian method and rekindle some talking points I had forgotten about. It also helps me to better understand today's rootless youth, and to find better counters for their stance(s).


Cyguration, can you tell me if you think it's morally acceptable for someone to accuse someone else of being a pedophile on the back of no evidence?

And if it is moral to edit your posts after replying to a user to make it look like they admit something they didn't?


That’s cool, as long as you’re using him as your intellectual plaything and not allowing him to the control the discussion with his trademark Hatchling and Straw questions.

Never forget that he’s a completely insincere regime lackey on a gaslighting mission, with zero interest in reality. Every time you go fetching evidence he counts that as a ‘win’ because he believes he has successfully wasted your time.

But if you’re aware of his shtick (notice how he’s trying to bait you in his reply to this post) and want to amuse yourself with him then don’t let me put you off. You’ve certainly made a fool of him so far in your discussion here 🍻


Let us see if he'll give me a straight answer when I ask him, and show him, your general conduct on this forum.


>But if you’re aware of his shtick (notice how he’s trying to bait you in his reply to this post) and want to amuse yourself with him then don’t let me put you off. You’ve certainly made a fool of him so far in your discussion here 🍻

And how has he made a fool of me? Going to refer to any specifics?

How is asking him about your conduct on here trying to "bait" him? You claim to be such a paragon, you claim such a moral highground, but then operate by deception: editing posts to misrepresent the reply, baseless accusations about other people, juvenile edgy 12 year old gamer insults towards others.


>Every time you go fetching evidence he counts that as a ‘win’ because he believes he has successfully wasted your time.

I missed this. The implications of this are absurd. It suggests that you don't believe that claims should be backed up. As if you think people should just accept what you claim without any actual sourcing.


Yes, I've read your posts and notice the patterns quite well, so I thank you for that.

And absolutely.... it has allowed me to resharpen some debate tools that I left dormant for many years. And has also allowed me to brush up a bit on my tactics.

But I'm glad you recognise the tactics and already know how to spot them with ease. I'm sure it makes it very easy for you to spot them and counter them when you encounter them in other parts of life.


>Yes, I've read your posts and notice the patterns quite well, so I thank you for that.

Can you name some "hatchling" questions I've asked? Can you name some straw questions I've asked? Should people just take your word for claims you make, and not ask for your sources when you make claims about things? Is there something wrong with being asked for data?

Cyguration, can you tell me if you think it's morally acceptable for someone to accuse someone else of being a pedophile on the back of no evidence?


He’s pissed now 👆🏻🤣

Fires back at accusations of using Hatchling and Straw questions… with a barrage of Hatchling and Straw questions… and doesn’t get the irony 🤦🏻‍♂️


So, wait, whenever someone throws an accusation at you, and you ask them on what basis they're claiming it... it automatically becomes a "hatchling" question?

So people shouldn't defend themselves, ever? Or it's "hatchling"?

Also, I'm not convinced you know what the word strawman means.


I don't see it as inherently harmful.

You forgot about the marriage rates dropping by nearly double.

Other than them having different names?

Words have meanings, and the meaning of marriage is the holy matrimony of man and woman to come together under God for the purpose of creating or maintaining a blessed lineage. Civil unions are not.

I don't give a fuck what the bible says.

Right, so you don't really care about marriage then, since its purpose is defined by the Bible.

In Latin America, it could be liberation theology.

Latin America actually further proves my point about corruption and misappropriation of the intended use of theological doctrine as civil foundations leading to absolute anarchy and dissolution of social structure; Brazil, in particular.

That's not the same thing as saying that irreligiosity somehow caused WW3

It's predicated on it; proper religious leadership would have strayed from even instigating things toward WW3 based on corrupt backroom dealings (i.e., Ukraine). As a result, the family unit will be further destroyed when young men are forced away from their families to fight in a corrupt war.

he continues to imply I am a pedophile either by asking me again and again, or implying I am a danger to kids

What -- from your actions or inferences -- led him to ask those questions?


>You forgot about the marriage rates dropping by nearly double.

Which I don't regard as inherently harmful in itself.

>Words have meanings, and the meaning of marriage is the holy matrimony of man and woman to come together under God for the purpose of creating or maintaining a blessed lineage. Civil unions are not.

That's your definition. Not mine. And again, what difference does it make is an identical union just under a different name exists that gay people use?

>Right, so you don't really care about marriage then, since its purpose is defined by the Bible.

Personally, no. And the bible does not have a monopoly on the definition of marriage.

>Latin America actually further proves my point about corruption and misappropriation of the intended use of theological doctrine as civil foundations leading to absolute anarchy and dissolution of social structure; Brazil, in particular.

I am making the point that intense christianity does not inherently, necessarily mean an anti-migration policy. Should I suggest that the endgame of intense Christianity are the many religious derived authoritarian dictatorships of Europe in the 20th century? (Portugal, Spain)?

>It's predicated on it; proper religious leadership would have strayed from even instigating things toward WW3 based on corrupt backroom dealings (i.e., Ukraine). As a result, the family unit will be further destroyed when young men are forced away from their families to fight in a corrupt war.

What a load of fucking bullshit. WW1 and WW2, both wars that emerged in a much more highly religiously prominent environment with major states involved often having overt authoritarian religious governments.

>What -- from your actions or inferences -- led him to ask those questions?

He doesn't like me. That's it.

Absolutely NOTHING I have ever done or said leads anyone to ask it reasonably. I have repeatedly denied it, and he continues.

And you did not answer my other question regarding the editing of posts, which he does repeatedly AND HAS DONE IN THIS VERY THREAD whilst simultaneously accused me of lying to you that he does it.

Do you think it is moral to edit your post after the other user has replied to make it appear as if they are admitting to something they are not?


Which I don't regard as inherently harmful in itself.

Without marriage, there is no family unit, and without a family unit, you no longer have a cultural backbone for civilisation. Why do you not think that is harmful?

what difference does it make is an identical union just under a different name exists that gay people use?

Words have meanings. Without meanings the words mean nothing. Marriage is not interchangeable with civil unions, and are a holy matrimony -- civil unions are not holy. The better question is, why do you need or care about people adopting a religious matrimony if you don't think religiosity is important?

And the bible does not have a monopoly on the definition of marriage.

It does, actually. Other cultures have simply tried to adopt it.

I am making the point that intense christianity does not inherently, necessarily mean an anti-migration policy.

It's not just anti-imigration, it's also sociopolitical norms and basing state legality around religious standards. The erosion of that is what has seen so many forms of debauchery rise up in the aforementioned nations (albeit at different rates).

both wars that emerged in a much more highly religiously prominent environment with major states involved often having overt authoritarian religious governments.

There was nothing religiously motivated by the Bolsheviks nor the Czars that led to the impetus of those wars getting underway in certain regions.

Absolutely NOTHING I have ever done or said leads anyone to ask it reasonably.

That's your perspective, though.

Do you think it is moral to edit your post after the other user has replied to make it appear as if they are admitting to something they are not?

Depends on if the edit is for clarity.


>Without marriage, there is no family unit, and without a family unit, you no longer have a cultural backbone for civilisation. Why do you not think that is harmful?

There's no reason to believe this is true. We could just rename marriage to "civil partnership". There's no requirement on people being married to have children.

>Words have meanings. Without meanings the words mean nothing. Marriage is not interchangeable with civil unions, and are a holy matrimony -- civil unions are not holy.

No, that is your claim that it is "holy". Not mine. What is the difference in practice?

>The better question is, why do you need or care about people adopting a religious matrimony if you don't think religiosity is important?

I think the state should get out of marriage entirely.

>It does, actually. Other cultures have simply tried to adopt it.

No reason to believe this whatsoever. Literal baseless unevidenced horseshit.

>It's not just anti-imigration, it's also sociopolitical norms and basing state legality around religious standards. The erosion of that is what has seen so many forms of debauchery rise up in the aforementioned nations (albeit at different rates).

Can you tell me what "debauchery" should be criminalised? And as always, ignored by you: Should I suggest that the endgame of intense Christianity are the many religious derived authoritarian dictatorships of Europe in the 20th century? (Portugal, Spain)?

>There was nothing religiously motivated by the Bolsheviks nor the Czars that led to the impetus of those wars getting underway in certain regions.

The people, the population in Europe were on average more religious than they are now. And the Communists were not the only players in the prelude to those conflicts.

>That's your perspective, though.

Go on then. Tell me what I've done anywhere that makes it reasonable to throw baseless accusations and suggestions at me about being a pedophile. You speak with such piety, such sanctimony yet you can't make possibly the easiest condemnation going. It's pathetic. This seriously speaks bad on you.

Did you actually click on the original thread I linked?

>Depends on if the edit is for clarity.

No, it is not. I am replying to Melton and what he does in some of his posts after I have replied, some time afterwards, he will edit his post that I have already replied to to say "If the rumours about you being a pedophile are true, please confirm this by replying."

Do you think that is remotely honest, or moral conduct?


There's no reason to believe this is true

Which modern industralised nation has been built on a family structure that is not majority monogamous?

What is the difference in practice?

The upholding of vows.

I think the state should get out of marriage entirely.

We can both agree on this.

No reason to believe this whatsoever. Literal baseless unevidenced horseshit.

The Bible is the first book ever published, and represents the cultural cornerstone which chronicles man's guided ascent to establish the structural foundations for modern civilisation.

?Should I suggest that the endgame of intense Christianity are the many religious derived authoritarian dictatorships of Europe in the 20th century?

As you noted yourself, those were not built on the religious principles of Christianity, but the perversion of those principles specifically for authoritarian dictatorships, which actually goes against the very principles of what Jesus taught in the book they used to enact near-theocratic rule.

Can you tell me what "debauchery" should be criminalised?

Never said criminalised, but outlawed or shamed were the proper way about it in the past.

the population in Europe were on average more religious than they are now.

Yes, but the rulership(s) were still corrupt... or do you really think those autocrats ruled with religiously sound fervor (despite the attempted genocides/land grabs via war)?

Tell me what I've done anywhere that makes it reasonable to throw baseless accusations and suggestions at me about being a pedophile.

You need to find recourse in reasoning with him to understand what you did to cause such friction.

Did you actually click on the original thread I linked?

Yep, can't make heads or tails of that conversation.


>Which modern industralised nation has been built on a family structure that is not majority monogamous?

They also all have expansive LGBT rights.

>The upholding of vows.

Why can't people doing a partnership make vows?

>The Bible is the first book ever published, and represents the cultural cornerstone which chronicles man's guided ascent to establish the structural foundations for modern civilisation.

No, the Bible is not the "first book ever published". Evidence please.

>Never said criminalised, but outlawed or shamed were the proper way about it in the past.

What's the practical difference between "outlawed" and criminalised? What things should be outlawed and shamed now?

>Yes, but the rulership(s) were still corrupt... or do you really think those autocrats ruled with religiously sound fervor (despite the attempted genocides/land grabs via war)?

Many of the countries in interwar europe were run as religious dictatorships. But I digress. The point is that nothing has changed. You're speaking, it seems about an ideal that has never really truly existed and thus is fundamentally unfalsifiable.

>You need to find recourse in reasoning with him to understand what you did to cause such friction.

He doesn't like my beliefs. He accuses anyone who publicly disagrees with him on an issue of being 'woke' and immediately makes them his own enemy. I've seen it many times, although he's fixated on me as an object of obsession. He then has a fair game policy of behaviour where any accusation towards me becomes justified. Do you think that's acceptable? Do you think someone who edits their posts to make it look like I'm admitting something I'm not is arguing fairly?

As I said: I am replying to Melton and what he does in some of his posts after I have replied, some time afterwards, he will edit his post that I have already replied to to say "If the rumours about you being a pedophile are true, please confirm this by replying."

Do you think that is remotely honest, or moral conduct?

Here's where he accused me of loving Islam. I said I don't. He continues to claim otherwise:

That fair conduct?

Here's another instance:

He knows full well where he got the "rumours" from. He's trying to bait me. Do you consider this moral conduct?

And again. Do you think that is remotely a reasonable-minded, good-faith, moral response to what I said?


They also all have expansive LGBT rights.

Non-sequitur. That doesn't answer the question.

Why can't people doing a partnership make vows?

Anyone can make vows, but they don't mean anything if no one intends to maintain or uphold them.

No, the Bible is not the "first book ever published". Evidence please.

What's the practical difference between "outlawed" and criminalised?

Outlawed can mean something that is prohibited from being done but may not carry criminal charges. Fornication, non-monogamy, and hook-up culture should definitely be shamed/outlawed.

You're speaking, it seems about an ideal that has never really truly existed

I would say 18th century Britain came close, as well as 18th - early 20th century America also came close.

Do you think that is remotely honest, or moral conduct?

If you believe he is baiting you, then why not just make peace and disengage?


>Non-sequitur. That doesn't answer the question.

None, because of the prominence of Christianity across most of the western world.

>Anyone can make vows, but they don't mean anything if no one intends to maintain or uphold them.

Sure. But this could be true for any marriage, civil partnership, anything.


>Outlawed can mean something that is prohibited from being done but may not carry criminal charges. Fornication, non-monogamy, and hook-up culture should definitely be shamed/outlawed.

If it doesn't carry criminal charges, then in what sense is it prohibited?

>I would say 18th century Britain came close, as well as 18th - early 20th century America also came close.

And 18th century Britain did all kinds of horrible things that we'd reject now. So did early 20th century USA.

>If you believe he is baiting you, then why not just make peace and disengage?

He continually harasses me across the forum. How can I "make peace"? I don't have to say anything to him. He continues unabated. I am asking you a really simple question dude. It really is trivial. I am asking you if you think his conduct is moral.


None, because of the prominence of Christianity across most of the western world.

There are countless cultures and tribes not associated with Christianity -- where are the modern industrialised societies built out of non-monogamous, pagan cultural trends?

And hilariously, none of them are as old as the dead sea scrolls (the closest being the Estrucan tablets, which have nothing in them related to cultural standards or trends). Hence, the Bible is not only the oldest book out there but the only one that contains instructions for standards on life, including marriage.

If it doesn't carry criminal charges, then in what sense is it prohibited?

It can result in public shaming, community outlawing, or prohibitive access to civil municipalities.

And 18th century Britain did all kinds of horrible things that we'd reject now. So did early 20th century USA.

And that's precisely why modern society is imploding. Those "horrible things" were in place to protect the integrity of an expanding and progressive cultural society built on evolutionary productivity.

How can I "make peace"? I don't have to say anything to him.

So, what you're trying to say is that moral relativism without hard-line principles renders you susceptible to people utilising it to badger or mock or undermine your character? It's almost like if there were standards in place to enforce moral behaviours you wouldn't have that issue, no?


>There are countless cultures and tribes not associated with Christianity -- where are the modern industrialised societies built out of non-monogamous, pagan cultural trends?

Most of them were railroaded and absorbed and then eventually spat out (liberated with new cultures and religions) by the British, Spanish, French etc many hundreds of years ago and Christianised. Although one could argue China as an example of a nation that surged in spite of it. It's never been majority Christian. Nor has most of the Middle-East, India etc.

>And hilariously, none of them are as old as the dead sea scrolls (the closest being the Estrucan tablets, which have nothing in them related to cultural standards or trends). Hence, the Bible is not only the oldest book out there but the only one that contains instructions for standards on life, including marriage.,printed%20book%20in%20the%20world.

Nowhere considers the dead sea scrolls as the definitive oldest, it seems. And you talking about it referring to cultural standards or trends as a prerequisite is moving the goalposts.

>It can result in public shaming, community outlawing, or prohibitive access to civil municipalities.

What form would the "public shaming" take? What do you mean by "community outlawing"? A state ban? That's still a ban enforced by law, just within the borders of a state. What access should be revoked? This sounds awfully close to the Chinese social credit system.

>So, what you're trying to say is that moral relativism without hard-line principles renders you susceptible to people utilising it to badger or mock or undermine your character?

An individual choosing to be abusive doesn't have much to do with anything. He could do that whether or not the USA was a christian state or not. Many of the highly abusive characters on this forum also parade around their religiosity as a badge of honour.

>It's almost like if there were standards in place to enforce moral behaviours you wouldn't have that issue, no?

I'm asking you from your perspective. The thread has finally been glassed now. Do you consider his conduct, from you saw, and what I'm saying acceptable? And what are you getting at here? Are you proposing I support legislation that bans being rude online? Do you support that kind of thing?

And divine command theory, which you seem to be referring to here is nothing more than following the dear leader. I reject the premise that your worldview actually adequately provides objective moral standards. I also assume, perhaps charitably, that you reject killing people and raping people for reasons other than an order that tells you not to do so. That you do have some level of solidarity with others that leads you to regard them as distasteful and anti-social actions that harm society.


Although one could argue China as an example of a nation that surged in spite of it. It's never been majority Christian. Nor has most of the Middle-East, India etc.

Despite China not being majorly Christian, they are still extremely conservative and highly value monogamous, family-oriented cultural productivity. Even the Middle-East still focus on monogamy and polygyny, but obviously aren't nearly as industrialised as the Judeo-Christian nations. Even India frowns on anything that isn't based around non-monogamy, despite lacking a lot of basic infrastructural implementations.

Nowhere considers the dead sea scrolls as the definitive oldest, it seems.

Because they are not dated. Even your link only refers to the Sutra as the oldest "dated" book, not that it is the oldest book. There is a huge difference between the two.

What form would the "public shaming" take? What do you mean by "community outlawing"? A state ban?

Public whipping/flogging/humiliation chastisement. Outlawing in the form of banishment from the community. Municipality restrictions could be in the form of restricted access to State services or certain civil rights.

An individual choosing to be abusive doesn't have much to do with anything.

But according to moral relativism, you are choosing to see his conduct as abuse; perhaps he sees it as being inquisitive?

Are you proposing I support legislation that bans being rude online?

Absolutely not. Instead, if people supported objective moral standards, people would be taught to behave in ways that was conducive toward productivity -- or would you rather prefer people treat you in ways that you perceive to be abusive?


>Despite China not being majorly Christian, they are still extremely conservative and highly value monogamous, family-oriented cultural productivity. Even the Middle-East still focus on monogamy and polygyny, but obviously aren't nearly as industrialised as the Judeo-Christian nations. Even India frowns on anything that isn't based around non-monogamy, despite lacking a lot of basic infrastructural implementations.

But still not Christian. You asked specifically about countries that are not Christian.

>Because they are not dated. Even your link only refers to the Sutra as the oldest "dated" book, not that it is the oldest book. There is a huge difference between the two.

So you just assume that the Dead Sea Scrolls are the definitive oldest?

>Public whipping/flogging/humiliation chastisement.

Sorry, is this something you're in favour of? People being whipped or flogged for premarital sex? Is this not a punishment imposed by law?

Should LGBT people, or people who are known to have been in a relationship with someone of the same sex, be flogged?

>Outlawing in the form of banishment from the community.

Removed from a community by law?

>Municipality restrictions could be in the form of restricted access to State services or certain civil rights.

This is pretty totalitarian dude. I thought you weren't in favour of imposing the state on people?

>But according to moral relativism, you are choosing to see his conduct as abuse; perhaps he sees it as being inquisitive?

Don't be disingenuous. He's repeatedly making the same allegations and suggestions over and over. And again: this is irrelevant if HE IS NOT A MORAL RELATIVIST. And I assume you do not define yourself as a moral relativist. Is it, from your perspective, morally wrong or not? This is not hard. Why are you being evasive about this?

>Absolutely not. Instead, if people supported objective moral standards, people would be taught to behave in ways that was conducive toward productivity

I'm not aware of any form of schooling of any kind, of societal teaching that teaches people that in some instances it's perfectly acceptable to be abusive and hateful to people because you do not like them. And by "objective moral standards" you basically mean "if society just taught the values I personally adhere to". Turns out that there's no consensus amongst the supposed 'objective morality' audience over what constitutes good or bad regarding 'objective morality'. It's just claims made by other people.

And to be frank, since you've suggested you think that public flogging might be a good thing - I'm not sure you're a good source on this. You yourself can't even condemn the simple act of lying about other people. Why should I take you remotely seriously on this?


But still not Christian. You asked specifically about countries that are not Christian.

Nope, I specifically asked for countries practicing majority non-monogamy that were as industrialised or as advanced as Judeo-Christian-based countries.

So you just assume that the Dead Sea Scrolls are the definitive oldest?

That's mostly what the carbon dating says.

Is this not a punishment imposed by law?

It's imposed to uphold productive cultural standards, no different than some punishments in various military bootcamps.

Should LGBT people, or people who are known to have been in a relationship with someone of the same sex, be flogged?

Only if they are engaging known activities or public displays that diminish the integrity of positive cultural standards.

Removed from a community by law?

Or prefects.

I thought you weren't in favour of imposing the state on people?

I said "could" and "certain". Not "all". Some rules need harsher penalties.

this is irrelevant if HE IS NOT A MORAL RELATIVIST.

Are you certain about this? Isn't this as bad as assuming his gender?

Turns out that there's no consensus amongst the supposed 'objective morality' audience over what constitutes good or bad regarding 'objective morality'.

There absolutely is.... the Ten Commandments.

You yourself can't even condemn the simple act of lying about other people.

I can only condemn what has been ascertained with irrefutable proof.


>That's mostly what the carbon dating says.

>It's imposed to uphold productive cultural standards, no different than some punishments in various military bootcamps.

And how is it enforced? Who enforces the flogging? What if someone says they don't want to be flogged?

I'll ask again: Are you calling for people who commit premarital sex to be flogged against their will?

>Only if they are engaging known activities or public displays that diminish the integrity of positive cultural standards.

What does that mean? What constitutes a "known activity" or "public display" that "diminishes the integrity of positive cultural standards" in respect to LGBT people? What is the authority that doles out this punishment?

>I said "could" and "certain". Not "all". Some rules need harsher penalties.

You initially denied wanting the state to restrict the rights of LGBT people. If not the state, then who should and by what authority and how is this in practice remotely different than if the state was enforcing behavioural standards?

What specific rules should be enforced that aren't, and by whom?

>Are you certain about this? Isn't this as bad as assuming his gender?

You mistake me for some trans-activist. I'm not.

And forget him. What do you think? Do you think lying about someone knowingly is a moral thing to do?

>There absolutely is.... the Ten Commandments.

This does not have uniform agreement at all. Most people on earth aren't Christian and thus many of the edicts aren't built on common ground. Certain things in it have general social agreement: do not kill, do not steal. You don't need the ten commandments to ascertain those things as harmful to society. The first 4 however, are all about appeasing the dear leader and have zero relevance to anything. I'd actually argue that they're harmful in that they encourage cult-like behaviours. Honouring your parents is generally good, but depends on the parents. Adultery is considered bad, but not criminal. Lying isn't necessarily against the law, and in some instances can be good. I don't see anything wrong inherently with coveting.

So no, they don't.

>I can only condemn what has been ascertained with irrefutable proof.

I gave you multiple examples of his behaviour.


The oldest date of that manuscript is the forth century (I'm assuming they mean BC), which is nowhere near as old as the dead sea scrolls.

And how is it enforced? Who enforces the flogging? What if someone says they don't want to be flogged?

Prefects. Otherwise, the person(s) are more than welcome to leave the community.

Are you calling for people who commit premarital sex to be flogged against their will?


What is the authority that doles out this punishment?

In a sane and healthy society, a government that upholds cultural standards based on moral objectivity... sort of like how it used to be just after the age of enlightenment but before the industrial revolution.

You initially denied wanting the state to restrict the rights of LGBT people.

Rights? Who said anything about rights... we're talking about conduct. Rights do not guarantee acceptance of conduct.

Do you think lying about someone knowingly is a moral thing to do?

What does it matter what I think? I'm not the one choosing to take offence -- if you believe what he's doing is wrong, then do you hold fast that all matters of morality must be objective? Or only the ones that directly impact you?

The first 4 however, are all about appeasing the dear leader and have zero relevance to anything.

They have relevance to social cohesion, and we're seeing that when they are not upheld, society begins to breakdown, hence -- once again -- the implosion of relationships, the family unit, and by proxy, infrastructure.


>The oldest date of that manuscript is the forth century (I'm assuming they mean BC), which is nowhere near as old as the dead sea scrolls.

Can I see some sources here please?

>Prefects. Otherwise, the person(s) are more than welcome to leave the community.

What exactly is the legal status of a "prefect" here exactly?


By what authority?

>In a sane and healthy society, a government that upholds cultural standards based on moral objectivity... sort of like how it used to be just after the age of enlightenment but before the industrial revolution.

