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thingmakersback (1239)


Pretty Good Was that a Pun? Really Very Good Really Awful Interview with a Serial Killer at the Intersection of Boring and Distasteful Really Not Very Good Surprisingly... Not Totally Awful. Amazing One of those films I (probably) haven't seen... Ever have one of those days? View all posts >


Y'know... I never watched the whole movie.. Just skimmed a bit and gave up. Historically, there may be a bit of a question whether Caligula just got really bad press, but if you want to read the bad press - Suetonius - The Lives of the 12 Ceasars Vol. 4 - I recall that Caligula, somewhere along the line, appointed a favorite horse to the Roman Senate... No problem. The name is old, vernacular Latin for "Little Boots". The movie is about a little Roman boy who was beloved by the Roman soldiers for his dressing up in little (Roman) army boots and playing soldier. Then he grew up to be the most important man in Rome! How can that possibly be scary? (No vampires included.) Yeah... I didn't hate Afterlife and it felt like it set up a potential great series... This one? It still seems like there's potential, but two movies worth of setup seems excessive. It is OK. I like a lot of it. There is fairly relentless fan service... which kinda annoys me. I really would like a new Ghostbusters film to work on its own. Well, I mean, if that's your attitude, I guess you just found a really good reason to dismiss the first and second films... Too bad, really, but your loss. I maintain that the deleted scene from T3 explains everything. Clearly the computer imprinted on the voice of (Had to look it up) William Candy... Which was clearly "fixed" to 'Austrian farmer' by the helpful company representative who states that he can do so... in a similar accent. Head Computer in Charge... Like HNC, only different. There is nothing in the film to explain what happened rationally. You have it right that there is a vague hint that something more MAY be known. But the cops may simply be dealing with some totally inexplicable stuff that has happened before. Really, nothing explains it. By the time our protagonists were working their way down a corridor of spiders, I had decided, that absent any horseshit about strange chemical experiments or a mad doctor splicing genes, this all just has to be taken at face value and the supernatural becomes as reasonable as anything. Another element is the history of jokes that are about just this sort of thing. The one I remember involves a CIA assassination squad selection: They had a candidate from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines... In each case the candidate was confirmed to be perfect in every respect and very stable in that each was recently and happily married. The test was that the candidate would be given a loaded pistol and sent into a room where they were ordered to kill the person they found there. The person was the candidates wife, tied to a chair... (The gun was perfect but the rounds were realistic dummies.) - The Air Force puke broke before entering the room - "I can't just kill someone in cold blood!" - The Squid took one look at his wife and came out sobbing - - The Army guy came out after a few seconds and threw the gun at the agents in charge. "No way!" - The Marine entered the room and after a moment there was a terrible crashing and thumping - The Marine came out, splattered with blood... "What kinda operation is this? Pistol was no good and I had to beat her to death with the chair." Whether the joke is in favor of the Marines depends totally on your degree of psychosis... Probably just tiredness. I was the same age and saw it within a day or two of its opening. By the time Kane was down in the egg chamber I was actually thinking I could just leave the theater and avoid it getting any scarier... But I was sufficiently riveted that I was not really going to leave. "William Wilson" - Poe - 1839 - And maybe the Germans got there first. Lotta German fantastic fiction by that time. View all replies >