It was ass...

Just got home...I usually don't walk out of movies early but this one I did. Reminded me of a Netflix movie in a way...u know, that type of generic action-movie production they churn out over and over. And just overall boring as hell. Wayyyy too much of the bitter romance angle. And, seriously, if you seen all of the numerous different previews, you've seen every single joke. I didn't hear the audience laugh even once...though that could be attributed to the whole six people we had in there. And one of those people left before I did! This movie will be a flop.

Terrible. 4/10.


I'm surprised. Usually movies made nowadays based on old TV shows have been great. Perhaps this is the lone exception


Bullshit, you didn't watch it! Great opening last weekend, $8m. Great reviews.


I didn't watch it? Pffft! Care to put your money where your mouth is? I can prove it via my bank transactions. Let me guess, no, right?

"Great" reviews? Pffft! A 73 Metascore...while Green Dot, just barely. I agree with The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw: "The majority of the movie a long and essentially plotless extravaganza of crashes, bangs, jumps, punches and PAEs (Pointless Action Explosions).” Exactly.

Are you meaning to tell me you actually watched that pile of garbage and came out impressed?! Wow.

Here's just a few of my issues with it: 1) I can't think of one great line or stunt that wasn't already in the trailers...can you? 2) It seems as if Gosling wanted Blunt romantically but stopped acting because of a back injury that...checks notes...didn't seem to be injured whatsoever. He seemingly had no side effects and jumped right back into action just because he thought Blunt wanted him on set. If he wanted her so bad that he was willing to drop everything for this movie...why didn't he simply call her up?! He was the one ghosting her for crying out loud! And Blunt still wanted Gosling but was just sore at him for Ghosting her. So...You know how this could quickly get rectified? If they simply go out on another date! Why all the banter?! If you both like each other, which you obviously do, spare your friends and colleagues the drama and just go out! 3) Wasn't the bantering "the love between the alien and human in the script" bit they kept doing a little too long and forced?? They started out with a never-ending 15 minutes of this early in the movie and really never let up. That bit was tiring by the middle of the movie.

It was a formulaic PG-13 action movie with way too much romance that nobody cared about and could easily solve. I didn't even see the ending and I'm 100% sure that they got back together...was too simple, made for the masses, and not enough high stakes.




Ok, I'll get to the bottom of this. Can you please provide banking details including dates, times, $$ amounts, and location as proof you saw this movie? Also if you can tell me your seat and aisle number that also would help as well as any receipts from the concession stands


on the back of the seat in front of me there was 4 semen stains, does that help your investigation?


okay, I'll come clean, i was the one who made them...... πŸ˜£πŸ˜«πŸ˜©πŸ†πŸ’¦......πŸ₯΄......πŸ€—πŸ˜΄


You are not the OP who is in question on whether or not they saw this movie. I am still waiting for banking details as well as the theaters location so I can confirm


If you're interested, we'll bet. I'll provide proof of my banking transaction and ticket stub to a independent arbitrator. I'll give him $10,000 of my money. You give him $5,000 of your money to hold. The arbitrator then decides who was correct and doles out the money appropriately.

Let me're not interested, right? You just like talking shit then, right?


I volunteer to arbitrate πŸ™‹


When you get his $10,000, can you give me half of that so I can bet him?


Let me see if someone can lend me $5000 and I will get back with you


It had a decent trailer. Looked like it might be fun.


Yes...the entire movie -- and all the jokes -- are in the trailer. You don't need to see the entire finished product. It was garbanzo.


I was very underwhelmed. Really too long, the romance was mostly irritating, and the action not enough to sustain it.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -


Your review was concise but very through. I see no need to improve


thank you, the response means a lot. I really do appreciate it


I was about to comment that he has a similar opinion to your review.


good reviewπŸ‘ you were able to stomach more of it than i could!


Agreed. I was glad when it finished... but it hadn't finished. There was still some helicopter stuff to go, then Jason Momoa, then the "arrest" by the prop people. I'd tuned out a long time before.


We're going to see Ryan Gosling in more vapid action films now than Bruce Willis even dreamed. Forever Barbie boy.

The only good film he ever made was the one about the Jewish Nazi.


Wait! What? Ken is a Jewish Nazi?


Barbie is actually fascist.

"The Believer" NSFW:


Well you called it early, it is flopping big time at the box office.

reply was way too lame for any word-of-mouth success to come out of it.


yep crap. tapped out at about 35 minutes...

you really have to like the gosling/blunt dynamic to enjoy this movie. i think that's where it goes wrong. it didn't work at all for me .. i just couldn't take it any more (by that time, the bullhorn relationship recap scene was so extremely stupid)

i like emily blunt a lot even though about half the movies i've seen her in i haven't liked. even jungle cruise i ended up not liking but i was at least able to finish the movie because of the rock and their dynamic. gosling did great in barbie. but this dynamic was just painful. and there just wasnt enough likeability/charisma overall from those two

i went in blind without watching the trailer so i watched it afterward. turns out i missed the who premise of the movie! so i went back and skipped around. nope doesn't get better.. just adds a little more interesting action sidestory to the really shitty barely charasmatic basically chemistryless relationship

other actors could have saved this one for me. pluck jim carrey and zooey deschanel out of Yes Man and put them in this movie and i might have enjoyed it.. one example

i did really like the behind-the-movie-scenes filming type of scenes at least, for the few minutes they were there. and emily blunt's curvy jeans ass make an appearance for a few seconds i think. beyond that.. total disappointing terrible experience


Thank you! :)


Welp, I watched it. This movie isn't technically bad, I don't think. The problem is it's a total chick flick. This is very much a female fantasy with female dialog and even when there is action, it's directed with a feminine touch. And very much female bent humor. I absolutely hated it.


Thank you! Agreed.