So you are in fact in favour of persecuting LGBT people. You claimed initially in this thread that you were not. I asked you if TV shows and films that depict LGBT people should be banned by force and you denied that you claimed they should.

>Rights? Who said anything about rights... we're talking about conduct. Rights do not guarantee acceptance of conduct.

Dude, if an action that someone does specifically prompts a punishment from the local authorities - it is not a protected right. If you are in favour of punishing people for having premarital sex or being publicly LGBT then you are rejecting those actions as rights. Whether or not you personally accept it is neither here nor there, but if you use the police to chase people down to punish them for said action, it means you are rejecting their right to do it in the first place.

And again: What constitutes a "known activity" or "public display" that "diminishes the integrity of positive cultural standards" in respect to LGBT people?

>What does it matter what I think? I'm not the one choosing to take offence -- if you believe what he's doing is wrong, then do you hold fast that all matters of morality must be objective? Or only the ones that directly impact you?

You're claiming to be an accurate conveyer of moral standards. Can you just answer the fucking question from your perspective?

>They have relevance to social cohesion, and we're seeing that when they are not upheld, society begins to breakdown, hence -- once again -- the implosion of relationships, the family unit, and by proxy, infrastructure.

There's no reason whatsoever to think specifically noting out the sabbath as a day of rest has any impact good or bad on society, or "taking idols" (whatever that is supposed to mean in an objective sense). They don't have any relevance to behaviour. There isn't consensus from wider society that the ten commandments are true, or in whole, represent good morals, or are the only source for good moral advice. Screaming that they are objective is missing the point that they aren't agreed to be so and you can't just change that and make it happen.

Being, however, a totalitarian despot, and using the state to flog people for premarital sex or homosexuality absolutely would come under destabilising society though. This would be considered more like the nasty hateful shit Iran does and be met with severe opposition. You would essentially destroy all of modern culture and media by force. Social liberalism has been integrated into most tv shows, films, video games, literature since the 1960s to varying degrees.

Should all known LGBT people right now in society be rounded up and attacked, or "flogged"? Should all producers of TV shows, films, video games that depict LGBT people (in a positive way that you despise) or premarital sex be flogged?

On that note, I'm also wondering if you support blasphemy laws?


Can I see some sources here please?

I already linked it above.

What exactly is the legal status of a "prefect" here exactly?

Someone who upholds the cultural standards of the community.

By what authority?

The reinstating of theocratic principles at the parliamentary level.

So you are in fact in favour of persecuting LGBT people.

Nope. I'm in favour of persecuting uncouth behaviour. What the public doesn't know about, the public doesn't care about.

then you are rejecting those actions as rights.

Pre-marital sex isn't a right. You have the right to pursue happiness within the bounds of the law. You have civil rights for safeguarding and civic participation of upholding or maintaining cultural norms.

"diminishes the integrity of positive cultural standards" in respect to LGBT people?

Anything that goes against the biologically deterministic cultural norms.

Can you just answer the fucking question from your perspective?

My perspective is dependent on how you answer the question about whether all matters are contained within moral objectivity or if morals only matter when they affect you?

They don't have any relevance to behaviour.

They do; people idolise greed and covetedness all the time, much to their detriment, relationships, and even family. Or do you believe people like Sam Bankman-Fried are good for society?

There isn't consensus from wider society that the ten commandments are true, or in whole, represent good morals

The country you reside in was built on the principles of the Ten Commandments.

You would essentially destroy all of modern culture and media by force.

We have a modern society thanks to people employing strict moral principles by force in the past. So quite the opposite.


>I already linked it above.

I found sources that date things as older, or concurrently old.

>Someone who upholds the cultural standards of the community.

And who appoints them? Who do they answer to?

>Nope. I'm in favour of persecuting uncouth behaviour. What the public doesn't know about, the public doesn't care about.

Which is persecuting them. You are imposing yourself on the lives others. It is innately totalitarian and that attitude is more familiar in the world of Iran and Afghanistan, not the western world. What does it mean to "know about it"? If you know that your neighbour is LGBT and in a relationship and you see them holding hands in public with their partner, what should happen?

>Pre-marital sex isn't a right. You have the right to pursue happiness within the bounds of the law. You have civil rights for safeguarding and civic participation of upholding or maintaining cultural norms.

This is where I said you are rejecting them as rights. And since you reject the rights for gay people to get married, this means all gay sex inherently becomes "pre-marital sex". Meaning you are de-facto in favour of sodomy laws. Can you confirm that you are in favour of the state punishing people for having gay sex?

In addition, any attempts to persecute people for having premarital sex was struck down in 2003:

>Anything that goes against the biologically deterministic cultural norms.

As I asked above: What does it mean to "know about it"? If you know that your neighbour is LGBT and in a relationship and you see them holding hands in public with their partner, what should happen?

>My perspective is dependent on how you answer the question about whether all matters are contained within moral objectivity or if morals only matter when they affect you?

You are a coward. You can't even tell me if you think someone blatantly lying about someone else, an edict contained in the ten commandments you so proudly chest thump about is wrong, but you can tell me that you think people should be flogged.

>They do; people idolise greed and covetedness all the time, much to their detriment, relationships, and even family. Or do you believe people like Sam Bankman-Fried are good for society?

I see no reason that idolising in itself can be bad. Idolising can be a spark, a source of inspiration, of innovation as much as it can lead to bad things. Moderation, as with all things, is key.

>The country you reside in was built on the principles of the Ten Commandments.

And we're now not even 50% Christian.

And we long discarded rule by religious tyranny a long time ago. We're now not a majority Christian. Ignoring that I could contest your claim, I don't give a flying fuck what it was "built on". I am not tethered to the actions of my ancestors.

>We have a modern society thanks to people employing strict moral principles by force in the past. So quite the opposite.

Almost all modern TV shows, films, video games in their writing will depict, in some sense, premarital sex, LGBT people, and general liberal attitudes and principles. I could go through all of my favourite TV series, and outline how they likely would run afoul of your potential censors. If you do wish to go further and ban 'blasphemic' content, as I suspect you might, even more things would be banned.

But you didn't answer here: Are you in favour of implementing blasphemy laws?

Should all known LGBT people right now in society be rounded up and attacked, or "flogged"? Should all producers of TV shows, films, video games that depict LGBT people (in a positive way that you despise) or premarital sex be flogged?


I found sources that date things as older, or concurrently old.

Those weren't actual books.

And who appoints them? Who do they answer to?

Municipal overseers.

what should happen?

You can ignore it or report them -- depends on how disruptive they are.

Can you confirm that you are in favour of the state punishing people for having gay sex?

If it becomes disruptive to the community or social standards, sure. The peace must be kept, and progress and productivity must be the focus.

You can't even tell me if you think someone blatantly lying about someone else, an edict contained in the ten commandments you so proudly chest thump about is wrong

You're working under the supposition that your opponent is lying, even though that has yet to be proved. You also seem to want the safeguards of moral objectivity, but you do not want to adhere to their principles. Ironic.

Idolising can be a spark, a source of inspiration, of innovation as much as it can lead to bad things.

Yes, which is why it's advised not to idolise. You can garner innovation and inspiration without engaging in deprecation.

I am not tethered to the actions of my ancestors.

Yet you enjoy the modern amenities built on the foundations of their hard work and religious principles. Ironic.

But you didn't answer here: Are you in favour of implementing blasphemy laws?

I still believe people should have some forms of freedoms... with enforcements, of course.

Should all known LGBT people right now in society be rounded up and attacked, or "flogged"?

Are they all being disruptive? If not, then no.


>Those weren't actual books.

They were forms of literature. Why does this matter?

>Municipal overseers.

And who appoints them? You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way.

>You can ignore it or report them -- depends on how disruptive they are.

Who should they be reported to? On what grounds? What should a police officer do if they discover that someone is having premarital sex?

>If it becomes disruptive to the community or social standards, sure. The peace must be kept, and progress and productivity must be the focus.

And how would it "become disruptive"?

>You're working under the supposition that your opponent is lying, even though that has yet to be proved. You also seem to want the safeguards of moral objectivity, but you do not want to adhere to their principles. Ironic.

Oh, right, so on what grounds did he have to accuse me of being a pedophile? Another user on here has told me, directly, that it is acceptable to lie about me. Is that acceptable?

>Yes, which is why it's advised not to idolise. You can garner innovation and inspiration without engaging in deprecation.

No reason to think idolising someone would be deprecation, and thus no reason to think it is inherently bad.

>Yet you enjoy the modern amenities built on the foundations of their hard work and religious principles. Ironic.

And I also enjoy the repeal of their oppressive legislation.

>I still believe people should have some forms of freedoms... with enforcements, of course.

Not. An. Answer. Are you in favour of implementing blasphemy laws?

>Are they all being disruptive? If not, then no.

What would constitute being "disruptive"?

Almost all modern TV shows, films, video games in their writing will depict, in some sense, premarital sex, LGBT people, and general liberal attitudes and principles. I could go through all of my favourite TV series, and outline how they likely would run afoul of your potential censors. If you do wish to go further and ban 'blasphemic' content, as I suspect you might, even more things would be banned.


They were forms of literature. Why does this matter?

No, most were not. Most were just images or signage. And it matters because the point was about the message of the literature, to which the ones you pointed to did not carry any moral foundations like the dead sea scrolls did.

And who appoints them?

They could be appointed both by committee and constituency, no different than how parliament is chosen.

What should a police officer do if they discover that someone is having premarital sex?

Write them up, of course.

And how would it "become disruptive"?

We're seeing it in modern society now, just like this:

Another user on here has told me, directly, that it is acceptable to lie about me. Is that acceptable?

If you believe in moral relativism, why not?

No reason to think idolising someone would be deprecation, and thus no reason to think it is inherently bad.

Women idolising Taylor Swift for being an "independent" "boss babe" are now having second thoughts after hitting middle-age complaining about being alone, depressed and without child. How is that not deprecation?

And I also enjoy the repeal of their oppressive legislation.

And with it... you will also soon lose the modern luxuries you so enjoy indulging in.

Are you in favour of implementing blasphemy laws?

Depends on the laws.

What would constitute being "disruptive"?

Subverting, undermining, or purposely trying to dismantle social norms.


>No, most were not. Most were just images or signage. And it matters because the point was about the message of the literature, to which the ones you pointed to did not carry any moral foundations like the dead sea scrolls did.

That's moving the goalposts. Also there's plenty of records of literature just on the Wiki page:

>They could be appointed both by committee and constituency, no different than how parliament is chosen.

And what would their roles be? What are you even proposing here? Parliament is elected representatives. They aren't morality police.

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way. Going to comment on this observation?

>We're seeing it in modern society now, just like this:

This has nothing to do with gay sex. How would a couple having gay sex, and being known to have gay sex be disruptive to society?

>If you believe in moral relativism, why not?

Ignoring my position on this (which I dispute your conclusion here): **you do not believe in moral relativism**. So are you capable of condemning other people deliberately lying about me?

Also, it's interesting how you're implying that you have nothing against lying. And that the only reason you might do so is because god tells you its bad. That there's nothing in the action that renders it wrong.

>Women idolising Taylor Swift for being an "independent" "boss babe" are now having second thoughts after hitting middle-age complaining about being alone, depressed and without child. How is that not deprecation?

I'll await a citation for this happening in meaningful numbers. And nothing Taylor Swift does says "don't have kids or a partner".

>And with it... you will also soon lose the modern luxuries you so enjoy indulging in.

No reason to believe this. And even if it was true, it wouldn't be as grim as living in a theocratic fascist state like you seem to want to live in. And what old legislation should be returned to force?

>Depends on the laws.

For fuck sake. Why can't you answer questions? Why do I have to squeeze it out of you? are you in favour of blasphemy laws?

>Subverting, undermining, or purposely trying to dismantle social norms.

And what specific behaviours constitute doing that?

Almost all modern TV shows, films, video games in their writing will depict, in some sense, premarital sex, LGBT people, and general liberal attitudes and principles. I could go through all of my favourite TV series, and outline how they likely would run afoul of your potential censors. If you do wish to go further and ban 'blasphemic' content, as I suspect you might, even more things would be banned.


That's moving the goalposts

Not at all, since it's the only book from that era that mentions anything about marriage. None of the other tablets, scrolls, or artifacts from around that time mention anything of the sort. It sets the precedent for the foundations and principles of marriage we talked about before.

They aren't morality police.

Well, the prefects would be.

How would a couple having gay sex, and being known to have gay sex be disruptive to society?

Social contagion.

So are you capable of condemning other people deliberately lying about me?

I could be capable... under certain conditions.

I'll await a citation for this happening in meaningful numbers.

Majority female/Democrat/Liberal and feminist:

No reason to believe this.

When the infrastructure fails, how will argue on message boards?

are you in favour of blasphemy laws?

Define what that entails.

And what specific behaviours constitute doing that?

Pretty much everything you listed in the next paragraph with TV, streaming, games, movies, print, and even tabletop promoting and encouraging the dismantling of social norms.


>Not at all, since it's the only book from that era that mentions anything about marriage. None of the other tablets, scrolls, or artifacts from around that time mention anything of the sort. It sets the precedent for the foundations and principles of marriage we talked about before.

Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt had marriage ceremonies.

>Well, the prefects would be.

So why shouldn't I view as this point as the Christian equivalent of an Islamist? As I said:

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way. Going to comment on this observation?

>Social contagion.

People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay? Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show?

"Straight" culture is genuinely pathetic if it can somehow be eroded just by gay people existing in public.

>I could be capable... under certain conditions.

And what conditions are these? I thought you were a moral absolutist. So apparently lying is acceptable to you now? Why are you suddenly wiping your ass with the ten commandments?

>Majority female/Democrat/Liberal and feminist:

None of this talks about regret. Nor your other article.

>When the infrastructure fails, how will argue on message boards?

Why would infrastructure fail because gay people exist, or people have unmarried sex?

>Define what that entails.

Should it be legally permissible for people to make fun of christianity, or use occult/satanic themes in media?

>Pretty much everything you listed in the next paragraph with TV, streaming, games, movies, print, and even tabletop promoting and encouraging the dismantling of social norms.

So you are basically an anti-western theocrat who hates almost all popular culture and media post-1960 and wants to severely restrict or ban all of it.


Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt had marriage ceremonies.

Yes, many centuries after it was already ordained by God between men and women for the Hebrews -- and ironically, even the Greeks' version of marriage still tied in line with the Abrahamic/Christian values of marriage, between only man and woman, as they did not acknowledge marriage between homosexuals, so your example buffers my point and I thank you for that.

So why shouldn't I view as this point as the Christian equivalent of an Islamist?

What's wrong with Islam? Are you Islamaphobic?

People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay?

Slippery slope. Sort of like gay marriage a decade ago, child trans today.

"Straight" culture is genuinely pathetic if it can somehow be eroded just by gay people existing in public.

That goes both ways, which is why the LGBT orthodoxy is so militant with their propaganda, which buffs my point from much earlier.

I thought you were a moral absolutist.

Everyone is capable of many things.

So apparently lying is acceptable to you now?

Where did I say that?

None of this talks about regret

Why would infrastructure because gay people exist, or people have unmarried sex?

It's a cumulative effect.

Should it be legally permissible for people to make fun of christianity, or use occult/satanic themes in media?

They can.

So you are basically an anti-western theocrat

Theocrat? Possibly. Anti-Western? Just the opposite, since everything I've talked about is based on the spirit of the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence and the the moral principles for which modern society was established.


>Yes, many centuries after it was already ordained by God between men and women for the Hebrews -- and ironically, even the Greeks' version of marriage still tied in line with the Abrahamic/Christian values of marriage, between only man and woman, as they did not acknowledge marriage between homosexuals, so your example buffers my point and I thank you for that.

The point is that the concept of marriage does not derive from christianity. It's a human institution and a society can add or remove things to it as they please.

>What's wrong with Islam? Are you Islamaphobic?

You continue to misread me. I dislike religion in general. Muslims tend to be even more reactionary and authoritarian than many contemporary christians. Christianity has been largely muted in the west. Islam is incredibly reactionary in most of the Middle-East, and exported to Europe and elsewhere.

So why shouldn't I view as this point as the Christian equivalent of an Islamist? As I said:

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way. Going to comment on this observation?

>Slippery slope. Sort of like gay marriage a decade ago, child trans today.

I see no reason to believe gay marriage has any similarity whatsoever with transgender issues.

>That goes both ways, which is why the LGBT orthodoxy is so militant with their propaganda, which buffs my point from much earlier.

What "propaganda" are you referring to? Just LGBT people existing, and openly so, in public?

And you didn't answer this: People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay? Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show?

>Everyone is capable of many things.

So you're not really a moral absolutist?

>Where did I say that?

You are unable to condemn Melton for spreading lies about me.


There's no evidence this has anything to do with being a fan of Taylor Swift.

>It's a cumulative effect.

Assertion without evidence. I'll await how you work this out.

>They can.

Not what I asked you. Should it be, ought it be legally permissible to do this? Are you in favour of bringing in legislation that criminalises making fun of christianity, and depicting occult/satanic aesthetics in media?

>Theocrat? Possibly. Anti-Western? Just the opposite, since everything I've talked about is based on the spirit of the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence and the the moral principles for which modern society was established.

The ethos of western culture shifted in the 20th century, and rightly so, to civil liberties and individualism. You hate both and want a pod people society where the state dictates and directs peoples behaviour like Iran, or Saudi Arabia. You are a theofascist.


Nice work, cyguration.

He’s turning quite nasty now because you’re not allowing him to control the discussion with his usual bag of rhetorical tricks (Hatchling and Straw questions etc)

Very noticeable that he won’t provide evidence of this supposed ‘lying about me’ offence. It never happened, of course.

Also, note how his moral hypothetical assumes that he’s some innocent victim of unprovoked abuse. The reality is that Skavau is loathed across the site because he’s a lying sack of shit who uses devious rhetorical tricks to peddle an evil ideology, and he’s pissed that he can’t escape the natural karma that results from being a mendacious twat.

Finally, beware of his tactic of trying to bait you into uttering controversial opinions which he’ll then use to make a case to the Mods that you should be censored/banned. When Mod 5 laughed at him, he tried his luck with Mod 4 who fell for his BS and nuked that thread exposing his dirty tactics…

Anyway, keep up the good work, it’s a very entertaining thread 🍻


>Nice work, cyguration.

Nice work? You do realise that he is openly supporting a theocratic state where LGBT people and pre-marital sex is criminalised. Is that something you endorse?

Dude literally wants Christian Sharia Law. You have zero to say on that?

>Very noticeable that he won’t provide evidence of this supposed ‘lying about me’ offence. It never happened, of course.

I've already sourced examples of when you openly spread lies about me. It happened repeatedly. You got multiple posts removed for it.

>He’s turning quite nasty now because you’re not allowing him to control the discussion with his usual bag of rhetorical tricks (Hatchling and Straw questions etc)

And what am I doing that is nasty?

What are the straw questions?

>Also, note how his moral hypothetical assumes that he’s some innocent victim of unprovoked abuse. The reality is that Skavau is loathed across the site because he’s a lying sack of shit who uses devious rhetorical tricks to peddle an evil ideology, and he’s pissed that he can’t escape the natural karma that results from being a mendacious twat.

And what have I lied about? I can pinpoint the things that you have lied about. I have done so repeatedly. You haven't sourced a single thing I have lied about.

>Finally, beware of his tactic of trying to bait you into uttering controversial opinions which he’ll then use to make a case to the Mods that you should be censored/banned.

Aren't you against people concealing what they think? Isn't that part of what I am criticised for?

Also no, his positions on here do not meet the criterion for any kind of censorship. Not on this forum. Certainly cyguration would be banned from almost every other social media site though if he expressed those positions.

>When Mod 5 laughed at him, he tried his luck with Mod 4 who fell for his BS and nuked that thread exposing his dirty tactics…

This is another lie. Mod 5 didn't "laugh" at me. I didn't make that thread. I never contacted him. Kowalski made that thread.

I approached Mod 4 because you were constantly spam-bumping the thread for attention, which is against the site rules.

>Anyway, keep up the good work, it’s a very entertaining thread 🍻

It's quite possible that cyguration is in favour of prohibition. Just an amusing point to end on given your choice of emoji there.


I approached Mod 4 because you were constantly spam-bumping the thread for attention, which is against the site rules.

You don’t give a shit about the ‘site rules’, you’re just another censorious Leftist authoritarian cunt who crawled out of the anus of Reddit to suffocate the freedom of speech we had here.

God knows you’ve got nothing to say about films.

Well, at least everyone’s on to your routine now. You seem to be getting the shit kicked out of you on every thread you crawl into, including this one 🍻


>You don’t give a shit about the ‘site rules’

I do think they should change, if that's what you mean. But I am aware of what they are, and how they are enforced (mostly not at all).

>you’re just another censorious Leftist authoritarian cunt who crawled out of the anus of Reddit to suffocate the freedom of speech we had here.

I have only reported you for libelling me and for breaking established rules by precedent regarding thread bumping.

>God knows you’ve got nothing to say about films.

I'm a TV watcher, primarily.

>Well, at least everyone’s on to your routine now. You seem to be getting the shit kicked out of you on every thread you crawl into, including this one 🍻

Every single person I bump heads with here, almost all of them are far-right. The guy you're talking about in this thread is an admitted theocrat. You going to defend his views as well?

He hates free expression. He wants to implement morality police to arrest people for premarital sex. He wants to use the state to heavily restrict the actions of LGBT people. Due has more in common with an Iranian mullah than anyone in the west.


lol thanks. Your input is very helpful and I have learned a lot about the way some people are addressing certain complicated topics and how to address them.


Are you going to comment on his input of accusing people of being pedophiles? Or are you going to say that false accusations, ie lying is acceptable?




The point is that the concept of marriage does not derive from christianity.

For as far as recorded history goes, it did. In fact, why do you care so much about an institution attached to a religion you don't like?

Islam is incredibly reactionary in most of the Middle-East, and exported to Europe and elsewhere.

On this we can both agree. But Islam is right about women and homosexuality.

I see no reason to believe gay marriage has any similarity whatsoever with transgender issues.

One led to the other. When you open the door for accepting degeneracy, there is literally no limits to it, and everything becomes justified.

What "propaganda" are you referring to?

Everything in the media, as discussed earlier.

People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay?

It's not just knowing or seeing them, it's the influence. Identical to other societal disruptions, such as swinging, polyarmory, or open relationships. People can be swayed into a destructive lifestyle via social contagion. Hence the saying: homosexual cannot procreate only indoctrinate.

So you're not really a moral absolutist?

Did I ever say I was?

You are unable to condemn Melton for spreading lies about me.

Where was it made clear that they were irrefutably lies and simply not your misinterpretation of his colloquial disposition?

There's no evidence this has anything to do with being a fan of Taylor Swift.

The high loneliness rates falls into the demographic for Taylor Swift's audience:

Assertion without evidence.

Do you think it is moral to edit your post...

Why do you care about the morality of Milton's actions?


>For as far as recorded history goes, it did. In fact, why do you care so much about an institution attached to a religion you don't like?

I wasn't aware that Ancient Greece and Egypt were Christian.

>On this we can both agree. But Islam is right about women and homosexuality.

Is it? In what way?

You think women should be forced to cover up and subjugated into second-class citizens? You think LGBT people should be persecuted?

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way. Going to comment on this observation?

>One led to the other. When you open the door for accepting degeneracy, there is literally no limits to it, and everything becomes justified.

No reason to believe gay marriage is "degeneracy" in the first place (and I doubt you can define "degeneracy")

By this logic, allowing people to do anything leads to everything else. Listening to "degenerate" music leads to "everything else" becoming justified. Drinking leads to everything else. Doing anything fun leads to it. Pod people society. Drone society.

>Everything in the media, as discussed earlier.

Oh you mean any positive depiction of an LGBT person is "propaganda"?

>It's not just knowing or seeing them, it's the influence. Identical to other societal disruptions, such as swinging, polyarmory, or open relationships. People can be swayed into a destructive lifestyle via social contagion. Hence the saying: homosexual cannot procreate only indoctrinate.

What is the "influence" of seeing two gay people holding hands?

And you didn't answer this: People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay? Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show? Should all of those things be criminalised?

>Did I ever say I was?

So what are you then?

>Where was it made clear that they were irrefutably lies and simply not your misinterpretation of his colloquial disposition?

And on what basis is Melton accusing me of being a pedophile? What is it he knows about me? I've given you the links where he suggested it. Why is that acceptable?

>The high loneliness rates falls into the demographic for Taylor Swift's audience:

You have provided zero evidence that this phenomenon has anything to do with being a fan of Taylor Swift.


This has nothing inherently to do with gay sex. 'Woke' is a relatively recent phenomenon and there's a number of reasons why self-declared progressive (woke is a pejorative) might identify their happiness negatively.

>Why do you care about the morality of Milton's actions?

I happen to think that life is worth living and that a prosperous society relies on co-operation with each other. We are a social species. That's not specific to Melton's actions. I'm more calling his (and by proxy yours) hypocrisy as you both posture your moral superiority over others whilst engaging (in your cause supporting) bad tempered and bad faith actions.

Also: Should it be, ought it be legally permissible to do this? Are you in favour of bringing in legislation that criminalises making fun of christianity, and depicting occult/satanic aesthetics in media?


I wasn't aware that Ancient Greece and Egypt were Christian.

The principles of marriage even in Greece and Egypt were still based on the conditions set within Christianity, or the Abrahamiac laws. So then why care about institutions spawned from social cohesiveness when you care for neither religion nor social cohesion?

Is it? In what way?

It keeps women in line (they don't have to worry about hook-up culture or relationship disparities like in the West) and it keeps society cohesive (no worries about homosexuality disrupting sexual behaviours of the populace).

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA

If the U.K., keeps importing Muslims, it absolutely will end up that way.

People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay?

It's not just the singular act, it's about pervasive influence. People become tempted by influence. Did you know that a third of all females on some dating apps, who identify as hetero, experiment with homosexuality? Why? Social contagion.

And on what basis is Melton accusing me of being a pedophile?

If it was implied from another user then that is the basis. Even still, an accusation is not a lie.

You have provided zero evidence that this phenomenon has anything to do with being a fan of Taylor Swift.

Demographic crossover.

This has nothing inherently to do with gay sex.

It encompasses that group and corroborates adjacent data:

engaging (in your cause supporting) bad tempered and bad faith actions.

So you want people to engage in the same moral objectivity that you deny being important to keeping society healthy?


>The principles of marriage even in Greece and Egypt were still based on the conditions set within Christianity, or the Abrahamiac laws.

But they did not DERIVE from christianity. It's not a Christian concept. Christianity just adopted and continued and edited already existing concepts.

>So then why care about institutions spawned from social cohesiveness when you care for neither religion nor social cohesion?

Already told you I am in favour of government getting out of marriage.

>It keeps women in line (they don't have to worry about hook-up culture or relationship disparities like in the West)

You appear to hold to the repulsive Islamic concept of "freedom from". So are you also a misogynist who wants to use the state to force women back in the kitchen, and prevent them legally from gaining employment?

Should this: be illegal?

Should this: be illegal?

>and it keeps society cohesive (no worries about homosexuality disrupting sexual behaviours of the populace).

So, and you keep avoiding this question: Are you in favour of sodomy laws?

>If the U.K., keeps importing Muslims, it absolutely will end up that way.

Assuming an unchanging demographic trendline and zero changes to the Muslim population within the Uk. And over 100 years.

>It's not just the singular act, it's about pervasive influence. People become tempted by influence. Did you know that a third of all females on some dating apps, who identify as hetero, experiment with homosexuality? Why? Social contagion.

Lesbianism (or experimenting therein) has always been more accepted within women (and encouraged, tolerated more by men).

By your logic almost everything should be banned. All secular music. Drinking, smoking. Most TV shows and video games. Anything could 'influence' us to do things and pull us away from living boring fanatical lives. I happen to think shitting on civil liberties to the extent that you want to do (that you originally denied, by the way) would be far more damaging than civil liberties existing. The US, UK, Europe are now culturally pluralistic societies. In many of them, most people are not Christian (or practicing at least). You don't get to tell people how to live their lives and use the state to act as muscle to enforce your will. That is the language of fascism and dictatorship. You have more in common with a Saudi Arabian and the Taliban that you do any westerner.

Why do you watch any movies at all by the way? It's all rooted in the post-war democratic secular world you despise so much.

>If it was implied from another user then that is the basis. Even still, an accusation is not a lie.

Another user, who's account is now deleted lobbed a baseless accusation against me. I told that user that it was untrue. I told Melton it was untrue. Melton continued to accuse me. You think that's moral behaviour?

>Demographic crossover.

That's not evidence of it being a *cause*. There are lots of things liberal women have in common. It doesn't mean that all of those things contribute to the general state of mind those women have.

>It encompasses that group and corroborates adjacent data:

Depression rates, as I've provided data on this are high in general compared to many other years. And there are many reasons LGBT teens could be more depressed: struggling with acceptance, anxiety over acceptance.

>So you want people to engage in the same moral objectivity that you deny being important to keeping society healthy?

I reject the premise of "objectivity" and "subjectivity" as coherent concepts to morality here. It's white noise. I do not believe that your world view provides any moral objectivity. Following the dear leaders edicts is not moral objectivity. It's just following orders. As I said: I happen to think that life is worth living and that a prosperous society relies on co-operation with each other. We are a social species.

Melton (and you by proxy) are just demonstrating your blatant hypocrisy.

Why do you keep ignoring this? Should it be, ought it be legally permissible to do this? Are you in favour of bringing in legislation that criminalises making fun of christianity, and depicting occult/satanic aesthetics in media?

And you didn't answer this: People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay? Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show? Should all of those things be criminalised?

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way. Going to comment on this observation?


It's not a Christian concept.

It absolutely is, since it was there at the dawn of time.

I am in favour of government getting out of marriage.

And if you're in favour of government and religion getting out of marriage, you're completely fine with civil unions.

prevent them legally from gaining employment?

Women have been employed before feminism became a thing; women are still employed in Islamic States:

Lesbianism (or experimenting therein) has always been more accepted within women (and encouraged, tolerated more by men).

Which is social contagion.

By your logic almost everything should be banned. All secular music. Drinking, smoking. Most TV shows and video games.

Not at all.

Why do you watch any movies at all by the way? It's all rooted in the post-war democratic secular world you despise so much.

Not all of it.

You think that's moral behaviour?

You seem to think it's immoral behaviour given how perturbed you are -- why is that, if you believe in moral relativism?

There are lots of things liberal women have in common.

Yes, and one of those things is being a Taylor Swift fan. It intertwines with what has led them to their depressive state.

struggling with acceptance, anxiety over acceptance.

The Guardian debunked that when it was discovered gay only communities have the highest suicide/depression rates:

a prosperous society relies on co-operation with each other.

...which is only possible in a culturally homogeneous society.

Are you in favour of bringing in legislation


And you didn't answer this...

I did, actually.


>It absolutely is, since it was there at the dawn of time.

I am not bound by your presuppositionalism. No reason to believe the dawn of time is christian.

>And if you're in favour of government and religion getting out of marriage, you're completely fine with civil unions.

Sure. But I don't care either way. It's a non-issue to me.

>Women have been employed before feminism became a thing; women are still employed in Islamic States:

And should they be allowed full employment? Full access to all jobs? Full choice in life just like men?

So, and you keep avoiding this question: Are you in favour of sodomy laws?

>Which is social contagion.

I have seen plenty of LGBT people in tv/film/video games and in life. I have never had any inclination towards men. Your premise is just fundamentally laughable.

>Not at all.

Why not? The liberalisation of them could all be said to lead to the slippery slope of the liberalisation os something else.

>Not all of it.

And what isn't? Any movie that depicts a gay person, premarital sex, adultery should be off-limits to you entirely.

>You seem to think it's immoral behaviour given how perturbed you are -- why is that, if you believe in moral relativism?

Why should I answer any questions on how I view the world morally when you refuse to answer any of mine similarly? I do think it's immoral behaviour. I don't use the terms 'objective' or 'subjective' to describe morality. It's a human construct by us, for us. I could characterise your own sense of morality as mere obedience to orders and nothing else. Would that be accurate?

>Yes, and one of those things is being a Taylor Swift fan. It intertwines with what has led them to their depressive state.

You think literally every single liberal woman is a fan of Taylor Swift, and you think that them being fans of Taylor Swift somehow is notable enough in itself to significantly impact their mental state?

>The Guardian debunked that when it was discovered gay only communities have the highest suicide/depression rates:

A quick scan indicates this (or concludes that), as much as other factors, is a specific cultural problem with aspects of contemporary LGBT culture not specifically related to just someone being gay in and of itself.

>>...which is only possible in a culturally homogeneous society

No reason to believe a secular society grounds in and based on the principles of civil liberties could not be so described as culturally homogeneous.


Would the local morality police that you so endorse sanction people, or could they sanction people for blasphemy-related offences? Since you originally denied wanting to use force to repress LGBT people, I feel I have to be real clear about your intentions here.

>I did, actually.

No, you did not. That paragraph has specific examples. People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay? Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show? Should all of those things be criminalised?

These are ordinary things that straight people do without thinking about it. Would it be acceptable for gay people to also do those things, legally?

You appear to be inventing positions that simply do not exist in the USA, or any western country. They sound dystopian enough to be parallels to Saudi Arabian morality police. You have more in common with an anti-western Islamist, than any westerner by the way. Going to comment on this observation?


No reason to believe the dawn of time is christian.

It is, since it's the oldest manuscript explaining the designation of marriage.

And should they be allowed full employment?

Sure, but gender equity should be avoided.

So, and you keep avoiding this question: Are you in favour of sodomy laws?

Obscenity laws are good enough.

I have never had any inclination towards men.

Your anecdote isn't representative of real life situations, just like the study I linked about lots of college students being led astray due to social contagion.

I do think it's immoral behaviour.

Yet you don't think other sins are immoral behaviour?

you think that them being fans of Taylor Swift somehow is notable enough in itself to significantly impact their mental state?

Their rising unhappiness ratings and mirroring Taylor Swift's approach to dating seem to indicate that, yes.

not specifically related to just someone being gay in and of itself.

It is, since they are literally fighting against their own biological determinism and the purpose of their biological design. Fighting against the grain does that to people, which is why Liberal women are so unhappy in the West.

No reason to believe a secular society grounds in and based on the principles of civil liberties could not be so described as culturally homogeneous.

There has not been nor will there ever be a successful society like that, and ones that try always fail.

Would the local morality police that you so endorse sanction people, or could they sanction people for blasphemy-related offences?

Now that you mention it... sure.

Should all of those things be criminalised?

As I said, it's not just one thing -- the cumulative effect is what leads to social contagion.


>It is, since it's the oldest manuscript explaining the designation of marriage.

The existence of Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt is older than the Dead Sea Scrolls.

>Sure, but gender equity should be avoided.

Meaning what, exactly in terms of laws?

>Obscenity laws are good enough.

Define "obscenity".

And since you're in favour of criminalising pre-marital sex, and in favour of refusing gay people's access to marriage, this de facto criminalises all gay sex. You do realise this, right?

>Your anecdote isn't representative of real life situations, just like the study I linked about lots of college students being led astray due to social contagion.

No-one I know has had any such inclination. Do you have any examples of this happening from men? Almost all studies and observation I've seen on this refers to women.

>Yet you don't think other sins are immoral behaviour?

What 'sins' are you referring to?

>Their rising unhappiness ratings and mirroring Taylor Swift's approach to dating seem to indicate that, yes.

How do you know they are mirroring her approaches to dating?

>It is, since they are literally fighting against their own biological determinism and the purpose of their biological design. Fighting against the grain does that to people, which is why Liberal women are so unhappy in the West.

This is just baseless speculation.

>There has not been nor will there ever be a successful society like that, and ones that try always fail.

The vast bulk of the democratic western world post-WW2.

Best places to live ever. Nowhere else in history comes close.

>Now that you mention it... sure.

So you do in fact want to criminalise "blasphemy".

>As I said, it's not just one thing -- the cumulative effect is what leads to social contagion.

That paragraph has specific examples. People just by knowing a couple are gay would become gay? Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show? Should all of those things be criminalised?

These are ordinary things that straight people do without thinking about it. Would it be acceptable for gay people to also do those things, legally?

You also still didn't ask why you watch basically any modern movies. Most movies that depict a gay person, premarital sex, adultery or even have some form of 'blasphemy' should be off-limits to you entirely.


The existence of Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt is older than the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Doesn't change the fact that marriage -- even in Ancient Greece and Egypt -- are still based on the principles of the Abrahamic concept of marriage under God.

Meaning what, exactly in terms of laws?

Dissolution of policies influenced by feminism.

You do realise this, right?

Don't ask, don't tell. Shame is a powerful tool.

Do you have any examples of this happening from men?

Yep, the study I linked showed 1 in 8.5 men experiment with other men in college due to social influence.

What 'sins' are you referring to?

Homosexuality; idoltry; covetousness.

How do you know they are mirroring her approaches to dating?

This is just baseless speculation.

The vast bulk of the democratic western world post-WW2. currently on the verge of societal collapse.

So you do in fact want to criminalise "blasphemy".

Depends on the offence and the extent of the criminality.

Should all of those things be criminalised?

As mentioned, if the people are private and keep to themselves, there shouldn't be problems, but imposition is what leads to contagion. It's especially prevalent in the lesbian communities.

why you watch basically any modern movies.

I actually don't watch many; mostly sticking with older films, East Asian films, and Eastern European films. I rarely watch modern U.S./U.K., media.


>Doesn't change the fact that marriage -- even in Ancient Greece and Egypt -- are still based on the principles of the Abrahamic concept of marriage under God.

No reason to believe this is true, or that the concept of a union between two people of the opposing sex (or more) with varying adjacent customs of it derives from christianity.

>Dissolution of policies influenced by feminism.

Name these policies please.

>Don't ask, don't tell. Shame is a powerful tool.

Social shame is one thing. I'm on about law. Should gay people be requires, by law, to "don't ask, don't tell"?

Would a gay couple holding hands in couple in effect be an admittance of possible sexual intercourse in the past?

>Yep, the study I linked showed 1 in 8.5 men experiment with other men in college due to social influence.

I just searched for text related to that in the last few links you posted. Can't find any
reference to 1 in 8 men.

>Homosexuality; idoltry; covetousness.

Ignoring for the fact that "sin" is simply not in my vocabulary. I'm not a christian. I'm not bound by the moral demands of a religion I don't believe in. What two consenting adults do with each other is none of my business regarding potential homosexual intercourse.

Not sure what "idoltry" means here specifically. It's rooted, so far as I can see, in the presupposition that god exists and is the only thing that must be praised. If you've forgotten, I'm an atheist. The premise is white noise to me. Obviously any obsession over anything, fictional or not - including a deity can be harmful.

I don't think coveting is inherently bad. It can be unhealthy, or it can be used as motivation to innovate and improve.


And you think the prominence of hookup culture in the UK, specifically, derives from Taylor Swift?

> currently on the verge of societal collapse.

No, it's not - and I'd argue many of its struggles are due to immigration and capitalism reaching its limits (it needs to reform and change, not necessarily go - a detail).

>Depends on the offence and the extent of the criminality.

What would constitute a form of blasphemy that requires state intervention?

>As mentioned, if the people are private and keep to themselves, there shouldn't be problems, but imposition is what leads to contagion. It's especially prevalent in the lesbian communities.

Not. An. Answer. Can you answer the SPECIFIC examples given: Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show? Should all of those things be criminalised?

These are ordinary things that straight people do without thinking about it. Would it be acceptable for gay people to also do those things, legally?

>I actually don't watch many; mostly sticking with older films, East Asian films, and Eastern European films. I rarely watch modern U.S./U.K., media.

Many contemporary movies from East Asia and Eastern Europe will also depict people who are clearly having unmarried sexual intercourse (they may not show it) and won't give a fuck about your prudish social mores.


No reason to believe this is true, or that the concept of a union between two people of the opposing sex (or more) with varying adjacent customs of it derives from christianity.

It does, because it is literally the first written declaration of marriage.

Name these policies please.

No-fault divorce, abortions, alimony laws, custody laws.

Should gay people be requires, by law, to "don't ask, don't tell"?

Yep. It worked in the military, it should work in public.

I just searched for text related to that in the last few links you posted. Can't find any reference to 1 in 8 men.

I'm not a christian. I'm not bound by the moral demands of a religion I don't believe in

Great, then you should have no problem with what you perceive to be someone lying about you, since lies aren't immoral to you.

And you think the prominence of hookup culture in the UK, specifically, derives from Taylor Swift?

It's a cumulative effect.

I'd argue many of its struggles are due to immigration and capitalism reaching its limits

Nope. Most companies don't even cater to consumers anymore, and the biggest issues are due to central banking and a lack of fiscal debt curbing.

What would constitute a form of blasphemy that requires state intervention?

Probably promotion of witchcraft or satanism.

Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat?

These? No. Because friends can sometimes do that.

Or appeared as characters in a TV show?

Depends on context.

won't give a fuck about your prudish social mores.

They typically don't promote hookup culture, homosexuality, or child-rearing out of wedlock.


>It does, because it is literally the first written declaration of marriage.

Societies were holding their own marriage customs long before Christianity entered the scene.,represents%20the%20marriage%20and%20pledges.

Mayans had marriage.

>No-fault divorce, abortions, alimony laws, custody laws.

Okay. Althought you're against divorce outright, not specifically "no-fault divorce".

What about custody laws would you change?

>Yep. It worked in the military, it should work in public.

Do you think the country is akin to a military bootcamp?

And no, it didn't work. It eventually got removed. And what does it mean to "don't ask, don't tell"? Can you not let anyone know that you are gay at all? Even inadvertently?


None of this says that this happens because they see gay people on TV. Yes, it happens because of a more liberal environment. Most will experiment and then.... go on to be straight in practice.

People grow out of this.

>Great, then you should have no problem with what you perceive to be someone lying about you, since lies aren't immoral to you.

Did you really think this would work? Just because I reject the concept of 'sin' doesn't mean I reject all of the things as wrong that Christianity considers sins. I consider lying wrong independently of Christianity, for reasons other than "the dear leader says so".

>Probably promotion of witchcraft or satanism.

Should Lucifer, the TV show be banned? Should black metal music be banned? - Should this be banned?

What is even the basis of such a ban?

>These? No. Because friends can sometimes do that.

And what if they said they were a couple, and booked a single hotel room.

>Depends on context.

In a context that doesn't depict them as evil.

>They typically don't promote hookup culture, homosexuality, or child-rearing out of wedlock.

You do realise that "Boys Love" is quite a big genre in Japan, Phillipines, and Thailand, right?

You do realise that almost every k-drama that is focused on romantic comedies involves two unmarried people entering a relationship? There are absolutely shows from those countries that show adults with kids who are not married.


Mayans had marriage.

You do know Mayans came thousands of years after Abrahamic marriage traditions, right?

you're against divorce outright, not specifically "no-fault divorce".

I'm specifically against no-fault divorce.

What about custody laws would you change?

Enforced 50/50 custody unless litigated otherwise.

Do you think the country is akin to a military bootcamp?

Actually, service should grant citizenship.

And no, it didn't work.

It did, until activists wanted it removed so they could flaunt their fetishes publicly while in military service.

Yes, it happens because of a more liberal environment.

Yes, which is the cumulative effect of social contagion: tele, movies, music, games, literature, etc.

I consider lying wrong independently of Christianity, for reasons other than "the dear leader says so".

Which goes back to moral relativity, which is precisely why it doesn't work. You only pick and choose what is wrong based on what affects you.

Should Lucifer, the TV show be banned? Should black metal music be banned?

It would have to be on a per item basis, and based on the encouragement and/or influence of satanism/witchcraft and if it could lead people down that path.

And what if they said they were a couple, and booked a single hotel room.

That's asking and telling, at which point there would be reproach or a reprimand.

In a context that doesn't depict them as evil.

Only if there were equal amounts of media that were honest about their evil acts.

You do realise that "Boys Love" is quite a big genre in Japan, Phillipines, and Thailand, right?

It's a niche genre, and nowhere near mainstream.


>You do know Mayans came thousands of years after Abrahamic marriage traditions, right?

Right, and what exposure to Christianity did they have? First contact was in 1502.

>I'm specifically against no-fault divorce.

I thought you said divorce in its entirety should be illegal?

>Actually, service should grant citizenship.

Oh, okay, so now you're also in favour of military service for everyone? What if someone doesn't want to sign up to the military? Is there any trope of fascism you're not admiring of?

>It did, until activists wanted it removed so they could flaunt their fetishes publicly while in military service.

No, until society had moved on, pass the point where the law made sense. Do you think a man telling someone that he is married to a woman constitutes the flaunting of a fetish?

>Yes, which is the cumulative effect of social contagion: tele, movies, music, games, literature, etc.

Okay. So fucking what? Culture is culture. People change over the years due to what they're exposed to (and I'm not just talking about sexuality here). It's possible many people historically have been more inclined to homosexuality than we think (or bisexuality being much more prominent). I'm not in favour of the government dictating culture. That is the pathway to oppression. That is the pathway to having the soft power of a boiled egg like all of the shithole fascist states you seem to admire. There's a reason the USA has immense cultural and soft power and China and Russia have very little compared to their sizes.

>Which goes back to moral relativity, which is precisely why it doesn't work. You only pick and choose what is wrong based on what affects you.

No, I consider many things wrong that don't impact me at all. I consider things wrong based on a developed set of values I've come to independently based on my upbringing, education and experiences. I can provide arguments and reasons for my values. That is where the concept of secular morality has begun. As we all do. As you have done.

And I don't believe your worldview is morally objective anyway. I don't believe the concept makes any sense. Following the orders of a celestial dictator is not objective. And it's irrelevant anyway, because there are many different competing interpretations of Christianity, and many different religions beyond Christianity that claim the same basis for morality. If there isn't consensus from the people that your religion is even true in the first, bleating about its 'objectivity' and demanding laws based on it is irrelevant.

You still haven't answered it from your perspective anyway. Forget me. Forget what I think. If morality is so objective, as you understand it, does that make lying *ACCORDING TO YOU* automatically wrong? If it does, then it should be easy for you to condemn the obviously libelous and baseless allegations of Melton. Can you do that?

>It would have to be on a per item basis, and based on the encouragement and/or influence of satanism/witchcraft and if it could lead people down that path.

Right. I'll ask again. Should Lucifer be banned? Look the show up. Should all forms of pagan-themed historical religious traditions be banned?

And both satanism and witchcraft are tiny 'religions' that almost no-one adheres to.

>That's asking and telling, at which point there would be reproach or a reprimand.

So basically your worldview forces LGBT people into hiding on threat of state punishment.

It's difficult to restrain one's contempt when encountering a truly repellent, evil, christofascist like yourself. And I genuinely truly believe that you are evil. You would weaponise the state to control and dictate how people may live their lives with morality police. You are no different to an Iranian Mullah to me, or a member of the Taliban to me. Truly.

Why don't you actually move to Russia? That's an honest question.

>Only if there were equal amounts of media that were honest about their evil acts.

So back to you demanding the state control media. Something you initially denied wanting.

>It's a niche genre, and nowhere near mainstream.

You also do realise that almost every k-drama that is focused on romantic comedies involves two unmarried people entering a relationship? There are absolutely shows from those countries that show adults with kids who are not married.



It's not a remake of the 1980s TV show - it's a new rendition.
There were no female warriors in feudal Japan? Except there were, Onna Bugeishi.

However, OP is right, the trailer focuses extremely on (I assume) Mariko and it's hilarious how much super skilled assassin-like combat is shown just in that one trailer.

The suspicion that this will be another woke rendition of a classic, is very justified from what the trailer alone showed.


In Shogun, Mariko was trained by her father to use certain weapons. We will have to see what happens in the program. The book does have a scene in which Mariko and other Samurai attempt to fight their way out of Ishido's castle, but are unable to do so.


Yes, it is becoming a pretty boring trope at this point.
The woman is always faster, more resourceful and way stronger and more deadly than the Mafia guys, the Hell's Angels, the street muggers...

BULLSHIT. Let's not be silly. I like female heroes but the average male is way bigger than a comparable female of the same age. Then there's muscle mass and natural male aggression.

Movies need to knock it off with the 110 lb woman that kicks the shit out of half the Russian Mob single handed. It's really silly and condescending. BE REAL.


This. Plus, none of it is remotely grounded in any form of realism. We see what happens to women all the time when engaged in physical confrontations with men, and it never ends well for them.

It turns into overt fantasy of the cognitively deprived.


Out of interest, do you just think women should never be depicted as 'action heroes' in tv/film ever?


They should be depicted as action heroes within reason.

A lot of times it is not within reason, it is in fact brazen dissonance from what we can reasonably suspend our disbelief from. So much so, we are basically lying to ourselves that we enjoy the entertainment even while we know it's not really entertaining because we don't even believe the world or the characters that inhabit that world because it's defying a very basic form of logic we know to be untrue: that a 45kg woman can throw around a 95kg man with ease.

I did used to enjoy the show Alias, and while they did have Sydney beating up guys frequently, the show also had sci-fi elements, cloning, doppelgangers, and other such fantasy elements that I was able to accept it as just fantasy sci-fi espionage. When shows/movies attempt to be more realistic but still have women beating up men with ease -- such as Salt, or Columbiana, or any other recent female led action fanfare -- it completely takes me out of the film.

To the credit of South Korean directors, when they typically have female leads in action roles they usually try to make it look more realistic and give them slightly more believable scenarios to work with. Not all the time, but at least enough to make the movie feel somewhat grounded.


>To the credit of South Korean directors, when they typically have female leads in action roles they usually try to make it look more realistic and give them slightly more believable scenarios to work with. Not all the time, but at least enough to make the movie feel somewhat grounded.


No they don't. Not in my experience.

This just doesn't bother me, for the most part, especially as in many of these action romps - men are depicted as absurdly powerful too with superhealing from wounds, ability to take on X men at once etc.


This just doesn't bother me, for the most part, especially as in many of these action romps - men are depicted as absurdly powerful too with superhealing from wounds, ability to take on X men at once etc.

Like I mentioned in a few other threads, most male-led action movies are based somewhat on real-life. Yes, men in real life have fought multiple men at once and won, such as the guy who beat up three guys in the elevator with his bare fists:

Or the guy who fought five guys in a street fight and knocked them out one by one:

Or the guy who fought five guys in the street and knocked them out one by one:

Or the guy who was beating the crap out of an armoured police officer with his bare hands:

There is precedence for men fighting multiple men at once, but it's not even possible for a woman to fight a man in a street fight and even remotely come close to winning. In controlled environments they still lose pretty badly, all things being equal... like here:


We're not talking taking on a half-dozen men in a street fight, but male protagonists having superpowered fighting abilities (taking on literal hordes of them who apparently only attack the protagonist one by one) and when they do get stabbed, shot, punched (or knocked out) they're mostly fine in the next few days. Comically unbelievable.

Also especially when the male protagonist kills some of the swarm of red shirts with single punches which sometimes happens if you're paying attention.


We're not talking taking on a half-dozen men in a street fight, but male protagonists having superpowered fighting abilities (taking on literal hordes of them who apparently only attack the protagonist one by one)

Did you watch the videos above? Even with half a dozen people fighting just one guy, they still attack them one by one... in real life.

Donnie Yen also beat up eight guys by himself and hospitalised them back in 1993:

People, even in real life, still fight like in the movies.

when they do get stabbed, shot, punched (or knocked out) they're mostly fine in the next few days. Comically unbelievable.

It completely depends on the guy. This guy was shot and still helped get the girl to safety after being hit with a high calibre round:

Also, this homeless guy was shot until the shooter's magazine ran dry and he still managed to save the woman before dying:

So it all depends on the man and his intestinal fortitude. Again, men do perform seemingly superhuman feats all the time -- not so much with women.


>Did you watch the videos above? Even with half a dozen people fighting just one guy, they still attack them one by one... in real life.

Do men also superheal bullet wounds and get knocked out a half-dozen times over a month period?

>It completely depends on the guy. This guy was shot and still helped get the girl to safety after being hit with a high calibre round:

Adrenaline. Was he up and fighting the next day with a bandage?

I recall Captain Flint swimming to a Spanish warship to take it over after getting shot in the chest. Literally just hours later. This looks flashy but Ah Sahm is basically smacking half of them down with ease. Part of the unrealism in many shows and movies is that the goons get incapacitated trivially.

You've missed my point that I am also talking about the superhuman recovery of most male action fighters. Not just in the moment with adrenaline pumping through them. And you just cannot get knocked out like these guys sometimes are.


Do men also superheal bullet wounds and get knocked out a half-dozen times over a month period?

Apparently 50 Cent did; and yes, MMA fighters get knocked out quite frequently.

Adrenaline. Was he up and fighting the next day with a bandage?

No idea; maybe? You'll have to check out what happened to him after he rescued the girl.

This looks flashy but Ah Sahm is basically smacking half of them down with ease. Part of the unrealism in many shows and movies is that the goons get incapacitated trivially.

Well yeah, that literally is what happened in this video:

Guy one-hit punch them and they got instantly knocked out and stayed out; he did so even more trivially and even faster than the guy in that Warrior show. Also, unlike the TV show, the guy in real life didn't have nun-chucks.

You've missed my point that I am also talking about the superhuman recovery of most male action fighters. Not just in the moment with adrenaline pumping through them.

It literally depends on the guy; people like Tony Ferguson was knocked out but was out of the hospital and fine and posting on social media later that night:

So yes, some men do have superhuman recovery. Again, male action heroes are over-exaggerated and HEIGHTENED versions of real life men, usually taking real life feats and than turning them up notch. But they are almost always based on some actual real-life feat or similar feat.


>Apparently 50 Cent did; and yes, MMA fighters get knocked out quite frequently.

How long after each bullet wound was he up and fighting people?

>No idea; maybe? You'll have to check out what happened to him after he rescued the girl.

So you don't know.

>Well yeah, that literally is what happened in this video:

>Guy one-hit punch them and they got instantly knocked out and stayed out; he did so even more trivially and even faster than the guy in that Warrior show. Also, unlike the TV show, the guy in real life didn't have nun-chucks.

No, they're all getting back up dude. And half of them aren't actually trying to fight in that video.

They're almost all down and out after Ah Sahm hits them in that video. From one hit. A few take a couple of hits. Another

>It literally depends on the guy; people like Tony Ferguson was knocked out but was out of the hospital and fine and posting on social media later that night:

You can't just get knocked out repeatedly as people do in movies, especially when you're supposedly unconscious for a long time each time.


How long after each bullet wound was he up and fighting people?

You'll have to ask him.

No, they're all getting back up dude. And half of them aren't actually trying to fight in that video.

They were not trying to fight again -- some stayed on the ground others left the fight. In fact, the real life fight was quicker and more impressive than that Warrior show. Also looked better.

Also, not sure why you're focused on that Warrior show -- the fight scenes aren't very good nor realistic at all.

You can't just get knocked out repeatedly as people do in movies, especially when you're supposedly unconscious for a long time each time.a

Tony Ferguson has, and was very clear minded that same night after he suffered one of the most devastating knockouts in MMA history.


>You'll have to ask him.

So you don't know then.

>They were not trying to fight again -- some stayed on the ground others left the fight. In fact, the real life fight was quicker and more impressive than that Warrior show. Also looked better.

It was a group of people mostly trying to pacify him. None of them were as skilled as Ah Sahm was in the show, but it wasn't anywhere near as violent and he wasn't one-hit knocking everyone out or wounding them to the point where they couldn't. People were getting right back up.

>Also, not sure why you're focused on that Warrior show -- the fight scenes aren't very good nor realistic at all.

Warrior is highly regarded for its choreography, but the unrealistic nature of them is part of the point: Most movies/tv shows that are focused on action present fighting very unrealistically.

An even sillier show for it is Into the Badlands:

Fighting in TV and film is often dumb, whether or not a woman is there or not.

>Tony Ferguson has, and was very clear minded that same night after he suffered one of the most devastating knockouts in MMA history.

How long was he actually knocked out for? How many times has he been knocked out in his career?

Are these articles just outright wrong?


None of them were as skilled as Ah Sahm was in the show, but it wasn't anywhere near as violent and he wasn't one-hit knocking everyone out or wounding them to the point where they couldn't.

One guy curled up as he got knocked out -- he was obviously hurt very badly. This also further proves my point -- even unskilled male fighters are still capable of achieving feats that we see in male-led action films. Even SKILLED female fighters cannot achieve a similar feat in real life even against an unskilled male fighter in a street fight.

Fighting in TV and film is often dumb, whether or not a woman is there or not.

Sure, but it's almost always dumber when a woman is involved.

How long was he actually knocked out for? How many times has he been knocked out in his career?

He was out for a while and lost his memory for a bit until he was in the ambulance. That was the first time he was knocked out like that in his career, but he has been knocked down several times.

Are these articles just outright wrong?

Anyone talking about movie fight myths who isn't an actual fighter or has a fighting record has a very high chance of being wrong, since they aren't drawing from any actual experience and have no clue what they're actually talking about.


>One guy curled up as he got knocked out -- he was obviously hurt very badly. This also further proves my point -- even unskilled male fighters are still capable of achieving feats that we see in male-led action films. Even SKILLED female fighters cannot achieve a similar feat in real life even against an unskilled male fighter in a street fight.

There's no evidence in that video that any of them got knocked out. One guy got knocked down near the end but went off-camera, so the claim he was knocked out is an assumption.

>Sure, but it's almost always dumber when a woman is involved.

Finally you concede all I've wanted you to concede.

>He was out for a while and lost his memory for a bit until he was in the ambulance. That was the first time he was knocked out like that in his career, but he has been knocked down several times.

So he got knocked out once and needed an ambulance. And had amnesia.

Meanwhile people in action flics regularly get knocked out and there's no long-term reprecussions.

>Anyone talking about movie fight myths who isn't an actual fighter or has a fighting record has a very high chance of being wrong, since they aren't drawing from any actual experience and have no clue what they're actually talking about.

They're talking about head injuries and flesh wounds. You don't need to be a fighter to know how dangerous they can be.


There's no evidence in that video that any of them got knocked out.

0:25, guy in the white shirt got punched out of the air and fell and stayed there, knocked out.

Meanwhile people in action flics regularly get knocked out and there's no long-term reprecussions.

Which ones?

Also, Ferguson was back up and normal within a couple of hours.

They're talking about head injuries and flesh wounds. You don't need to be a fighter to know how dangerous they can be.

Sure, but their effects and long-term impacts are only known by the people who suffer from them. Not everyone is the same.


>0:25, guy in the white shirt got punched out of the air and fell and stayed there, knocked out.

Not getting up instantly doesn't mean knocked out.

>Which ones?

Warrior, Into the Badlands, Vikings, The Walking Dead all has this trope all over it.

>Also, Ferguson was back up and normal within a couple of hours.

>Sure, but their effects and long-term impacts are only known by the people who suffer from them. Not everyone is the same.

People aren't magically somehow so different that the impact of being knocked out over and over again for one person is going to be fine, but not for others.

This is absurd. You are genuinely arguing to me that it's completely normal for people to get knocked out on a regular basis, and/or have the shit kicked out of them and get back up again within hours or days and be fine as if they never were hurt in the first place. Or take pulverising once a week and it's fine.


Not getting up instantly doesn't mean knocked out.

It does.

Warrior, Into the Badlands, Vikings, The Walking Dead all has this trope all over it.

None of those are good (as evident by them either starting or going woke at some point).

People aren't magically somehow so different that the impact of being knocked out over and over again for one person is going to be fine, but not for others.

They are different, not by magic but by somatic differences. Not everyone has the same physiology, cranium size, and bone density. All of these impact how people respond/react to being knocked out.

You are genuinely arguing to me that it's completely normal for people to get knocked out on a regular basis,

No one said this. The examples you used are poor examples of bad TV shows.


>It does.

No, it does not. He could just be in pain.

>None of those are good (as evident by them either starting or going woke at some point).

All of them are highly regarded shows. The Walking Dead basically ran AMC for some time. Vikings was a huge success.

How did they all "go woke"?

>They are different, not by magic but by somatic differences. Not everyone has the same physiology, cranium size, and bone density. All of these impact how people respond/react to being knocked out.

I await examples of someone repeatedly getting knocked out over and over in fights, frequently getting slashed or heavy body wounds, not going to the doctor, doing self-care and back up on their feet within a few days.

>No one said this. The examples you used are poor examples of bad TV shows.

Name me some good TV shows that do it well then, and realistically.


No, it does not. He could just be in pain.

That call that a TKO, a technical knockout.

The Walking Dead basically ran AMC for some time. Vikings was a huge success.

For like two seasons and then it went woke and fell off a cliff, same with Vikings. The user reviews for the latter seasons are quite telling.

I await examples of someone repeatedly getting knocked out over and over in fights, frequently getting slashed or heavy body wounds, not going to the doctor, doing self-care and back up on their feet within a few days.

What non-woke movie has a character doing this?

Name me some good TV shows that do it well then, and realistically.

Daredevil. But he does suffer serious injuries, requires frequent medical attention, and a concussion caused him some serious issues for some time.


>That call that a TKO, a technical knockout.

That's not a knock out. When I say I knock out I mean a literal knock out - the other person is rendered unconscious.

>For like two seasons and then it went woke and fell off a cliff, same with Vikings. The user reviews for the latter seasons are quite telling.

How did it go "woke"? How did Vikings "go woke"? How is Into the Badlands "woke"? How did Warrior "go woke"?

>What non-woke movie has a character doing this?

What does "woke" have to do with anything here? Most beat 'em up action flics have this.

Do you think shit like Die Hard is remotely realistic, for instance?


That's not a knock out. When I say I knock out I mean a literal knock out - the other person is rendered unconscious.

His body went limp -- he was genuinely, technically, knocked out.

How did it go "woke"? How did Vikings "go woke"? How is Into the Badlands "woke"? How did Warrior "go woke"?

Way too many reasons to list, but these videos kind of detail it:

What does "woke" have to do with anything here? Most beat 'em up action flics have this.

Because woke films go out of their way to have women doing completely non-sensical, masculine things that have zero basis of anything a woman is capable of in real life.

Do you think shit like Die Hard is remotely realistic, for instance?

The entire scenario of Die Hard? No. But some of McClane's actions? Yes. He suffers a ton of injuries throughout the film, which is realistic, and relies a lot on his wits and some masculine brawn to get out of tough situations, which were believable.


>His body went limp -- he was genuinely, technically, knocked out.

No way you can infer that from the grainy clip at all.

>Way too many reasons to list, but these videos kind of detail it:

So you have no idea. You just googled "The Walking Dead woke" and found me two videos from some clown who argued it.

I also love how one of the videos is titled "Go Woke Go Broke" when TWD, which apparently went woke after S02 (according to you) managed to last 11 seasons and spawned 5 spin-off series. Hardly "going broke", was it?

It seems both of those videos purely focus on the fact that TWD has gay people in it. Is the presence of a gay character enough, in itself, for a show to be "woke"?

How did Warrior "go woke"? How did Into the Badlands "go woke"? How did Vikings "go woke"?

>Because woke films go out of their way to have women doing completely non-sensical, masculine things that have zero basis of anything a woman is capable of in real life.

I am not talking about women fighting but people fighting and shooting in general in action shows and films.

>The entire scenario of Die Hard? No. But some of McClane's actions? Yes. He suffers a ton of injuries throughout the film, which is realistic, and relies a lot on his wits and some masculine brawn to get out of tough situations, which were believable.

You are genuinely incredibly credulous to think stuff like Die Hard is especially realistic. What about the action of shit like Rambo? Or the Expendables?


No way you can infer that from the grainy clip at all.

Yep, we can see his body go limp. It's quite obvious.

So you have no idea.

Oh, I have an idea.

How did Warrior "go woke"? How did Into the Badlands "go woke"? How did Vikings "go woke"?

What about the action of shit like Rambo? Or the Expendables?

A lot of what was in Rambo 1 was believable, including Stallone jumping off the cliff and landing into the trees, breaking his ribs in the process.

What in the Expendables was not doable in real life?


>Yep, we can see his body go limp. It's quite obvious.

No, we cannot.

>Oh, I have an idea.

And what is your idea?


I'm talking about the original Vikings, not Vikings: Valhallah.

How did Warrior "go woke"? How did Into the Badlands "go woke"? How did Vikings "go woke"?

>A lot of what was in Rambo 1 was believable, including Stallone jumping off the cliff and landing into the trees, breaking his ribs in the process.

I cannot believe that I am genuinely talking to someone who thinks that Rambo and the Expendable franchise are remotely realistic. Do you watch all action films and thing one man can be a killing machine and take out hundreds of people with the AI of video game NPCs?


Just a heads up cyguration. If you’re caught noticing the obvious wokification of modern entertainment the Skavau-bot gets activated and goes on a gaslighting mission to convince you there’s-nothing-to-see-here.

His basic bitch bag of rhetorical tricks include relentlessly asking stupid questions to make you run around finding evidence to prove the patently obvious until you get exhausted, and constant straw-manning of your position.

Just in case you were in danger of taking him seriously.


>Just a heads up cyguration. If you’re caught noticing the obvious wokification of modern entertainment the Skavau-bot gets activated and goes on a gaslighting mission to convince you there’s-nothing-to-see-here.

I notice that none of this actually refutes any of my point about how male action heroes are also often portrayed laughably unrealistically. Or just fighting and combat in movies in general.


Thanks, it makes a lot of sense now.

These kind of people really hate facts and reality.

I'm curious how they will respond when the infrastructure collapses in first-world Western nations due to Leftist politics? Will they just wallow on the streets as the violent immigrants rape and pillage? Will they attempt to fight back? Or will they hide away in dark crevices, desperately trying to connect to X to post about how racist and oppressive White people are while the border-hoppers seek them out for total annihilation?


What "facts" and "reality" are you referring to? How have I misrepresented your position?

>I'm curious how they will respond when the infrastructure collapses in first-world Western nations due to Leftist politics? Will they just wallow on the streets as the violent immigrants rape and pillage? Will they attempt to fight back? Or will they hide away in dark crevices, desperately trying to connect to X to post about how racist and oppressive White people are while the border-hoppers seek them out for total annihilation?

We're talking about movies and tv shows. What in the fuck does this waffle have to do with the specific topic of the thread?

You have no idea about my position on immigration.


Don’t mention it 👍🏻

Creatures like Skavau are spiteful mutants who are so weak-minded they’ve been trained to despise their own culture, people and home.

However, when the immigrant hordes start to attack him, Skavau will either go into denial and allow himself to be raped (much like how he impulsively bends over for woke authoritarianism), or he’ll suddenly wake up to reality, after which he’ll pretend to himself and others that he never was the pathetic regime bitch we know him to be.

The internet never forgets, though, and it’ll be interesting to see how he copes with having written all the vile moronic pro-regime drivel he has peddled all over these boards once he matures - if that day ever comes.

Skavau, respond to this with a load of defensive drivel, and throw in lots of those Hatchling questions you love to deploy. Give us an example of your shitty tactics. Go…


>Creatures like Skavau are spiteful mutants who are so weak-minded they’ve been trained to despise their own culture, people and home.

How do I "despise" my own culture and people and home? When have I said anything approaching that?

>However, when the immigrant hordes start to attack him, Skavau will either go into denial and allow himself to be raped (much like how he impulsively bends over for woke authoritarianism), or he’ll suddenly wake up to reality, after which he’ll pretend to himself and others that he never was the pathetic regime bitch we know him to be.

What "woke authoritarianism" do I bend over for?

You know absolutely nothing about my opinion of immigration.

>The internet never forgets, though, and it’ll be interesting to see how he copes with having written all the vile moronic pro-regime drivel he has peddled all over these boards once he matures - if that day ever comes.

What "pro-regime" drivel have I written here, precisely? How does this somehow relate to hating my own culture and people and home?


[–] cyguration (3753) a day ago
There is precedence for men fighting multiple men at once, but it's not even possible for a woman to fight a man in a street fight and even remotely come close to winning. In controlled environments they still lose pretty badly, all things being equal... like here:

So? Your unsupported claims means what?


LOL? did you actually read those stories:


Guy never fought back, in fact he wasn't even armed and was smaller than her. She beat him up without him putting up any fight whatsoever because he was poor and had no gun, and again, didn't even fight back.


A woman shot a man. That's not a street fight.


I might have to take your word for it, but I can't find the actual video footage to tell. Based on the reports and the description, it doesn't sound like the men fought back at all, but that she was the sole aggressors. If that is the case, then it's not a street fight, just a woman physically abusing a man/men.


This is just Yahoo copying and pasting The sun's story.


I was responding to your claim that "but it's not even possible for a woman to fight a man in a street fight and even remotely come close to winning"

Those links were about a fight involving a woman, in which she prevailed. It is not the woman's fault that a man showed up to a gun fight without a gun. You don't really think a woman is supposed to "fight fair" when attacked? Remember, a street fight is just a fight that happens in public, maybe on the street.

You made an absolute claim in your post. That is a foolish thing to do. I think you just don't like women.


Those links were about a fight involving a woman, in which she prevailed. It is not the woman's fault that a man showed up to a gun fight without a gun. You don't really think a woman is supposed to "fight fair" when attacked? Remember, a street fight is just a fight that happens in public, maybe on the street.

Yes, but the assailant or the other person actually has to ... ya know... FIGHT BACK.

In your examples the men didn't even bother to actually fight back or even attempt to lay a hand on the woman other than trying to get away.

In that case -- especially regarding the female MMA fighter -- the government did have it right, it was aggravated harassment on her end since she initiated the physical contact and the two men did not fight back.


They do not have to fight back. They only need to be there.

In the case of the woman shooting a man trying to rob her, the man was the aggressor. The man did not need to initiate such a violent confrontation, but he did and got shot for it.

The man who tried to rob Viana with a fake gun also initiated the violent confrontation and got beaten for it.

Can you explain why you believe something so foolish as "but it's not even possible for a woman to fight a man in a street fight and even remotely come close to winning"? It seems to be a part of your misogyny.


They do not have to fight back. They only need to be there

We have a term for that, it's called physical assault/abuse.

In the case of the woman shooting a man trying to rob her, the man was the aggressor. The man did not need to initiate such a violent confrontation, but he did and got shot for it.

That's correct, but it was not a street fight.

Can you explain why you believe something so foolish as "but it's not even possible for a woman to fight a man in a street fight and even remotely come close to winning"? It seems to be a part of your misogyny.

If facts are misogyny, then reality is simply misogynistic.


When the person who starts the fights gets beaten up, they're not the victim.

There was a fight, in the street. So why was it not a street fight?

You're trying to sugar coat your prejudice with BS. That kind of BS has been going out of style for decades now. You are a fossil.


When the person who starts the fights gets beaten up, they're not the victim.

None of those guys started the fight because they never threw a punch.

You're trying to sugar coat your prejudice with BS. That kind of BS has been going out of style for decades now. You are a fossil.

The minute they go out of style, society collapses (and we're kind of seeing that happen in real-time these days within the Anglosphere).


And what is your idea?

Not an idea, just observations that are too long to list here, but the video I posted did a decent job of outlining some of the issues.

How did Vikings "go woke"?

Once again, various reasons too many to list here, but having Lagaertha go gay for no reason and then making other changes that a few people discuss in these threads:

Anachronisms based on modern day Liberalism is what ruined that show.

I cannot believe that I am genuinely talking to someone who thinks that Rambo and the Expendable franchise are remotely realistic.

Stallone actually did many of his stunts in Rambo, and he actually had his neck broken when Steve Austin speared him into the rock:

Yes, they are remotely realistic because some of the actors did their own stunts. What you see in the film is what they did.

Just like, Patrick Swayze actually got hit with that log in Road House and actually broke his ribs during that fight scene, but kept on filming:


>Not an idea, just observations that are too long to list here, but the video I posted did a decent job of outlining some of the issues.

The video that whined about gay people existing in TWD? Is that all that is needed to be "woke"?

>Once again, various reasons too many to list here, but having Lagaertha go gay for no reason and then making other changes that a few people discuss in these threads:

How do you know she just suddenly "went gay"? She was always highly sexually liberal since the first season. Since her and Ragnar tried to get Athelstan into a threesome. Many of the romances and flings on Vikings were arguably pointless, but apparently this particular one (I assume you mean with Astrid) was too much for you?


That's not woke. And Vikings never claimed to be historically accurate. You clearly have hardly watched the show as you're relying on finding other people's commentary to justify your claims here.


See above.

How did Warrior and Into the Badlands "go woke"? You going to address these?


The video that whined about gay people existing in TWD? Is that all that is needed to be "woke"?

Nope, but the gays in the apocalypse trope makes zero sense as they would be some of the first to die.

How do you know she just suddenly "went gay"? She was always highly sexually liberal since the first season.

Someone being liberal doesn't mean they turn gay, but the fact that Liberalism has convinced you that it does, kind of shows how the woke messaging has worked on you.

You clearly have hardly watched the show as you're relying on finding other people's commentary to justify your claims here.

Modern anachronisms based on Liberal ideology is going woke.


Skavau’s job is to gaslight you into thinking woke doesn’t exist so there’s no point calling it out and resisting it.

It’s reassuring to see that he’s still terrible at it.


Are you actually going to address any of the claims he's making about shows he's obviously never seen before? Is he right there at all?


How’s the gaslighting going? Making any progress with cyguration?


Cyguration has made definitive claims about TV shows he's clearly never seen. Why do you think those represent reasonable positions? He has also suggested that anything that has a gay person cast in it automatically becomes woke.

Do you think that's a sensible position?


I think it’s another load of strawman bollocks from Skavau: The Queen of Straw.

Your constant deceit has drained you of any credibility, remember?


>I think it’s another load of strawman bollocks from the Skavau: The Queen of Straw.

It's not a strawman at all. His argument is that gay people apparently couldn't exist in a post-apocalyptic world, thus including them at all in The Walking Dead is in itself woke.

I've also argued with him before and he openly opposed any and all gay people in fiction, if I recall.

Going to comment on his claims about TV shows he's obviously not seen?

>Your constant deceit has drained you of any credibility, remember?

I know of no such thing, and you have failed to demonstrate any conceit.


More worthless sophistry. I don’t believe any of your claims about anything because you’ve proven yourself to be a pathological liar and utterly dishonest interlocutor.

Your constant deceit has drained you of any credibility, remember?


>More worthless sophistry. I don’t believe any of your claims about anything because you’ve proven yourself to be a pathological liar and utterly dishonest interlocutor.

What's the sophistry? He's literally confirmed in a follow-up post that he thinks it's wrong to depict gay people in a post-apocalyptic setting.

>Your constant deceit has drained you of any credibility, remember?

I know of no such thing, and you have failed to demonstrate any conceit.


More worthless sophistry. I don’t believe any of your claims about anything because you’ve proven yourself to be a pathological liar and utterly dishonest interlocutor.

Your constant deceit has drained you of any credibility, remember?


>More worthless sophistry. I don’t believe any of your claims about anything because you’ve proven yourself to be a pathological liar and utterly dishonest interlocutor.

It's literally in this thread dude.

Are you incapable of scrolling down?


If you’re desperate to show me then quote his exact words and provide a link to them so that your quote can be verified. Otherwise we’ll have to assume that you’re just strawmanning again.

You’ve lost all credibility thanks to your endless sophistry, remember?

Not that anything you dig up in your smear attempt on Cyguration will be taken seriously. You trying to moralise and condemn others is as absurd as a serial rapist telling someone off for glancing at a woman’s ass.


>If you’re desperate to show me then quote his exact words and provide a link to them so that your quote can be verified. Otherwise we’ll have to assume that you’re just strawmanning again.

"Gay men in particular make up for 67% of all STD cases in places like America, according to the CDC:

Without proper treatments (due to a failed infrastructure) many of them would die of diseases pretty quickly. You also think they would stop being horny in the apocalypse?

They also suffer from higher amounts of anxiety and depression:

In order to survive in the apocalypse, you either have to be extremely ruthless or resourceful. You think someone having a manic episode as their drugs run out and zombies come to eat their flesh, will be witted enough to overcome the insurmountable odds stacked against them in a zombie apocalypse?"

This quote is literally on this page dude.

>You’ve lost all credibility thanks to your endless sophistry, remember?

I know no such thing. I am not bound by your bullshit, fuckface.


He makes an interesting point 🤷🏻‍♂️

Now remember, you trying to moralise and condemn others is as absurd as a serial rapist telling someone off for glancing at a woman’s ass.


>He makes an interesting point 🤷🏻‍♂️

What that it's impossible for a gay person to exist in the apocalypse because they've obviously got a serious STD and/or are seriously depressed and can't function?

And therefore any time a post-apocalyptic show depicts them, it's obviously "woke"?

Are you going to apologise for accusing me of lying about his position?

>Now remember, you trying to moralise and condemn others is as absurd as a serial rapist telling someone off for glancing at a woman’s ass.

What have I done that is remotely as evil as a serial rapist?


Again, you fart out a load of mindless Cathy Newman questions about what has been said… instead of just digesting what has been said.

You can shove your questions back up your ass, from whence you pulled them.


>Again, you fart out a load of mindless Cathy Newman questions about what has been said… instead of just digesting what has been said.

There were no leading questions in my response there. And I am not ever going to stop. Reply to me, and don't address my points, and I will repeat them.


>He makes an interesting point 🤷🏻‍♂️

What that it's impossible for a gay person to exist in the apocalypse because they've obviously got a serious STD and/or are seriously depressed and can't function?

And therefore any time a post-apocalyptic show depicts them, it's obviously "woke"?

Are you going to apologise for accusing me of lying about his position?

>Now remember, you trying to moralise and condemn others is as absurd as a serial rapist telling someone off for glancing at a woman’s ass.

What have I done that is remotely as evil as a serial rapist?


Now, let’s clear up these pedophile rumours, Skavau. If it’s true that you’re a pedophile then flat out regurgitate your last post…


>Again, you fart out a load of mindless Cathy Newman questions about what has been said… instead of just digesting what has been said.

There were no leading questions in my response there. And I am not ever going to stop. Reply to me, and don't address my points, and I will repeat them.


>He makes an interesting point 🤷🏻‍♂️

What that it's impossible for a gay person to exist in the apocalypse because they've obviously got a serious STD and/or are seriously depressed and can't function?

And therefore any time a post-apocalyptic show depicts them, it's obviously "woke"?

Are you going to apologise for accusing me of lying about his position?

>Now remember, you trying to moralise and condemn others is as absurd as a serial rapist telling someone off for glancing at a woman’s ass.

What have I done that is remotely as evil as a serial rapist?


No doubt you will edit your post to say that if I copy and paste the content above, that means I must be a pedophile.


You literally did what I suspected you would.


lol yeah, the guy is working over-time to try to argue points that leave little to be defended.


Check Meltons post history. He is utterly obsessed with me. Do you think that's healthy behaviour?

And are you going to answer my post?


I did answer you.



Check Meltons post history. He is utterly obsessed with me. Do you think that's healthy behaviour?


🤣 He’s getting really pissed at me calling out his shitty gaslighting schtick, it’s not working on anyone any more.


What am I gaslighting you about exactly?


Hatchling question. This has been explained to you repeatedly.


No, it has not. Assertions aren't explanations. I will ask again: What am I gaslighting you about exactly?

I am not going to ever stop. Every time you reply to me, I will reply back and I will copy myself when you do. I find it absurd that you have such a small life, with nothing else going on, that all you want to do now is stalk me on a movie forum.


Now, let’s clear up these pedophile rumours, Skavau. If it’s true that you’re a pedophile then copy-paste your last post. Go…


No, it has not. Assertions aren't explanations. I will ask again: What am I gaslighting you about exactly?

I am not going to ever stop. Every time you reply to me, I will reply back and I will copy myself when you do. I find it absurd that you have such a small life, with nothing else going on, that all you want to do now is stalk me on a movie forum.


This is genuinely childish.

"Haha I can edit my post to and say that if the user responds a certain way that means I win".

And it's not "pedophile rumours". It's a baseless accusation by a single user.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.




>Nope, but the gays in the apocalypse trope makes zero sense as they would be some of the first to die.

Why in the fuck would gay people in the apocalypse be the first to die?

>Someone being liberal doesn't mean they turn gay, but the fact that Liberalism has convinced you that it does, kind of shows how the woke messaging has worked on you.

How do you know she turned gay?

How did Warrior and Into the Badlands "go woke"? You going to address these?

>Modern anachronisms based on Liberal ideology is going woke.

Except you're baselessly speculating based on absolutely nothing since you've not watched these shows.

Have you even watched TWD?


Why in the fuck would gay people in the apocalypse be the first to die?

Gay men in particular make up for 67% of all STD cases in places like America, according to the CDC:

Without proper treatments (due to a failed infrastructure) many of them would die of diseases pretty quickly. You also think they would stop being horny in the apocalypse?

They also suffer from higher amounts of anxiety and depression:

In order to survive in the apocalypse, you either have to be extremely ruthless or resourceful. You think someone having a manic episode as their drugs run out and zombies come to eat their flesh, will be witted enough to overcome the insurmountable odds stacked against them in a zombie apocalypse?

How do you know she turned gay?

The show had a whole subplot about it.

How did Warrior and Into the Badlands "go woke"? You going to address these?

I would have to do more research on those, you piled them in with other woke shows.

Except you're baselessly speculating based on absolutely nothing since you've not watched these shows.

With Vikings that absolutely is true, especially Vikings: Valhalla.

Have you even watched TWD?



>Gay men in particular make up for 67% of all STD cases in places like America, according to the CDC:

How many gay men do you think, as a proportion of their number, are infected with life threatening illnesses?

>They also suffer from higher amounts of anxiety and depression:

So you genuinely think that every gay man in the apocalypse would kill themselves? Also, how do you know that the apocalypse would somehow have any impact on their anxiety and depression rates?

>In order to survive in the apocalypse, you either have to be extremely ruthless or resourceful. You think someone having a manic episode as their drugs run out and zombies come to eat their flesh, will be witted enough to overcome the insurmountable odds stacked against them in a zombie apocalypse?

This is nothing less than hateful nasty bigotry. You think every single LGBT person is sick and psychologically damaged?

>The show had a whole subplot about it.

It didn't mean she just "turned gay". It meant that she had a same-sex relationship. She was always bisexual.

>I would have to do more research on those, you piled them in with other woke shows.

So you again are just talking absolute bullshit.


Yet all you can refer to is that they had gay characters.

Is a TV show woke if it just depicts a gay person?


"You think every single LGBT person is sick and psychologically damaged?"
He did not say that, he pointed out that statistically, they are significantly more likely to suffer from mental illness - which is completely accurate.

You attempt to frame it accordingly to gain some moral high ground, the usual leftist bullshit debate tactics 101.

Nobody is falling for it anymore.
Go wave your dumb rainbow flag on facebook or instagram where the other drones acknowledge you as a fellow progressive ally.


>He did not say that, he pointed out that statistically, they are significantly more likely to suffer from mental illness - which is completely accurate.

To the point where it is impossible for any of them to be portrayable in a post-apocalyptic setting?

Do you think portraying a gay person is inherently 'woke' and wrong?


You should know that Melton is literally devoting his life to following me on Moviechat. Do you think that looks like healthy behaviour?


"Do you think portraying a gay person is inherently 'woke' and wrong?"
No, I think context and intention matters and today, way too many movies and shows squeeze in any LGBTQIXYZ+-% (I lost track...) content they can to tick the necessary boxes for award considerations and of course because the whole industry is in the hands of leftist ideologues who do whatever it takes to spread "the message".

The problem I have with this sort of content that it solely exists for social political pandering.


>No, I think context and intention matters and today, way too many movies and shows squeeze in any LGBTQIXYZ+-% (I lost track...) content they can to tick the necessary boxes for award considerations and of course because the whole industry is in the hands of leftist ideologues who do whatever it takes to spread "the message".

How do you know when a LGBT person is cast due to tick a box, vs. being a creative decision?

Does it happen sometimes? Sure. Does it always happen? I doubt it.


"How do you know when a LGBT person is cast due to tick a box, vs. being a creative decision?"

Never said anything about an LGBTQ person. I never cared that Jodie Foster playing Clarice Starling is a lesbian and neither did she. Should you mean LGBTQ characters, that is easy to answer:
Is it in any way shape or form relevant to the plot of the movie that whatever character is gay?
No? Tickbox.
Yes? No tickbox.

There are other factors, of course.
Who are the producers, what studio is behind the project, target audience, previous projects, how dumb, superfluous and on-the-nose the content is ultimately etc.

Long story short, homosexuality (or any LGBTQ stuff) is not normal.
The current over-representation in media considered, it is obvious that the reason is political pandering and virtue signaling - not "creative decisions". Suddenly everyone is gay or has pronouns. Especially in TV shows over the past years this was easy to observe.

"Does it happen sometimes? Sure. Does it always happen? I doubt it."
I didn't say it always happens.


>Never said anything about an LGBTQ person. I never cared that Jodie Foster playing Clarice Starling is a lesbian and neither did she. Should you mean LGBTQ characters, that is easy to answer:

Sorry, yes, characters.

>Is it in any way shape or form relevant to the plot of the movie that whatever character is gay?
No? Tickbox.
Yes? No tickbox.

Plenty of TV shows and films have what could be called 'irrelevant' heterosexual relationships that don't really advance the plot, and in many cases, disrupt it. Do you equally object to them?

>Long story short, homosexuality (or any LGBTQ stuff) is not normal.

In a statistical sense.

>The current over-representation in media considered, it is obvious that the reason is political pandering and virtue signaling - not "creative decisions". Suddenly everyone is gay or has pronouns. Especially in TV shows over the past years this was easy to observe.

I don't think I've ever watched a TV show that specifically talks about pronouns.

And not "everyone is gay" at all. It's still an easy minority of characters.


"Plenty of TV shows and films have what could be called 'irrelevant' heterosexual relationships that don't really advance the plot, and in many cases, disrupt it. Do you equally object to them?"

Nope, see: "Long story short, homosexuality (or any LGBTQ stuff) is not normal."

"In a statistical sense."
Also cultural, societal, ... but that remains irrelevant.
It isn't normal and is being over-represented for political pandering and indoctrination.

"I don't think I've ever watched a TV show that specifically talks about pronouns."
Is that supposed to be an argument?

"Sex Education" - started out great with season 1, then immediately shifted tone and turned into nothing but a woke festival by constantly thematizing different LGBTQ tropes and topics.

"Grey's Anatomy" - had multiple episodes and by now also characters with HEAVY on-the-nose LGBTQ stuff. One episode in particular was basically the "good doctors" explaining to the old, ignorant Webber (meant to represent the viewer) what pronouns are.

Need more?

"And not "everyone is gay" at all. It's still an easy minority of characters."


Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses obvious and extreme exaggeration to make a point. Throughout all different types of literature you can see hyperbole being used to emphasize the importance of something, create an impression, or invoke a strong emotion.

And yes, they are still a minority - but they are also completely over-represented. One thing does not contradict the other, and that's my point.


>Nope, see: "Long story short, homosexuality (or any LGBTQ stuff) is not normal."

So your core objection is that you object to homosexuality. Why does it being "abnormal" matter at all? Does that make it bad?

>Also cultural, societal, ... but that remains irrelevant.

It's perfectly acceptable and relatively pedestrian across much of the western world. There are many successful shows with notable LGBT undertones: Sex Education (as you've mentioned), Heartstopper, The Last of Us, Euphoria.

>Is that supposed to be an argument?

Yes? What are all these shows going on about pronouns?

>"Sex Education" - started out great with season 1, then immediately shifted tone and turned into nothing but a woke festival by constantly thematizing different LGBTQ tropes and topics.

Yet was wildly successful. I don't know what you expected from watching a sexual college teen drama, to be frank.

>"Grey's Anatomy" - had multiple episodes and by now also characters with HEAVY on-the-nose LGBTQ stuff. One episode in particular was basically the "good doctors" explaining to the old, ignorant Webber (meant to represent the viewer) what pronouns are.

This is literally a trashy medical soap opera lmao. Watch better stuff.

Two shows.

>Need more?

Also, how do you know all these shows focus specifically on and talk/lecture about pronouns?

One of these shows I see instantly is Ellen. 1994. Do you think they did that then? It's also referencing Modern Family, and Torchwood. This is just "shows with LGBT leads" not necessarily themes.


"So your core objection is that you object to homosexuality. Why does it being "abnormal" matter at all? Does that make it bad?"
Pointing out the fact that homosexuality is not normal does not mean I object to it.

"It's perfectly acceptable and relatively pedestrian across much of the western world."
Great, then the absurd pandering and over-representation can stop and we can return to normality without social political indoctrination, perhaps? No? Ah, thought so...

"Yet was wildly successful."
Irrelevant to the point.

"I don't know what you expected from watching a sexual college teen drama, to be frank."
Good writing and less propaganda would have been nice - hence praising season 1? It's not rocket science, really.

"This is literally a trashy medical soap opera lmao. Watch better stuff."
True - but irrelevant again.
You asked for examples, I provided examples.

"Also, how do you know all these shows focus specifically on and talk/lecture about pronouns?"
I did not say they do.
You need to try harder, really.


>Pointing out the fact that homosexuality is not normal does not mean I object to it.

Okay. So why don't you equally object to frivolous heterosexual relationships in TV shows that don't advance the plot as much as you might with homosexual ones if you don't object to homosexuality?

>Great, then the absurd pandering and over-representation can stop and we can return to normality without social political indoctrination, perhaps? No? Ah, thought so...

Most characters in TV shows are still heterosexual.

>Good writing and less propaganda would have been nice - hence praising season 1? It's not rocket science, really.

There was always going to be LGBT people all across it.

>Irrelevant to the point.

So long as LGBT themed shows are successful, they'll keep making them.

>I did not say they do.
You need to try harder, really.

I specifically asked about TV shows that focus on pronoun lecturing. I originally said: "I don't think I've ever watched a TV show that specifically talks about pronouns."

You gave me two examples - Sex Education (not much of a surprise based on what I know about that show), and Greys Anatomy (it has 420 episodes, and you found 1 of them that does a stupid pronoun episode?)


"Okay. So why don't you equally object to frivolous heterosexual relationships in TV shows..."
I never said I don't object.
You assume this, wrongly. Like so many other things.

"Most characters in TV shows are still heterosexual."
Rephrasing your previous statement doesn't change the statement, nor my answer.

"There was always going to be LGBT people all across it."
Which in itself is not an issue, something I established multiple posts ago.

"So long as LGBT themed shows are successful, they'll keep making them."
Great. Still irrelevant. Again, you repeating what you said will not change my answers or facts.

>I did not say they do.
"You need to try harder, really."
Well I didn't say they do, not sure what else to tell you?

"I specifically asked about TV shows that focus on pronoun lecturing."
I mostly refer to LGBTQ topics and tropes as a whole, the pronouns thing was an example. Do you understand that?

"You gave me two examples - Sex Education (not much of a surprise based on what I know about that show), and Greys Anatomy (it has 420 episodes, and you found 1 of them that does a stupid pronoun episode?)"

No, I gave you a plethora of examples combined in a massive list from a pro-LGBTQ site that you chose to shoot down and ignore because two shows on that list allegedly do not qualify according to you. That's a difference and not my problem.

Also, no one said across Grey's Anatomy's 420 episodes, this would be the only one. It was again a single example, a specific example you desperately asked for. I provide and still you complain.

As expected...


>I never said I don't object.
You assume this, wrongly. Like so many other things.

I asked:

"Plenty of TV shows and films have what could be called 'irrelevant' heterosexual relationships that don't really advance the plot, and in many cases, disrupt it. Do you equally object to them?"

You replied to that: Nope, see: "Long story short, homosexuality (or any LGBTQ stuff) is not normal."

>I mostly refer to LGBTQ topics and tropes as a whole, the pronouns thing was an example. Do you understand that?

Well in terms of LGBTQ topics and tropes generally, it's a big thing amongst the youth. So TV shows will be made based on it. So? You just told me, despite seeming to (from how I read it) that you don't object to that type of theme... so what's the problem?

>No, I gave you a plethora of examples combined in a massive list from a pro-LGBTQ site that you chose to shoot down and ignore because two shows on that list allegedly do not qualify according to you. That's a difference and not my problem.

But you said you don't have a problem with LGBTQ stuff anyway. So why does it matter? There's lots of shows that have LGBT leads (note that having a LGBT lead doesn't make you a LGBT-themed show specifically - there's a difference between Monarch: Legacy of Monsters and Pose, for instance)

And no, I didn't say they don't "qualify". Grey's Anatomy is prominently not a LGBT-themed TV show. It's a medical soap opera. Although some of those shows on that list just have some LGBT characters. They're not exactly LGBT themed.

Like Modern Family, and apparently Boy Meets Girl is there (????) and a 1977 parody of Soap Operas called "Soap"

There's like nearly a 1000 TV shows made every year, so for context on the sheer amount of content that comes out.


You fetch examples and, shock horror, they suddenly don’t count for some bullshit reason! ✨

He’s trying to exhaust you with endless questions, most of which are based on a strawman premise that you don’t even hold, which you then have to correct.

He wants you to give up so it looks like you ran away from a bunch of pertinent questions, when in fact it’s all a charade and none of his questions are sincere.


>You fetch examples and, shock horror, they suddenly don’t count for some bullshit reason! ✨

You are clearly not reading the back and forth properly.

I specifically asked about examples of pronoun lecturing in TV shows. He decided to interpret that as LGBT-themed TV shows in general. I never said that there wasn't a lot of them. There are.

But there's more examples that are not LGBT themed. There are nearly a thousand TV shows made every year.


There are rumours going around that you're a pedophile. If it’s true, confirm the rumours but copy-pasting your last post…


>You fetch examples and, shock horror, they suddenly don’t count for some bullshit reason! ✨

You are clearly not reading the back and forth properly.

I specifically asked about examples of pronoun lecturing in TV shows. He decided to interpret that as LGBT-themed TV shows in general. I never said that there wasn't a lot of them. There are.

But there's more examples that are not LGBT themed. There are nearly a thousand TV shows made every year.


Kendricks, if you haven’t encountered Skavau before he’s a fanatical wokist bent on gaslighting everyone into thinking that woke isn't a thing.

You’ve already seen him strawmanning, but he’ll also play The Hatchling - bombarding you with loads of self-explanatory questions.

Just a heads up.

Skavau, write a mindless knee-jerk defensive response. Go…


What strawmans are you referring to here? Cyguration absolutely did imply that most LGBT people are either suffering with STDS and/or depressed/suicidal and can't survive in a post-apocalyptic environment.

No, your claims are not self-evident or self-explanatory, you're just not used to anyone challenging them and don't think they should be challenged.


"Skavau, write a mindless knee-jerk defensive response. Go…"
And he did! xD

Fully aware btw, I noticed the name before. But thanks for the warning.


You should know that Melton is literally devoting his life to following me and harassing me on Moviechat. Do you think that looks like healthy behaviour?


No worries.

Yep, he’s as predictable as a bot.

He gets really mad when I warn has latest targets about his dirty rhetorical tricks so expect him to kick and scream around here for a bit.

Anyway, good to know you’re already aware - his stinking reputation precedes him.

Skavau, kick and scream for us now, show him what I’m talking about. Go…


You mean when you follow me, and harass me? Because that's not suggestive of mental health problems from you.

I can't imagine having absolutely nothing going on in my life that I make "warning" people about a user on an internet forum my only goal in life.

>Anyway, good to know you’re already aware - his stinking reputation precedes him.

You have literally only "warned" far-right types who despise me inherently of my supposed bad behaviour. Most of them I have spoken to repeatedly and argued with repeatedly long before you ever "warned" them of anything.


>And he did! xD

...People 'defending' themselves, or responding to your claims that you make in a public forum, to them, is somehow "knee-jerk" now?

Also, here's a relevant question: Do you think it's acceptable for someone to accuse people of being a pedophile based on no evidence? Do you think that's moral behaviour?


How many gay men do you think, as a proportion of their number, are infected with life threatening illnesses?

Many of them suffer from sort of ailment incurred from sodomy, or other such related acts, hence why they were the ones spreading Monkey Pox, to kids and to animals, even:

It's a matter of "when", if they maintained their lifestyle.

So you genuinely think that every gay man in the apocalypse would kill themselves?

I never said that, but it's quite telling you think this is what all gay men would do. Why is that?

Also, how do you know that the apocalypse would somehow have any impact on their anxiety and depression rates?

It would negatively impact everyone's anxiety and depression rates, save for actual psychopaths. It would impact those more whom already suffer from anxiety and depression, especially if they already suffer such in cushy first-world conditions.

You think every single LGBT person is sick and psychologically damaged?

Statistically speaking, many of them are. Here's a source from a pro-gay website that reports that more than half suffer from depression and severe anxiety:

So yes, majority of them are psychologically damaged, even according to those within their own community.

Is a TV show woke if it just depicts a gay person?

Depends on context.


>Many of them suffer from sort of ailment incurred from sodomy, or other such related acts, hence why they were the ones spreading Monkey Pox, to kids and to animals, even:

No. I want data. What % of gay men do you assume are afflicted with STDs, and especially to the point that if western society collapsed they would all die because of the lack of access to medicine to treat them.

>I never said that, but it's quite telling you think this is what all gay men would do. Why is that?

I do not. But you suggested that almost all of them would, to the point that it is impossible that any could be alive in the apocalypse.

>It would negatively impact everyone's anxiety and depression rates, save for actual psychopaths. It would impact those more whom already suffer from anxiety and depression, especially if they already suffer such in cushy first-world conditions.

And I'll ask the same question I did regarding your commentary about them having STDs. What % of gay men do you assume are afflicted depression and serious mental health issues, and especially to the point that if western society collapsed they would all be unable to cope and kill themselves, or be easy prey?

>Statistically speaking, many of them are. Here's a source from a pro-gay website that reports that more than half suffer from depression and severe anxiety:

It's not substantially hugely different from younger people in the UK in general. Some of it makes for grim reading in the sense that either people are generally more depressive, or we're much better at diagnosing and spotting it, or the criteria for being depressed is lower than it used to be. Or a mixture of all three.

>Depends on context.

And in what context would it not be woke?


What % of gay men do you assume are afflicted with STDs,

In terms of transmissions... 43% for bi-men and nearly 50% for gay men:

30% of gay men suffer from gonorrhea alone:

But you suggested that almost all of them would,

Nope. You seem to be inferring this. Why?

What % of gay men do you assume are afflicted depression and serious mental health issues, and especially to the point that if western society collapsed they would all be unable to cope and kill themselves, or be easy prey?

Already gave that stat -- more than half. Combined with the diseases, it would make surviving in the apocalypse highly impractical for that community.

And in what context would it not be woke?

If it were honest.


>In terms of transmissions... 43% for bi-men and nearly 50% for gay men:

I noticed you omitted the heterosexual rates there, which, although lower, aren't devastatingly lower.

>30% of gay men suffer from gonorrhea alone:

This study is 44 years old.

>Nope. You seem to be inferring this. Why?

So what's the problem with TWD depicting gay men then?

>Already gave that stat -- more than half. Combined with the diseases, it would make surviving in the apocalypse highly impractical for that community.

How do you know those that report depression actually are depressed (self-reporting can be fucky on this), and how do you know that would mean they couldn't function after an apocalypse? And depression is quite high in general.

I'd wager roughly close numbers of ordinary people would also not function in the event of an apocalypse.

>If it were honest.

And how would it be honest in a way that it isn't now?


I noticed you omitted the heterosexual rates there, which, although lower, aren't devastatingly lower.

Per capita, those numbers for gay and bi men are absolutely astronomical. Again, they make up 1% of the population but 67% of all cases among any groups.

This study is 44 years old.

Which is even more damning, because the numbers only go up.

So what's the problem with TWD depicting gay men then?

They would either be sick or dead.

How do you know those that report depression actually are depressed (self-reporting can be fucky on this), and how do you know that would mean they couldn't function after an apocalypse?

No more medication; no more therapy. Take a guess what comes next?

I'd wager roughly close numbers of ordinary people would also not function in the event of an apocalypse.

But we're not talking about normal people (and it's quite funny you agree with me that everyone else is normal but they aren't. Freudian slip?).

And how would it be honest in a way that it isn't now?

What was the last show you watched with a gay couple that featured same-sex domestic abuse or a character being regularly treated for a sexually transmitted infection/disease?


>Per capita, those numbers for gay and bi men are absolutely astronomical. Again, they make up 1% of the population but 67% of all cases among any groups.

You also do realise that having an STD doesn't mean needing regular medical treatment or you'll die, right?

>Which is even more damning, because the numbers only go up.

Except you've not sourced any modern studies for gonorrhea.

>They would either be sick or dead.

So you are claiming that literally every gay man has crippling mental health issues and/or STDs and STDs to the point of needing regular medical attention or they die.

>No more medication; no more therapy. Take a guess what comes next?

You do realise that not everyone who says they are depressed is on medication or therapy, right? In fact, a massive number aren't. Especially when you're dealing with self-reports.

>But we're not talking about normal people (and it's quite funny you agree with me that everyone else is normal but they aren't. Freudian slip?).

No. In this case "normal" is just to mean everyone else who isn't gay.

>What was the last show you watched with a gay couple that featured same-sex domestic abuse or a character being regularly treated for a sexually transmitted infection/disease?

So is that it then? It's wrong if a TV show doesn't only depict gay men as cripplingly depressed and/or needing treatment for an STD?


You also do realise that having an STD doesn't mean needing regular medical treatment or you'll die, right?

In an apocalyptic setting, it raises your mortality rate for sure.

Except you've not sourced any modern studies for gonorrhea.

They also have skyrocketing syphilis rates:

So you are claiming that literally every gay man has crippling mental health issues and/or STDs and STDs to the point of needing regular medical attention or they die.

That's kind of how it is right now -- when the infrastructure collapses, things get worse.

So is that it then?

So you concede and can't name a single show that shows the honesty of that lifestyle? Quite telling, no?


>In an apocalyptic setting, it raises your mortality rate for sure.

Most STDs are not life-threatening at all.

>They also have skyrocketing syphilis rates:

Still waiting on modern gonorrhea data.

>That's kind of how it is right now -- when the infrastructure collapses, things get worse.

No, you have not provided evidence to support your claim that literally every gay man is depressed and/or suffering with STDs. You did initially reject even making that claim.

>So you concede and can't name a single show that shows the honesty of that lifestyle? Quite telling, no?

There are shows about LGBT infidelity and issues related to aids.

But I'll ask again, since you did not answer: It's wrong if a TV show doesn't only depict gay men as cripplingly depressed and/or needing treatment for an STD?


Most STDs are not life-threatening at all.

Syphilis absolutely is when left untreated, and it's very prominent among that demographic.

Still waiting on modern gonorrhea data.

It's in the same link; sky-high gonorrhea among that demographic:

No, you have not provided evidence to support your claim that literally every gay man is depressed and/or suffering with STDs.

No one said literally every gay man.... except for you.

There are shows about LGBT infidelity and issues related to aids.

I'm not talking about infidelity -- even though it is abnormally high within that group -- I'm talking about the exceptionally high substance abuse, domestic abuse, and sexual abuse. Also, because of GLAAD, they don't even depict AIDS as bad as it should be depicted due to "destigmatisation campaigns":

It's wrong if a TV show doesn't only depict gay men as cripplingly depressed and/or needing treatment for an STD?

It's wrong if they're dishonest about how majority of their lifestyle is.


>Syphilis absolutely is when left untreated, and it's very prominent among that demographic.

And how many gay men out of 100 in the USA have syphilis?

>It's in the same link; sky-high gonorrhea among that demographic:

Not over 10%

>No one said literally every gay man.... except for you.

I said: "So you are claiming that literally every gay man has crippling mental health issues and/or STDs and STDs to the point of needing regular medical attention or they die."

You replied: "That's kind of how it is right now -- when the infrastructure collapses, things get worse."

Make up your mind.

>I'm not talking about infidelity -- even though it is abnormally high within that group -- I'm talking about the exceptionally high substance abuse, domestic abuse, and sexual abuse. Also, because of GLAAD, they don't even depict AIDS as bad as it should be depicted due to "destigmatisation campaigns":

Yes, those shows exist too.

Are you arguing that showing a gay person having a normal relationship is wrong?

>It's wrong if they're dishonest about how majority of their lifestyle is.

Answer it directly: It's wrong if a TV show doesn't only depict gay men as cripplingly depressed and/or needing treatment for an STD?


And how many gay men out of 100 in the USA have syphilis?

Splitting hairs here. We've already established that it's all above normal rates per capita with gay men.

Make up your mind.

I did. Many of them have either an STD, STI, substance abuse, or are on some kind of anti-depressant.

Yes, those shows exist too.

Which shows?

It's wrong if a TV show doesn't only depict gay men as cripplingly depressed and/or needing treatment for an STD?

It's wrong if they don't show the honesty of that lifestyle like they do with heterosexual couples, where you have abuse being featured throughout regularly, like Big Little Lies, Big Love, Desperate Housewives, or Revenge.


>Splitting hairs here. We've already established that it's all above normal rates per capita with gay men.

But your contention is that the levels are so prominent that it more -or-less encompasses all gay men, and as of such, it's fundamentally inherently unrealistic to portray gay men in a post-apocalyptic scenario, or indeed, as being anything other than std-riddled depressed messes.

>I did. Many of them have either an STD, STI, substance abuse, or are on some kind of anti-depressant.

What proportion is "many of them".

>Which shows?

It's A Sin, Angels in America, Pose, How to Get Away With Murder... I mean:

Now, I don't, as a rule, personally watch LGBT-themed romance/relationship shows - so isolating which ones show LGBT infidelity is hard to do. But there's plenty of people whilst google complaining about the trope of cheating bisexuals and such. I do know of a few shows based on the premise of married man coming out to his wife after cheating on her. And it's apparently in some Boys Love shows.

>It's wrong if they don't show the honesty of that lifestyle like they do with heterosexual couples, where you have abuse being featured throughout regularly, like Big Little Lies, Big Love, Desperate Housewives, or Revenge.

And you have plenty of Hallmark-tier TV shows that portray heterosexual relationships in other ways like that.


But your contention is that the levels are so prominent that it more -or-less encompasses all gay men

You said that, not me.

What proportion is "many of them".

Obviously above half.

It's A Sin, Angels in America, Pose, How to Get Away With Murder... I mean:

Everything you named and listed prove my point about it glorifying, or destigmatising the issues within their lifestyle. So... thanks for agreeing with my previous point(s).

But there's plenty of people whilst google complaining about the trope of cheating bisexuals and such.

So? Bisexuals in real life do cheat a lot, they have three times as many partners per year compared to heterosexuals, and more than 60% of bisexual women cheat on their male partners. It's not just a trope, it's a statistical fact.

And it's apparently in some Boys Love shows.

Boys Love are a fetish genre, but you won't find negative depictions of homosexuality in the mainstream shows that they're frequently featured in.

And you have plenty of Hallmark-tier TV shows that portray heterosexual relationships in other ways like that.

Hallmark also shows positive homosexual relationships; they don't depict negative relationships on the channel at all. But other mainstream channels also don't depict negative depictions of homosexual relationships, while frequently showing negative depictions of heterosexual relationships.


>You said that, not me.

I said: "So you are claiming that literally every gay man has crippling mental health issues and/or STDs and STDs to the point of needing regular medical attention or they die."

You replied: "That's kind of how it is right now -- when the infrastructure collapses, things get worse."

Make up your mind.

>Obviously above half.

You have not provided data that demonstrates this. Much less data that half have STDS at the same time, nor that the STDS are such a threat that they all requre frequent medical attention.

>Everything you named and listed prove my point about it glorifying, or destigmatising the issues within their lifestyle. So... thanks for agreeing with my previous point(s).

Yes, so what you're looking for is essentially anti-homosexual propaganda. I showed shows that deal with those issues, but you reject them because they don't depict homosexuals in a hateful light.

>So? Bisexuals in real life do cheat a lot, they have three times as many partners per year compared to heterosexuals, and more than 60% of bisexual women cheat on their male partners. It's not just a trope, it's a statistical fact.

Are you going to bother backing any of this up with any statistical data?

>Boys Love are a fetish genre, but you won't find negative depictions of homosexuality in the mainstream shows that they're frequently featured in.

They aren't fetish in the Phillipines or Thailand, ironically. They win national awards. Are you going to call those countries woke?

>Hallmark also shows positive homosexual relationships; they don't depict negative relationships on the channel at all. But other mainstream channels also don't depict negative depictions of homosexual relationships, while frequently showing negative depictions of heterosexual relationships.

Right. So? What shows specifically depict heterosexual relationships negatively to the point that they imply that heterosexual relationships are innately dangerous?


Make up your mind.

Majority isn't all.

You have not provided data that demonstrates this.

Actually, I did. 30% of gay men suffering from gonorrhea, while 43% for bi-men and nearly 50% for gay men had been pegged for sexual disparities involving frequency of issues.

I showed shows that deal with those issues, but you reject them because they don't depict homosexuals in a hateful light.

They don't depict them in an honest light; in fact, you've yet to name one show that does, thus proving my point.

Are you going to bother backing any of this up with any statistical data?

They aren't fetish in the Phillipines or Thailand, ironically. They win national awards. Are you going to call those countries woke?

It's still a fetish by definition.

What shows specifically depict heterosexual relationships negatively to the point that they imply that heterosexual relationships are innately dangerous?

Big Little Lies, for one. But you have done nothing but dodge questions and equivocate when it comes to naming just one show that depicts homosexuality honestly. Quite telling, no?


>Majority isn't all.

So even if it is the majority, then what's the problem with LGBT people in an apocalyptic setting?

>Actually, I did. 30% of gay men suffering from gonorrhea, while 43% for bi-men and nearly 50% for gay men had been pegged for sexual disparities involving frequency of issues.

You mean from data from 1980 (regarding gonorrhea)?

>They don't depict them in an honest light; in fact, you've yet to name one show that does, thus proving my point.

"Honest" to you constitutes condemnation. You just dodge around the issue. Any show that doesn't depict homosexuality negatively, according to you, is not treating it "honestly".

These sources you provide regarding promiscuity do not seem to specifically be about infidelity. Many are just, or could be in open relationships or not attached to any particular partner.

And of course, your second source is 17 years old now.

>It's still a fetish by definition.

Are you going to call those countries woke? Boys Love is a much bigger genre in Phillipines, Japan and Thailand.

>Big Little Lies, for one. But you have done nothing but dodge questions and equivocate when it comes to naming just one show that depicts homosexuality honestly. Quite telling, no?

How does Big Little Lies depict heterosexuality as dangerous? Are you genuinely claiming that show specifically is written to warn people away from having heterosexual relationships?


So even if it is the majority, then what's the problem with LGBT people in an apocalyptic setting?

Because majority is still majority; just like most obese people wouldn't survive in the apocalypse for obvious reasons.

You mean from data from 1980 (regarding gonorrhea)?

Data is data; plus you didn't address the other transmission rates for other infections and diseases for gay and bi men. Have at it.

Many are just, or could be in open relationships or not attached to any particular partner.

That's called cheating.

Are you going to call those countries woke?

So long as the fetish isn't promoted prominently in the mainstream, it's a still a fetish.

How does Big Little Lies depict heterosexuality as dangerous?

You should watch it.


>Because majority is still majority; just like most obese people wouldn't survive in the apocalypse for obvious reasons.

The Walking Dead didn't portray a "majority". It portrayed like up to 10 LGBT people over the cause of its run. Like, overall TWD probably had 100+ main and support characters over its run, and probably less than 10 were gay (to my memory). Aaron, Eric, Jesus, Kimiko, Tara, Magna and Denis.

>Data is data; plus you didn't address the other transmission rates for other infections and diseases for gay and bi men. Have at it.

Data is data, and your sources are completely outdated and none of them claim that most gay men are in need to regular medical intervention to stay alive.

>That's called cheating.

No, it's called open relationships. That you think they are immoral doesn't dictate to others how their relationships or lack of work.

>So long as the fetish isn't promoted prominently in the mainstream, it's a still a fetish.

As I said, these shows literally win awards. Like you know Heartstopper in the UK? Thailand and Phillipines have dozens of Heartstopper TV shows between them released every year.

>You should watch it.

No. It is of no interest to me.

And do you disagree with my observation here:

"Honest" to you constitutes condemnation. You just dodge around the issue. Any show that doesn't depict homosexuality negatively, according to you, is not treating it "honestly".


The Walking Dead didn't portray a "majority". It portrayed like up to 10 LGBT people over the cause of its run.

They absolutely would not be leaders, and absolutely would not last long. And hilariously enough, the show seemed to take a more realistic approach with obese people -- why is that?

Data is data, and your sources are completely outdated

Not for the points that have been made, which are irrefutable.

As I said, these shows literally win awards. Like you know Heartstopper in the UK?

That means they're trying to normalise aberrant behaviour; so you just proved another one of my points.

Any show that doesn't depict homosexuality negatively, according to you, is not treating it "honestly".

None of the shows align with real-world data, which means they're focusing on propaganda, which you seem to be okay with.


>They absolutely would not be leaders, and absolutely would not last long. And hilariously enough, the show seemed to take a more realistic approach with obese people -- why is that?

Why would they not be leaders? Based on what evidence?

Gay people right now, in real life are leaders.

>Not for the points that have been made, which are irrefutable.

Data is data, and your sources are completely outdated and none of them claim that most gay men are in need of regular medical intervention to stay alive.

>That means they're trying to normalise aberrant behaviour; so you just proved another one of my points.

They won awards because they were massively watched. Thailand and Phillipines have dozens of Heartstopper TV shows between them released every year. They are popular.

>None of the shows align with real-world data, which means they're focusing on propaganda, which you seem to be okay with.

Still not answering my question:

And do you disagree with my observation here:

"Honest" to you constitutes condemnation. You just dodge around the issue. Any show that doesn't depict homosexuality negatively, according to you, is not treating it "honestly".

Do you believe any gay person that is not depicting as being seriously depressed, or riddled with STDs is inherently "propagandised"?

And I'll ask AGAIN: Does Big Little Lies literally argue, and try to push the idea that people should not go into heterosexual relationships?


Why would they not be leaders? Based on what evidence?

You need to be healthy, levelheaded and capable of putting families first. How do they create families?

Gay people right now, in real life are leaders.

This is because we live in the age of decadence where agendas put them in position of power.

Data is data, and your sources are completely outdated

Data is relevant until proven otherwise. Feel free to prove the data wrong. Hitherto, it is still relevant.

They are popular.

Fetishes can be popular.

Still not answering my question:

What question?

Any show that doesn't depict homosexuality negatively, according to you, is not treating it "honestly".

You said that not me. The fact you equate honest depictions of that lifestyle with negativity says more about how you perceive that lifestyle than any interpretation of the data I've made.

Do you believe any gay person that is not depicting as being seriously depressed, or riddled with STDs is inherently "propagandised"?

Only depicting "positive" portrayals is propaganda.

Does Big Little Lies literally argue, and try to push the idea that people should not go into heterosexual relationships?

It definitely depicts heterosexual relationships as bad. How do you reconcile that?


>You need to be healthy, levelheaded and capable of putting families first. How do they create families?

You've already conceded that your own data doesn't say that all gay people are unhealthy. You've also provided no good evidence that all gay people aren't levelheaded. And there's no reason to think families have anything to do with it. There are plenty of leaders right now in society that are homosexual or hetersoexual, but never had children. In fact, in the political and business world it's more likely that people who rise never bothered with families.

>This is because we live in the age of decadence where agendas put them in position of power.

"Agendas"? You mean winning elections? They are literally leaders, and able to do so.

>Data is relevant until proven otherwise. Feel free to prove the data wrong. Hitherto, it is still relevant.

Your data did not propose that the vast majority of gay men have STDs, and of those that do, have them to the point of being unable to do anything or need repeated medical attention.

>Fetishes can be popular.

Okay, so is Thailand and Phillipines woke?

>You said that not me. The fact you equate honest depictions of that lifestyle with negativity says more about how you perceive that lifestyle than any interpretation of the data I've made.

So again, I'll ask again: Define an "honest depiction" of homosexuality. Is it wrong if a TV show depicts a gay couple as a normal couple with no relationship issues, and without STDs?

>Only depicting "positive" portrayals is propaganda.

That's not what I asked you: Do you believe any gay person that is not depicting as being seriously depressed, or riddled with STDs is inherently "propagandised"?

>It definitely depicts heterosexual relationships as bad. How do you reconcile that?

That's again NOT WHAT I ASKED YOU. When you say it "depicts heterosexual relationships as bad" are you actually arguing that the creators wrote it deliberately, specifically, to dissuade people from wanting to have heterosexual relationships?


And there's no reason to think families have anything to do with it

Yes, because in an apocalyptic setting, you need to create more humans somehow.

There are plenty of leaders right now in society that are homosexual or hetersoexual, but never had children.

Exactly, and they are part of the reason why the Anglosphere nations are imploding. Thank you for proving my point.

You mean winning elections? They are literally leaders, and able to do so.

...leading society into a cesspit yes.

Your data did not propose that the vast majority of gay men have STDs, and of those that do, have them to the point of being unable to do anything or need repeated medical attention.

Many of the infections and diseases -- when left untreated -- can metastasize into more dangerous ailments. And yes, the data did show that more than average suffer from them.

Okay, so is Thailand and Phillipines woke?

The ones promoting degenerate fetishes are.

Is it wrong if a TV show depicts a gay couple as a normal couple with no relationship issues, and without STDs?

It's obviously dishonest propaganda.

Do you believe any gay person that is not depicting as being seriously depressed, or riddled with STDs is inherently "propagandised"?

If it's not correlated to real world statistical averages, of course.

are you actually arguing that the creators wrote it deliberately, specifically, to dissuade people from wanting to have heterosexual relationships?

You need to ask them; they depicted heterosexual relationships antipodes to how the rest of media depicts homosexual relationships. Why are you so incensed about people wanting homosexual relationships to be depicted honestly, yet so defensive about wanting to see heterosexual relationships being depicted negatively? How do you reconcile this?


>Yes, because in an apocalyptic setting, you need to create more humans somehow.

You were speaking in a general sense, as if gay people are incapable of being leaders. This is not true at all. And a detail: Aaron in TWD adopts a child.

>Exactly, and they are part of the reason why the Anglosphere nations are imploding. Thank you for proving my point.

I am not speaking of just the Anglosphere. Are you gunna claim that Angela Merkel was an incapable leader? And what is the argument that the relative decline of the Anglosphere has anything to do with (some) leaders not having kids?

>...leading society into a cesspit yes.

Debateable. And they're still capable leaders able to galvanise local, party and national support and thus win elections. So they can be leaders.

>Many of the infections and diseases -- when left untreated -- can metastasize into more dangerous ailments. And yes, the data did show that more than average suffer from them.

And what infections and diseases are these? And have you considered that in a post-apocalyptic setting that the LGBT free sex culture just... wouldn't exist anymore? Thus the many that don't have it, simply won't have the opportunities to get it?

>The ones promoting degenerate fetishes are.

So two men having a relationship is a "degenerate fetish" in itself? Based on what evidence do you claim this?

>It's obviously dishonest propaganda.

So there we are. You reject any depiction of a gay person that doesn't basically write then as depressed, diseased scum. Anything that isn't that, according to you, is "propaganda".

>If it's not correlated to real world statistical averages, of course.

>It's obviously dishonest propaganda.

So there we are. You reject any depiction of a gay person that doesn't basically write then as depressed, diseased scum. Anything that isn't that, according to you, is "propaganda".

>If it's not correlated to real world statistical averages, of course.

Except your data base is dodgy, some of it is outdated, and your stats on depression are self-reported (there's high rates of depression in general as I've noted to you with other sources). You would need to provide data that suggest the majority of homosexual relationships have abuse in them.

>You need to ask them; they depicted heterosexual relationships antipodes to how the rest of media depicts homosexual relationships. Why are you so incensed about people wanting homosexual relationships to be depicted honestly, yet so defensive about wanting to see heterosexual relationships being depicted negatively? How do you reconcile this?

I don't have a problem with a show depicting a particular homosexual relationship as abusive, or shows that deal with STDs in the homosexual community (and many do this) - just that doing so in itself, as it is with heterosexual relationships, doesn't mean the creators are trying to say that "all heterosexual relationships are bad" (as you seem to be alleging with Big Little Lies) or "all homosexual relationships are bad" (as you seem to think should be the only thing that happens for homosexual relationships).


Aaron in TWD adopts a child.

Adoption isn't creating more humans; in a world where people are rapidly diminishing and the population is on the brink of extinction, adoption is futile.

Are you gunna claim that Angela Merkel was an incapable leader?

Absolutely. This happened on her watch because she opened the borders:


Every measurable metric of societal/cultural success with them in charge is plummeting. No debates required.

So two men having a relationship is a "degenerate fetish" in itself? Based on what evidence do you claim this?

Natural selection.

You reject any depiction of a gay person that doesn't basically write then as depressed, diseased scum.

It's funny that even you think that dishonest propaganda is devoid of such things. Says a lot, no?

You would need to provide data that suggest the majority of homosexual relationships have abuse in them.

Must sting when the data comes from pro-gay institutions?

I don't have a problem with a show depicting a particular homosexual relationship as abusive, or shows that deal with STDs in the homosexual community (and many do this)

Except you were unable to name one show that has homosexual abuse or depicting homosexual STDs in a negative light. Try again.


>Adoption isn't creating more humans; in a world where people are rapidly diminishing and the population is on the brink of extinction, adoption is futile.

Yes, I know. But he is helping raise the next generation.

>Absolutely. This happened on her watch because she opened the borders:

That's a decision you disagree with. She was Chancellor of Germany for 16 years. That shows she obviously has leadership skills. Macron has no kids either. Shinzo Abe didn't.

>Every measurable metric of societal/cultural success with them in charge is plummeting. No debates required.

Except this just isn't true. Every leader of the UK, for instance, has had kids with the exception of Theresa May, briefly. Would you set out the claim that the UK is doing notably better than Germany? Every Spanish Prime Minster has had kids in the 21st century. Are they doing better than France?

And what infections and diseases are these? And have you considered that in a post-apocalyptic setting that the LGBT free sex culture just... wouldn't exist anymore? Thus the many that don't have it, simply won't have the opportunities to get it?

>Natural selection.

Gunna have to explain to me how this works. Being gay isn't something you "pass on" genetically. Otherwise it would have never emerged.

>It's funny that even you think that dishonest propaganda is devoid of such things. Says a lot, no?

No, that's your dishonest reading of what I said. You are essentially saying that if a TV show or film depicts a gay person, and they aren't condemned for being "degenerate" and demonised, it's "propaganda".


Being more likely than a non-homosexual person isn't evidence that the majority of them suffer with it.


No statistical data here whatsoever.


"The National Violence Against Women survey found that 21.5 percent of men and 35.4 percent of women living with a same-sex partner experienced intimate-partner physical violence in their lifetimes, compared with 7.1 percent and 20.4 percent for men and women"

Not a majority. And also thats over a lifetime, so it's not to say that 35% of lesbian women get that in every relationship they have.

>Except you were unable to name one show that has homosexual abuse or depicting homosexual STDs in a negative light. Try again.

Yes, according to you it can only be condemned. The show must specifically be trying to say that homosexual people are evil.


Yes, I know. But he is helping raise the next generation.

That does nothing to proliferate the next generation, since he's a genetic dead-end.

She was Chancellor of Germany for 16 years. That shows she obviously has leadership skills. Macron has no kids either. Shinzo Abe didn't.

Ha, you kind of help prove my points for me. She completely ruined the country, let in untold amounts of criminal rape gangs who have run rampant through the major cities. She also did nothing to proliferate her own lineage, basically highlighting my point: they help kill off their own people with good ends. Macron has also completely ruined France:

Every leader of the UK, for instance, has had kids

Leaders simply having kids doesn't correct the birth rates:

Gunna have to explain to me how this works.

Gays can't procreate, only indoctrinate. Natural selection wants them gone.

so it's not to say that 35% of lesbian women get that in every relationship they have.

It's eight times higher per capita, despite them being 1.7% of the populace:

The show must specifically be trying to say that homosexual people are evil.

Funny you equate honesty with evil. Says a lot about what you think about homosexuals.


>That does nothing to proliferate the next generation, since he's a genetic dead-end.

And yet he's still helping. Is he incapable of raising a child?

>Leaders simply having kids doesn't correct the birth rates:

You missed my point. You claimed that having kids somehow endows a leader with quality leadership skills. All British PMs, bar Theresa May, have had kids. Is she uniquely bad, worse than the others? Is Britain more capable and in a better place than Germany in the 21st century, since they were governed by Angela Merkel whilst all of UKs PMs had kids?

And your support of their policies aside, Macron and Merkel are obviously capable leaders who rose to govern their parties. Same goes with Nicola Sturgeon of Scotland.

>Gays can't procreate, only indoctrinate. Natural selection wants them gone.

"Natural selection" doesn't want anything. Some people seem to be born with the desire to have same-sex romantic relationships regardless of how they were conceived.

>It's eight times higher per capita, despite them being 1.7% of the populace:

And yet still not a majority.

>Funny you equate honesty with evil. Says a lot about what you think about homosexuals.

Do not presume to talk for me. You want programming to effectively do nothing but condemn homosexuals and warn people about them. I have no reason to regard that as "honesty".

And you keep evading this question: And have you considered that in a post-apocalyptic setting that the LGBT free sex culture just... wouldn't exist anymore? Thus the many that don't have it, simply won't have the opportunities to get it?


And yet he's still helping. Is he incapable of raising a child?

Helping raise someone is not the same as helping proliferate the species.

You claimed that having kids somehow endows a leader with quality leadership skills.

No, the point was that to be a proper leader you need to be able to lead a family, and people who are incapable of doing so would make for poor leaders for rebuilding society or sustaining humanity as a species. There are plenty of leaders who have had children who are terrible leaders, Biden and Macron and Trudeau being a few of them.

Some people seem to be born with the desire to have same-sex romantic relationships regardless of how they were conceived.

No one is born with intrinsic desires borne out of environmental stimuli. The limbic system needs external feedback to shape desires, since it isn't developed during the perinatal stage of development. For instance, try to name something you find attractive without using any of your five senses.

Natural selection is about keeping a species alive; homosexuality is the opposite of that.

You want programming to effectively do nothing but condemn homosexuals and warn people about them. I have no reason to regard that as "honesty".

That is your inference from honesty based on stats and reality, which again, is a conclusion you came to. I never said such a thing, which says a lot about how you feel about homosexuality when bore under the light of honesty.


>Helping raise someone is not the same as helping proliferate the species.

I never said it was.

Although gay people can in a modern context donate sperm and be surrogates, and they are.

>No, the point was that to be a proper leader you need to be able to lead a family, and people who are incapable of doing so would make for poor leaders for rebuilding society or sustaining humanity as a species. There are plenty of leaders who have had children who are terrible leaders, Biden and Macron and Trudeau being a few of them.

So there's no correlation between whether or not you've had kids, and your capacity to be a good leader. That was my point. Your premise was wrong.

>No one is born with intrinsic desires borne out of environmental stimuli. The limbic system needs external feedback to shape desires, since it isn't developed during the perinatal stage of development. For instance, try to name something you find attractive without using any of your five senses.

Some people, a minority, seem to develop with homosexual urges. There's no evidence that it is all just social manipulation. Homosexuality has been noted time and time again historically.

>That is your inference from honesty based on stats and reality, which again, is a conclusion you came to. I never said such a thing, which says a lot about how you feel about homosexuality when bore under the light of honesty.

No, that is what you want. You just can't outright say it. How should gay people be depicted? Is it wrong to depict a gay person that is not depressed and/or with an STD? Yes or no.

And you keep evading this question: And have you considered that in a post-apocalyptic setting that the LGBT free sex culture just... wouldn't exist anymore? Thus the many that don't have it, simply won't have the opportunities to get it?


Although gay people can in a modern context donate sperm and be surrogates, and they are.

That cannot happen in a post-apocalyptic setting where medical facilities are not available. Thus, why their viability in such settings is incongruous with the sustainability of the human species.

So there's no correlation between whether or not you've had kids, and your capacity to be a good leader. That was my point.

That was never my point.

Homosexuality has been noted time and time again historically.

And? There are literally zero genes, no endocrines, and no neurophysiological properties attached to that behaviour:

Most historical examples were likely social conditioning, like Victoria Woolfe.

No, that is what you want. You just can't outright say it.

Projection on your end. You conflate honesty with negativity, which says a lot about how you think about the homosexual lifestyle.

And have you considered that in a post-apocalyptic setting that the LGBT free sex culture just... wouldn't exist anymore? Thus the many that don't have it, simply won't have the opportunities to get it?

That is literally what defines who they are because of what happened to them. Even with Monkey Pox spreading rampantly among the gay community it didn't stop them from engaging in free sex culture at all:

The apocalypse likely wouldn't stop them either.


>That cannot happen in a post-apocalyptic setting where medical facilities are not available. Thus, why their viability in such settings is incongruous with the sustainability of the human species.

True. But I was making the point that gay men and women can and do have offspring.

>That was never my point.

I said: "There are plenty of leaders right now in society that are homosexual or hetersoexual, but never had children."

You replied: "Exactly, and they are part of the reason why the Anglosphere nations are imploding. Thank you for proving my point."

So yes, you did imply such. Now you're backtracking.

>And? There are literally zero genes, no endocrines, and no neurophysiological properties attached to that behaviour:

This suggests that the cause is unknown. And there are plenty of studies that suggest some evidence of genetics:

>Projection on your end. You conflate honesty with negativity, which says a lot about how you think about the homosexual lifestyle.

You are not me. You get no say about what I think. Is that clear? It's quite obvious what you think about homosexuality, and believe anything other than societal condemnation is wrong. I do wonder if pressed you actually support LGBT "propaganda" laws akin to in Russia. Plenty of fascists on here.

>That is literally what defines who they are because of what happened to them. Even with Monkey Pox spreading rampantly among the gay community it didn't stop them from engaging in free sex culture at all:

So you literally think that it's impossible for a gay person to not want to constantly have sex all the time, at every opportunity? That all of them, without fail, are into free sex and LGBT culture?

And there are health warnings that go out for straight people too regarding potential STD outbreaks. It's not exclusively for gay people.

>The apocalypse likely wouldn't stop them either.

The lack of people and potential partners would. And all STDS in contrast to instances of sex would likely increase anyway for everyone.


True. But I was making the point that gay men and women can and do have offspring.

Not naturally, which is what is vital in a post-apoc setting.

So yes, you did imply such. Now you're backtracking.

Them being leaders is a completely separate topic, but part of the point of why society is imploding, and why it isn't healthy for society.

This suggests that the cause is unknown.

Nope, patterns were found long ago:

And there are plenty of studies that suggest some evidence of genetics:

Those are epigenetic markers, especially and specifically ZNF536, which is a post-natal affecting gene developed from out of the hypothalamus region, which -- as I mentioned in previous comments -- lacks 80% of its cell structure during prenatal development. Ergo, as noted, it's an environmentally affected gene for neurological development:

Just like FMR1NB affects spermatocytes, which is a post-gonadotropin development:

Hence, not a fixed trait at birth.

Same with MDFIC, which is found mostly in spleen cells, fat tissue, lymph nodes and lungs. Ironically, it has more influence on the ovaries than the brain, but men don't have ovaries, so this gene expression in homosexuals is only relevant to those men who are overweight; thus, another epigenetic marker, rather than an inherited one:

You get no say about what I think.

You already said what you think honest depictions of homosexuality means.

So you literally think that it's impossible for a gay person to not want to constantly have sex all the time, at every opportunity?

That's what the data says. Only following the data.

And all STDS in contrast to instances of sex would likely increase anyway for everyone.

Only people not practicing safely, or disease-ridden, or unhealthy, which ironically fits the bill for many LGBT groups.


>Not naturally, which is what is vital in a post-apoc setting.

But can in normal society. So can and are parents.

>Them being leaders is a completely separate topic, but part of the point of why society is imploding, and why it isn't healthy for society.

You have provided no argument for this. Plenty of western leaders have been very obviously capable leaders, and have had no kids. Angela Merkel may have had policy you don't like, but she can clearly run a political party.

>You already said what you think honest depictions of homosexuality means.

No, I'm saying what you think they mean. You just keep going "no u" when I say it. You have been quite consistent in your objection to any homosexual in anything that isn't depicted as an emotional wreck, abusive, and/or ridden with STDS.

The sample-size for your child abuse study (from 1997) was quite small. Some more genetic studies:

And certainly in mice, they have done tests on this:


Should it be legal to depict LGBT people positively in media? Are you in favour of LGBT "propaganda" bans?

>Only people not practicing safely, or disease-ridden, or unhealthy, which ironically fits the bill for many LGBT groups.

Are you suggesting that people weren't ridden with STDs historically?


But can in normal society.

Only abnormal society by extraneous means.

Angela Merkel may have had policy you don't like, but she can clearly run a political party.

She led the country to ruin.

No, I'm saying what you think they mean.

I never said that; I only mentioned the lack of honesty -- you extrapolated that to mean very negative things. It shows what you think an honest depiction of their community would be like, which is funny because it fits this description to a T:

Some more genetic studies:

First link is a repeat from your previous link.

Second link points to SLITRK6 as a neuropathway influence from the diencephalon, which could have proved somewhat interesting as a theory, but majority of its protein development in the neurological pathways influences urinary bladder cells, as well as working as a receptor for proteins that develop hearing and vision (which fits into what I mentioned before about post-natal limbic development being what enables sensory perception, thus ruling out this loci causing biological factors in homosexual attraction at birth):

Third link debunks itself: It's trying to conflate epigenetic behavioural patterns to genetic behaviour. There is no cannabis gene, nor a smoking gene, nor an "openness" gene. Pure pseudo-science that study.

Last two studies -- from 2002 and 2007, respectively -- are both pheromonal in epigenetic influences. Once again, not at birth, but environmentally stimulated. That's like studying a man who becomes bi after being raped in prison.

Are you in favour of LGBT "propaganda" bans?

Sure. There is literally no reason to have positive LGBT propaganda. It provides zero benefits for cultivating burgeoning societies.

Are you suggesting that people weren't ridden with STDs historically?

Not at the rate of recent years:


>Only abnormal society by extraneous means.

You mean a modern society.

>She led the country to ruin.

Germany is not remotely a failed state. Or anywhere near close to it.

>I never said that; I only mentioned the lack of honesty -- you extrapolated that to mean very negative things. It shows what you think an honest depiction of their community would be like, which is funny because it fits this description to a T:

No, you think there's nothing negative about those depictions. You think that all LGBT characters in fiction should only be portrayed, without exception as having STDs, being depressed and/or abusive. With no exceptions.

Is it acceptable, and should it even be legal, according to you, for a film or TV show to portray a gay person as without STDs, who isn't depressed and who isn't abusive or being abused?


This is literally some anti-LGBT Russian propaganda website, by the looks of it. It's entirely rooted in the anecdote of some guy.

>Sure. There is literally no reason to have positive LGBT propaganda. It provides zero benefits for cultivating burgeoning societies.

So define "LGBT propaganda". Should LGBT people be allowed to be depicted in media as normal people? Should LGBT activism be banned? Should celebrities and public figures be allowed to say they are gay publicly? Should gay people be allowed to hold hands and kiss in public?

Because if you mean all of that, I see no reason why I shouldn't view as evil as a fascist. You want to force LGBT people into the underground and use the state to force this to happen. This would 100% require the police to kick down people's doors and drag them off to cells for "promoting" "LGBT propaganda".

I hope you don't pretend that you're for civil liberties when you're clearly not.

>Not at the rate of recent years:

This isn't comparing STDs from the 18th century to that dude.


You mean a modern society.

Nope. China is fairly modern and does not enable or allow for that, same with Russia, Hungary, and Bulgaria, amongst others.

Germany is not remotely a failed state. Or anywhere near close to it.

You think that all LGBT characters in fiction should only be portrayed, without exception as having STDs, being depressed and/or abusive. With no exceptions.

I never said that. I just asked for honesty, especially since they continually portray hetero relationships as bad adulterous and evil in a lot of media.

It's entirely rooted in the anecdote of some guy.

Are you denying the truth of a marginalised individual?

Should LGBT people be allowed to be depicted in media as normal people?

This is an oxymoron, since they aren't normal. How is it normal to dismember your appendages and spend the rest of your life on HRT?

This would 100% require the police to kick down people's doors and drag them off to cells for "promoting" "LGBT propaganda".

Literally no one would know someone is gay unless they paraded it around.

This isn't comparing STDs from the 18th century to that dude.

Doesn't matter. It's at a historical all-time high in recent years, and climbing, astronomically.


>Nope. China is fairly modern and does not enable or allow for that, same with Russia, Hungary, and Bulgaria, amongst others.

China is also an authoritarian authoritarian state. So is Hungary.



Not conditions for being failed states.

>I never said that. I just asked for honesty, especially since they continually portray hetero relationships as bad adulterous and evil in a lot of media.

I asked specifically:

"Are you in favour of LGBT "propaganda" bans?"

What do you mean as examples of "propaganda" then?

>Are you denying the truth of a marginalised individual?

I'm denying that his experience is completely representative. I am not some wokist who accepts the premise of "lived experience" as accurate at all times.

>Literally no one would know someone is gay unless they paraded it around.

Define "parading it around". Is kissing in public "parading it around"? Should it be illegal to indirectly or inadvertently let someone else know you might be gay?

>Doesn't matter. It's at a historical all-time high in recent years, and climbing, astronomically.

And I was talking about STDs historically. Before modern society. Are you alleging that STDs were not a problem of any note in the 18th century?

And your data doesn't say "all-time high". It just says it should be considered a continued problem.

Also in the last 4 years (from 2018-22) it hasn't "climbed astronomically" according to your data. An overall +1.9% growth.


China is also an authoritarian authoritarian state. So is Hungary.

That's fine. It doesn't dispute what I mentioned about the normalcy of societal behaviours.

Not conditions for being failed states.

Mass rapes, dissolution of safety, and infrastructural collapse are definitely conditions for a failing state:

What do you mean as examples of "propaganda" then?

Positive-only portrayals to mislead the general populace about the reality and honesty of that lifestyle.

Should it be illegal to indirectly or inadvertently let someone else know you might be gay?

The average person doesn't care. The only way the police would know is if there were public indecency taking place.

Before modern society. Are you alleging that STDs were not a problem of any note in the 18th century?

Do yo have historical data showing it was?

Also in the last 4 years (from 2018-22) it hasn't "climbed astronomically" according to your data. An overall +1.9% growth.

Nearly five-times the growth in cases since 2013 (check pages 65/66):

Even the CDC calls it an epidemic. That is definitely analogous to "astronomical".


>That's fine. It doesn't dispute what I mentioned about the normalcy of societal behaviours.

So you'd want to live there, would you? Most democratic natures allow expansive LGBT rights.

>Mass rapes, dissolution of safety, and infrastructural collapse are definitely conditions for a failing state:

A failed state is where the government can no longer function, where it is effectively a civil war. That would describe Haiti, Somalia. Not Germany.

>Positive-only portrayals to mislead the general populace about the reality and honesty of that lifestyle.

So is any TV show that shows a gay person in a relationship without them having an STD, and/or without domestic abuse, something that should be banned?

>The average person doesn't care. The only way the police would know is if there were public indecency taking place.

Answer my question: Should it be illegal to indirectly or inadvertently let someone else know you might be gay?

Define "parading it around". Is kissing in public "parading it around"?

>Do yo have historical data showing it was?

They were immense.

>Nearly five-times the growth in cases since 2013 (check pages 65/66):

That's one type of STD. The others are not growing at huge rates. Also, does it say that it's prominently because of LGBT people or are there other issues? Because graph 77 just shows a general growth.


So you'd want to live there, would you?


That would describe Haiti, Somalia. Not Germany.

Infrastructure is collapsing -- it IS failing. But both France and Germany are on their way to Haiti and Somalia status.

So is any TV show that shows a gay person in a relationship without them having an STD, and/or without domestic abuse, something that should be banned?

How about first we get depictions of them being honest about those relationships before promoting positive-only propaganda of those relationships instead? Why can't we have that?

Should it be illegal to indirectly or inadvertently let someone else know you might be gay?

Letting someone know isn't the problem, public indecency and narcissism is.

They were immense.

lol no they were not. 177 cases over a three-year period in one city; hardly immense. And both reports are on the exact same study from Szreter.

Because graph 77 just shows a general growth.

That's because a lot of people experiment, and that includes intermingling with the rainbow cult.



>Infrastructure is collapsing -- it IS failing. But both France and Germany are on their way to Haiti and Somalia status.

They are nowhere near that. This is beyond absurd.

>How about first we get depictions of them being honest about those relationships before promoting positive-only propaganda of those relationships instead? Why can't we have that?

Answer my question:

So is any TV show that shows a gay person in a relationship without them having an STD, and/or without domestic abuse, something that should be banned?

>Letting someone know isn't the problem, public indecency and narcissism is.

What do you define as "public indecency and narcissism"?

>lol no they were not. 177 cases over a three-year period in one city; hardly immense. And both reports are on the exact same study from Szreter.

Have you considered that 18th century and 19th century reporting of illness rates was fucking garbage?

And that the population levels were much lower. Do you think it's healthy for people to just fuck as they please, with whomever they please, with no protection, just so long as it's heterosexual? Nevermind the awful hygiene levels of those periods.

>That's because a lot of people experiment, and that includes intermingling with the rainbow cult.

You have provided no evidence that the rise is solely due to intermingling.

And you are cherrypicking one single data point.


They are nowhere near that. This is beyond absurd.

They are heading in that direction, as the AP News article indicated, especially France:

So is any TV show that shows a gay person in a relationship without them having an STD, and/or without domestic abuse, something that should be banned?

Not if they can show the opposite of the positive portrayal by showing a REALISTIC portrayal of that lifestyle.

What do you define as "public indecency and narcissism"?

Have you considered that 18th century and 19th century reporting of illness rates was fucking garbage?

Ironic, since you used those "garbage" reporting rates as the basis for countering the current epidemic of STDs in modern day relationships.

Nevermind the awful hygiene levels of those periods.

That was really the biggest issue more than anything else. It speaks volumes that even with much more improved hygiene the STDs are ballooning up exponentially with each passing decade.

And you are cherrypicking one single data point.

All it takes is one data point.


>They are heading in that direction, as the AP News article indicated, especially France:

Absolutely none of this says "Franch on track to collapse into a civil war".

>Not if they can show the opposite of the positive portrayal by showing a REALISTIC portrayal of that lifestyle.

People should have the right to depict what they like, right?


So are you specifically referring to expressions of fetishism on the streets?

>Ironic, since you used those "garbage" reporting rates as the basis for countering the current epidemic of STDs in modern day relationships.

No, I asked you if you think people, prior to modern society, suffered with equivalent or worse rates of STDs. And that the population levels were much lower. Do you think it's healthy for people to just fuck as they please, with whomever they please, with no protection, just so long as it's heterosexual? Nevermind the awful hygiene levels of those periods.

>That was really the biggest issue more than anything else. It speaks volumes that even with much more improved hygiene the STDs are ballooning up exponentially with each passing decade.

And lack of education.

But also, again, lower population levels, shit reporting, less understanding of STDs.

>All it takes is one data point.

No, it doesn't. Other STD rates on your graph remain mostly constant.


Absolutely none of this says "Franch on track to collapse into a civil war".

Only you brought up civil war. I was talking about infrastructure.

People should have the right to depict what they like, right?

Not when the intent is blatantly and clearly designed to subvert and undermine the principles of that society.

So are you specifically referring to expressions of fetishism on the streets?

So you're admitting Pride parades are about fetishist expressionism?

Do you think it's healthy for people to just fuck as they please, with whomever they please, with no protection, just so long as it's heterosexual? Nevermind the awful hygiene levels of those periods.

If it's an unhealthy epidemic among the rainbow cult that ruins any potentiality of long-term commitment and pair bonding, why would someone support that culture among heterosexuals when the results are the same?

And lack of education.

It's being forcibly taught in schools...

....which has only resulted in teens being raped after being galvanised into hyper-sexuality:

No, it doesn't. Other STD rates on your graph remain mostly constant.

Which is not a good trend.


>Only you brought up civil war. I was talking about infrastructure.

A failed state suggests the government collapses, can no longer govern, the police don't work, vital services break down. This just isn't happening at all in France.

>Not when the intent is blatantly and clearly designed to subvert and undermine the principles of that society.

So are you or are proposing legislation here or not? I know you don't like it. I'm asking if you think this stuff should be LEGALLY PROHIBITED. You keep evading the question.

Should any TV show that shows a gay person in a relationship without them having an STD, and/or without domestic abuse be banned BY LAW?

>So you're admitting Pride parades are about fetishist expressionism?

No, I did no such thing. I assumed you were specifically focusing on that aspect of it. Or are you suggesting any and all events with LGBT flags, paraphenelia be banned?

>If it's an unhealthy epidemic among the rainbow cult that ruins any potentiality of long-term commitment and pair bonding, why would someone support that culture among heterosexuals when the results are the same?

Right then. So if it would be harmful amongst heterosexuals we would also expect that people in the past, where there was no protection, limited sex education, etc to have higher rates of STDs.

>....which has only resulted in teens being raped after being galvanised into hyper-sexuality:

You are assuming trends based on a single incident.

>Which is not a good trend.

But it's not the *overall trend*. You are cherrypicking the data.


This just isn't happening at all in France.

Yes, actually it is getting to that point:

I'm asking if you think this stuff should be LEGALLY PROHIBITED. You keep evading the question.

Now it has to be if any sort of balance is to be achieved, since it's propaganda only moving in one direction.

No, I did no such thing. I assumed you were specifically focusing on that aspect of it.

That was the assumption you made based on simply bringing up Pride because of what you already subconsciously know it represents, which says a lot about what Pride represents if that was your first inclination.

You are assuming trends based on a single incident.

You mean this incident?

Or this incident?

Or are you referring to these multiple incidents?

But it's not the *overall trend*. You are cherrypicking the data.

It's still a widespread trend in the West.... and growing. Or is it fine for you because kids are being taught about sex early and engaging in it earlier and earlier and becoming hyper-sexual as a result?


>Yes, actually it is getting to that point:

Was the USA a failed state during the riots over Floyd and related issues?

>Now it has to be if any sort of balance is to be achieved, since it's propaganda only moving in one direction.

So you are in favour of the government imposing its will on the arts and culture?

How is this not a fundamentally anti-american, anti free speech attitude?

>That was the assumption you made based on simply bringing up Pride because of what you already subconsciously know it represents, which says a lot about what Pride represents if that was your first inclination.

No, I knew what *you thought it represented*. So I'll ask again: Are you against any and all pride parades and events, or just, specifically, when fetishes and sexualisations are bought out?

These two examples aren't trends. I could go down all the school shooting incidents of recent years prominently committed by lonely, often reactionary right-wing men.

>It's still a widespread trend in the West.... and growing.

It's one part of it, and the rise is not solely due to LGBT people.

>Or is it fine for you because kids are being taught about sex early and engaging in it earlier and earlier and becoming hyper-sexual as a result?

Where does your data say anything about kids or ties it to sex education?

Also you didn't respond to this:


Was the USA a failed state during the riots over Floyd and related issues?

It led to billions in infrastructure damage for business owners and civilians, so it absolutely did fracture the infrastructure:

Are you against any and all pride parades and events, or just, specifically, when fetishes and sexualisations are bought out?

Any parades themed around sex should not be allowed in the public.

These two examples aren't trends. I could go down all the school shooting incidents of recent years prominently committed by lonely, often reactionary right-wing men.

All the recent ones taking place in America seemed to be caused by Left-wing loonies:

Where does your data say anything about kids or ties it to sex education?

Kids in general are being over-exposed to sexual content at younger and younger ages, including school:

Also you didn't respond to this:

Because that also includes an uptick trend in abortion availability as well, so nothing in there says that the funding is actually educating teens, so much so as girls are having sex, getting pregnant and killing the babies:


>It led to billions in infrastructure damage for business owners and civilians, so it absolutely did fracture the infrastructure:

Not what I asked you. Was the USA a failed state then?

>Any parades themed around sex should not be allowed in the public.

Based on what legislation?

And I'll ask again: So you are in favour of the government imposing its will on the arts and culture?

How is this not a fundamentally anti-american, anti free speech attitude?

>All the recent ones taking place in America seemed to be caused by Left-wing loonies:

By "all of them" you mean.... one? That's a trend?

>Kids in general are being over-exposed to sexual content at younger and younger ages, including school:

Children accessing pornography at home is not evidence that sexual education at schools somehow causes hypersexualisation.

>Because that also includes an uptick trend in abortion availability as well, so nothing in there says that the funding is actually educating teens, so much so as girls are having sex, getting pregnant and killing the babies:

Your opinion on abortion here isn't relevant to the point in that actual sex education at schools seems to have positive impacts, and I am making a distinction here between showing porno at schools and sex education.


Not what I asked you. Was the USA a failed state then?

It is leading to its failure, yes.

Based on what legislation?

By "all of them" you mean.... one? That's a trend?

Children accessing pornography at home is not evidence that sexual education at schools somehow causes hypersexualisation.

Teaching kids about porn or exposing them to it has the same results:

Your opinion on abortion here isn't relevant to the point in that actual sex education at schools seems to have positive impacts

It does, because if teen pregnancies are lower because young girls are simply getting abortions, then it doesn't matter if they're being "educated" if the results are the same, only the teens are killing the babies instead of keeping them.


>It is leading to its failure, yes.

Is the USA a failed state now?


"Indecent exposure is defined in the Sexual Offences Act 2003. It is an offence for a person to intentionally expose their genitals with the intention for someone to see them and be alarmed or distressed. This is the main indecent exposure offence."

This doesn't automatically apply to all pride events. They can persist without flashing.

You'll note that the UK currently has regular pride related events and we do not send out the police to break them up.

And you keep ignoring this: So you are in favour of the government imposing its will on the arts and culture?

How is this not a fundamentally anti-american, anti free speech attitude?


Anything beyond the constant references to genital exposure you think is relevant here?


4 shooters. In 5 years.

Also, the Colorado Shooting was likely the defendant just trolling: Aldrich's attorneys have said in court documents that their client identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, preferring to be addressed as Mx. Aldrich. Neighbors allege Aldrich to have made hateful comments towards the LGBT community in the past, including frequent usage of homophobic slurs.Aldrich never mentioned being non-binary prior to the shooting and was referred to with masculine pronouns by family members. Police testified they found rainbow-colored shooting targets in Aldrich's home. Experts in online extremism have voiced the possibility that Aldrich's proclaimed self-identification could be disingenuous, while the Center for Countering Digital Hate acknowledges the suspect's past actions and impact on the LGBT community.

This is actually likely a far-right example.

Shall we contrast that with the incel/right-wing/nationalist/reactionary motives behind shooters in the same time period?

2019-24: El Paso Shooting, Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting, Jersey City Shooting, Buffalo Shooting, Colorado Springs Nightclub Shooting (see above), Chesapeake Shooting that I can see from the top killers.

Most of the other shooting incidents are gang-related, familicide, workplace, bullying associated.

>Teaching kids about porn or exposing them to it has the same results:

Sex education doesn't require teaching kids about pornography.

And do you have any statistics whatsoever that back up your allegations about sex education generally in schools leading to harmful outcomes?

>It does, because if teen pregnancies are lower because young girls are simply getting abortions, then it doesn't matter if they're being "educated" if the results are the same, only the teens are killing the babies instead of keeping them.

You have to actually be pregnant to get the abortion. Teen pregnancies tend to be lower in countries/states with sex education.


Is the USA a failed state now?

It's getting close:

This doesn't automatically apply to all pride events. They can persist without flashing.

Great, show me a Pride parade where there was no flashing.

You'll note that the UK currently has regular pride related events and we do not send out the police to break them up.

"Rules for thee, not for me", as the saying goes. They technically do violate the law, but the U.K., does not enforce its rules fairly.

How is this not a fundamentally anti-american, anti free speech attitude?

Breaking laws isn't anti-free speech.

This is actually likely a far-right example.

There's really no proof of that.

Shall we contrast that with the incel/right-wing/nationalist/reactionary motives behind shooters in the same time period?

Per capita, the stats are definitely far more damning for a group that is less than 1% of the population.

And do you have any statistics whatsoever that back up your allegations about sex education generally in schools leading to harmful outcomes?

If the "education" contains pornography, it absolutely does lead to harmful outcomes:

Teen pregnancies tend to be lower in countries/states with sex education.

No, it's mostly tied to socioeconomic status. Rates are higher for places with lower general income in certain regions:


>It's getting close:

I fail to see how these issues make the USA a failed state, or "getting close". The notion that the USA or close to being like Haiti or Somalia or Libya is genuine nonsense.

>Great, show me a Pride parade where there was no flashing.

Nothing happened here. Perhaps you might find some isolated incidents where shit happened, but overall no harm was done here.

>"Rules for thee, not for me", as the saying goes. They technically do violate the law, but the U.K., does not enforce its rules fairly.

How do you know that they "technically violate the law"?

>Breaking laws isn't anti-free speech.

What laws? There aren't any laws that do what you want to happen. You're in favour of passing laws that attack the first amendment. From where I sit, you are an anti-american, anti free-speech authoritarian.

>There's really no proof of that.

There's much more proof of that that it being a genuine transgender incident. The assailant had no recorded history of being LGBT and targeted an LGBT club.

>Per capita, the stats are definitely far more damning for a group that is less than 1% of the population.

3 events in 5 years. At best. With only 1 verified to have any particular tie to the person being LGBT. Or else we can claim almost every other shooting was due to them being white male.

>If the "education" contains pornography, it absolutely does lead to harmful outcomes:

We are talking about sex education. Not pornography. Stop trying to change the scope of reference.,births%20at%20the%20county%20level.

It's interested you note this website, which shows really low teen birth rates and even slightly lower abortion rates in many countries that do have sex education and very low levels of religiosity (Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Denmark)


The notion that the USA or close to being like Haiti or Somalia or Libya is genuine nonsense.

No one said it was. But it is getting close at the current rate.

Nothing happened here. Perhaps you might find some isolated incidents where shit happened, but overall no harm was done here.

That's because they had explicit rules forbading anyone from the usual Pride antics:

Quite telling, really.

How do you know that they "technically violate the law"?

[potentially NSFW]

You're in favour of passing laws that attack the first amendment. From where I sit, you are an anti-american, anti free-speech authoritarian.

Obscenity laws aren't anti-free speech.

3 events in 5 years. At best. With only 1 verified to have any particular tie to the person being LGBT.

The same could be said for the "alt-Right", where at best any connections are tenuous reaching. The only difference is that half of America are Conservative and yet barely any extremist shootings, yet barely a percent is trans and involved in multiple incidents.

We are talking about sex education. Not pornography.

The "education" contains pornography:

even slightly lower abortion rates in many countries that do have sex education and very low levels of religiosity (Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Denmark)

Higher GDP and lower poverty rates. As mentioned, and as the graph shows, most teen pregnancies track with socioeconomic status.


>No one said it was. But it is getting close at the current rate.

It is genuine nonsense to claim that the USA is "getting close at the current rate" either.

>That's because they had explicit rules forbading anyone from the usual Pride antics:

You have provided zero evidence that pride events usually violate the conduct specified here.

But are you thus claiming then that you have no problem, legally, with pride events then?


What am I looking at here? How does this image violate the law?

>Obscenity laws aren't anti-free speech.

You have provided no good reason to regard any of the things you complain about as being obscenity other than, essentially, "I dislike this". You're also all over the place here. You initially denied wanting to censor content, but suggested that LGBT presence in TV/film needed to be restricted by the government on the basis of some kind of 'anti-propaganda' basis (since when has the government intervening itself in culture and directing it ever ended up producing any kind of great art?) but now you're proposing it be banned entirely just on the grounds of "obscenity"?

>The same could be said for the "alt-Right", where at best any connections are tenuous reaching. The only difference is that half of America are Conservative and yet barely any extremist shootings, yet barely a percent is trans and involved in multiple incidents.

Other than actual stated motives either through recorded internet history, released manifestoes.

>The "education" contains pornography:

The data about the usefulness of sex education in reducing teen pregnancy rates does not include this.

>Higher GDP and lower poverty rates. As mentioned, and as the graph shows, most teen pregnancies track with socioeconomic status.

So it has nothing to do with religiosity, or lack of or prominence of sex education then.


It is genuine nonsense to claim that the USA is "getting close at the current rate" either.

Migrant crisis says otherwise.

You have provided zero evidence that pride events usually violate the conduct specified here.

but suggested that LGBT presence in TV/film needed to be restricted by the government on the basis of some kind of 'anti-propaganda' basis

Never said government had to step in, but the media presence of the content is abnormally high and not conducive for positive social cohesion.

but now you're proposing it be banned entirely just on the grounds of "obscenity"?

Television/media =/= Pride events.

Other than actual stated motives either through recorded internet history,

Few manifestos exist to fit the claim and internet history is not indicative of political affiliation. For instance, in your own search history, you have looked up right-wing extremists for the purpose of this conversation, does that mean you're a right-wing extremist?

The data about the usefulness of sex education in reducing teen pregnancy rates does not include this.

It's included because it's happening.

So it has nothing to do with religiosity, or lack of or prominence of sex education then.

Proper religious teachings are education.


>Migrant crisis says otherwise.

No, that isn't evidence at all for the US becoming a failed state.


This isn't evidence. That some events violate nudity laws doesn't mean they all do, all the time.

>Never said government had to step in, but the media presence of the content is abnormally high and not conducive for positive social cohesion.

So who or what and how should they "step in"?

>Television/media =/= Pride events.

I'm still waiting for how this pride event in the UK, the picture you linked, somehow violates UK law.


>Few manifestos exist to fit the claim and internet history is not indicative of political affiliation. For instance, in your own search history, you have looked up right-wing extremists for the purpose of this conversation, does that mean you're a right-wing extremist?

There's no evidence that this person who conveniently claimed to be to be non-binary had any association whatsoever with any LGBT culture. But he did have association with anti-LGBT groups. Occam's Razor dude.

>It's included because it's happening.

We're talking about sex education. Porn access =/= sex education.

>Proper religious teachings are education.

But highly non-religious european countries that explicitly forbid religious instruction in schooling do not have out of control teenage pregnancy rates.


No, that isn't evidence at all for the US becoming a failed state.

These people seem to think otherwise:

That some events violate nudity laws doesn't mean they all do, all the time.

Most do. You had to dig hard to find an event with rules in place to explicitly forbade those violations.

So who or what and how should they "step in"?

There is no fixing it. Sadly, it's all too corrupt to fix, society will simply implode at its current pace because it's become too widespread and normalised among a disgruntled and abject populace.

the picture you linked, somehow violates UK law.

Public obscenity.

There's no evidence that this person who conveniently claimed to be to be non-binary had any association whatsoever with any LGBT culture.

By what metric? Are you saying that everyone on the LGBT spectrum must be rabid activists and proclaim their association all over social to be part of the culture? I thought them existing and just living their life was supposed to be acceptable? Is he not afforded that quantum of privacy?

We're talking about sex education. Porn access =/= sex education.

Sex education that includes porn access is the same thing:

do not have out of control teenage pregnancy rates.

Because of abortions.


>These people seem to think otherwise:

Why should I care what those people think?

Also where do they say the US is a failed state?

>Most do. You had to dig hard to find an event with rules in place to explicitly forbade those violations.

You have provided zero evidence of this in the UK.

>There is no fixing it. Sadly, it's all too corrupt to fix, society will simply implode at its current pace because it's become too widespread and normalised among a disgruntled and abject populace.

Right, so you do not think that the state should control art? Am I reading that right?

>Public obscenity.

How is that picture obscene?

>By what metric? Are you saying that everyone on the LGBT spectrum must be rabid activists and proclaim their association all over social to be part of the culture? I thought them existing and just living their life was supposed to be acceptable? Is he not afforded that quantum of privacy?

Are you that credulous that you just take that dude at face value? If someone shot up a school, and had zero history of right-wing/christian associations and then suddenly claimed that they did it because god told them to, would you mark that down as an obvious example of Christian terrorism?

They looked into the persons history and found zero history with the LGBT community. Plus he literally shot up a gay club, and they found good reason in his history that he was anti-LGBT.

>Sex education that includes porn access is the same thing:

And when did I ever claim that sex education should include porn?

>Because of abortions.

No, the data does not show this at all. You keep claiming this and provide zero evidence for this. USA has higher teen pregnancy rates. Whether or not people choose to abort has nothing to do with this data. The USA has average abortion rates compared to Europe. Higher than some, lower than others.


Why should I care what those people think?

They live there:

You have provided zero evidence of this in the UK.

Here's some more:

And this one here literally proves that them enforcing the rules in London was in result of all of the obscenity taking place:

If someone shot up a school, and had zero history of right-wing/christian associations and then suddenly claimed that they did it because god told them to, would you mark that down as an obvious example of Christian terrorism?

That's precisely the process involved with naming shooters as "Right wing extremist", though typically it's five degrees of separation made through obscure blog posts or tenuous comments.

Plus he literally shot up a gay club,

You do know many of them in the community suffer from hatred toward that community right?

And when did I ever claim that sex education should include porn?

Well it does now.

USA has higher teen pregnancy rates. Whether or not people choose to abort has nothing to do with this data.

Right, because as I explained, majority happens in impoverished areas.

The USA has average abortion rates compared to Europe.

But per capita, you can see that even with a much smaller population the rates of many of those European countries are still quite high, which backs up my point.


>They live there:

Where does that say "This means the USA is a failed state"?

>Here's some more:

How are any of these different to women wearing bikinis in the summer, or men going around in pants in the summer?


See above.

>And this one here literally proves that them enforcing the rules in London was in result of all of the obscenity taking place:

This is their own policy, not UK laws.

>That's precisely the process involved with naming shooters as "Right wing extremist", though typically it's five degrees of separation made through obscure blog posts or tenuous comments.

Answer my question: If someone shot up a school, and had zero history of right-wing/christian associations and then suddenly claimed that they did it because god told them to, would you mark that down as an obvious example of Christian terrorism?

>You do know many of them in the community suffer from hatred toward that community right?

You are a hypocrite. You make excuses for why someone with a history of far-right associations isn't really a Christian, but all it takes is someone after a shooting to just claim they were LGBT and that's all you need. Blatant double standards.

Nevermind also that in the Colorado shooting they did find contradictory internet history prior to them shooting up the LGBT nightclub. The person had zero known historical association with any LGBT community or culture, but did have internet history associated with far-right tendencies. How do you explain that?

>Well it does now.

When did I claim it should include porn?

>Right, because as I explained, majority happens in impoverished areas.

So the predictor is poverty over many other things.

>But per capita, you can see that even with a much smaller population the rates of many of those European countries are still quite high, which backs up my point.

The rates in many European countries are **LOWER** than the USA. The population differences aren't relevant when we're talking about per capita.


Where does that say "This means the USA is a failed state"?

It's escalating to that point.

Escalation doesn't magically go away unless something is done to immediately de-escalate the situation.

How are any of these different to women wearing bikinis in the summer, or men going around in pants in the summer?

Non-sequitur. There are public decency laws for a reason, and what you're allowed to wear on the beach doesn't typically apply to what's allowed in commercial districts.

This is their own policy, not UK laws.

Yes, because what was happening at the parades were in violation of the law. So thanks for corroborating the point that even the event organisers acknowledged the participants were donning attire in violation of law.

would you mark that down as an obvious example of Christian terrorism?

Depends on their behaviour.

Blatant double standards.

Not at all, just applying judicial presumptions based on deductive reasoning.

How do you explain that?

What kind of "far right" tendencies?

When did I claim it should include porn?

That's what sex ed has turned into. So you support porn in sex ed?

The rates in many European countries are **LOWER** than the USA.

Some, not many, especially when you compare them to non-impoverished regions of the U.S.


>It's escalating to that point.

No, this is your claim. No reason to believe this.

>Non-sequitur. There are public decency laws for a reason, and what you're allowed to wear on the beach doesn't typically apply to what's allowed in commercial districts.

Answer my question. People also wear bikinis and apparel as revealing as that in the streets in the UK. How are any of these different to women wearing bikinis in the summer, or men going around in pants in the summer?

>Yes, because what was happening at the parades were in violation of the law. So thanks for corroborating the point that even the event organisers acknowledged the participants were donning attire in violation of law.

And you'll note that just being glad in LGBT aesthetics in public, such as many of the pictures you showed me, is not a violation of any UK law.

>Depends on their behaviour.

What would their behaviour have to be?

>Not at all, just applying judicial presumptions based on deductive reasoning.

You assume that someone who shoots up a school/club/workplace/whatever and then says they were gay obviously was, but you'll find all kinds of excuses if they claim christianity or far-right motives.

>What kind of "far right" tendencies?

"Aldrich's attorneys have said in court documents that their client identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, preferring to be addressed as Mx. Aldrich. Neighbors allege Aldrich to have made hateful comments towards the LGBT community in the past, including frequent usage of homophobic slurs.Aldrich never mentioned being non-binary prior to the shooting and was referred to with masculine pronouns by family members. Police testified they found rainbow-colored shooting targets in Aldrich's home. Experts in online extremism have voiced the possibility that Aldrich's proclaimed self-identification could be disingenuous, while the Center for Countering Digital Hate acknowledges the suspect's past actions and impact on the LGBT community."

>That's what sex ed has turned into. So you support porn in sex ed?

No, I support sex education. I don't support porn in sex education. I await evidence that it has all turned into that.

>Some, not many, especially when you compare them to non-impoverished regions of the U.S.

The predictor is poverty, not religiosity.


No, this is your claim. No reason to believe this.

Citizens think otherwise.

How are any of these different to women wearing bikinis in the summer, or men going around in pants in the summer?

Beaches have different dress code than city ordinance.

is not a violation of any UK law.

It is when what they're wearing (or not wearing) is obscene (hence why some events had to enforce dress codes).

What would their behaviour have to be?

They would have to make clear and unequivocal declarations of their intentions.

but you'll find all kinds of excuses if they claim christianity or far-right motives.

Not at all. Intentionality and declarations of intentionality mean everything.

Aldrich to have made hateful comments towards the LGBT community in the past

Gay people make disparaging remarks about the LGBT community all the time, here is a perfect example:

I await evidence that it has all turned into that.

The predictor is poverty, not religiosity.

Lack of proper religious standards and poverty help compel such uncouth behaviours.


>Citizens think otherwise.

They're wrong, and no - they do not. Complaining about criminality is not the same thing as saying the USA is a failed state.

>Beaches have different dress code than city ordinance.

People wear clothing quite comparable, normally, to pride paraphenelia in UK cities in the summer.

>It is when what they're wearing (or not wearing) is obscene (hence why some events had to enforce dress codes).

Define "obscene" please.

>Gay people make disparaging remarks about the LGBT community all the time, here is a perfect example:

"Aldrich's attorneys have said in court documents that their client identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, preferring to be addressed as Mx. Aldrich. Neighbors allege Aldrich to have made hateful comments towards the LGBT community in the past, including frequent usage of homophobic slurs.Aldrich never mentioned being non-binary prior to the shooting and was referred to with masculine pronouns by family members. Police testified they found rainbow-colored shooting targets in Aldrich's home. Experts in online extremism have voiced the possibility that Aldrich's proclaimed self-identification could be disingenuous, while the Center for Countering Digital Hate acknowledges the suspect's past actions and impact on the LGBT community."

Comment on this. Stop avoiding. Stop making excuses. Explain your blatant double standards. Nothing in Aldrich's actual history suggests any evidence of LGBT identification at all, and plenty of markers against it.


Is California the UK?

>Lack of proper religious standards and poverty help compel such uncouth behaviours.

No reason to believe that "lack of proper religious standards" do any such thing.


They're wrong, and no - they do not.

People wear clothing quite comparable, normally, to pride paraphenelia in UK cities in the summer.

They certainly are not topless or bottomless or wearing bondage gear in public in the summer.

Nothing in Aldrich's actual history suggests any evidence of LGBT identification at all, and plenty of markers against it.

Declaring non-binary and making disparaging comments against gays or lesbians for adhering to binary standards is perfectly within the purview of Aldrich both being part of the LGBT community and criticising aspects of it. Or are you one of those people who hold bigoted views towards members of the LGBT community who criticise aspects of it?

Is California the UK?

No reason to believe that "lack of proper religious standards" do any such thing.

We're seeing that play out right now with the wildly out-of-control promiscuity control ruining dating and relationships, and by proxy, unwanted births.



Lots of places have migrant camps. What's your point?

>They certainly are not topless or bottomless or wearing bondage gear in public in the summer.

In a previous reply, you posted this: as an example. How is this obscene?

>Declaring non-binary and making disparaging comments against gays or lesbians for adhering to binary standards is perfectly within the purview of Aldrich both being part of the LGBT community and criticising aspects of it. Or are you one of those people who hold bigoted views towards members of the LGBT community who criticise aspects of it?

Honestly, I think you're being a dishonest hateful sack of shit here and applying standards to LGBT identification that you would not apply to christian or far-right identification. He only declared non-binary AFTER he was arrested. There is no such history in his record, and plenty of anti-LGBT attitudes in a general sense in his record. You ignore that because you are determined to build a dishonest narrative.


Without seeing this supposed textbook, I cannot comment. But notably there's no evidence of sex education in a general sense in the UK causing any issues at all.

>We're seeing that play out right now with the wildly out-of-control promiscuity control ruining dating and relationships, and by proxy, unwanted births.

No, we are not. Young people are having LESS SEX. And teen pregnancies are in DECLINE.


From where I sit, I have no reason to you view as any different to an Islamofascist.


She is third billed, not the lead! Streamed hours ago, reviews yesterday.


This is a mini-series based on the novel by James Clavell. This is a remake of the original series released in 1980. Try the original instead- from what I remember it was very good.


does every manbaby have to whine about female characters?


Here comes the woke apologist squad 👆🤣
