MovieChat Forums > CaptBeefBlower

CaptBeefBlower (56)


Worthless How did intelligent life evolve? Lacklustre Feels dehumanised when her body is sexualised The representation of men in modern films and TV shows How is S12E03? I liked it at first, but... [Spoilers] View all posts >


It's a fictional character created by a feminist. Say no more. They can dress how they want. However, if they show off their bodies, they can't complain when men stare or talk about them. Millions of years of evolution won't be suppressed just because they want it. Existenz is worth watching. She was very unlikeable, being constantly grouchy and rude. I don't think she smiled once. It doesn't help that the actress has a lot of fillers and can't emote properly. The only one of the Oxford group I liked was Jack, and they killed him off early, leaving us with Grouchy, Drippy, Smoky and Smarty. Drippy's big mission didn't even amount to anything, meaning we endured his lovesickness and slow-motion death for nothing. Smoky and Smarty weren't annoying, but they also weren't exactly big on personality. I don't see why they wouldn't, given that they have 1000 giant ships and four superhuman AIs the size of planets, two of them on earth! Perhaps the fibres become thicker near the ends. It's only their thinness that gives them cutting ability. Quite right. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be "vapid". That would be forgivable if it were entertaining but it isn't. Clearly I'm out of touch with the zeitgeist and thank fuck for that. As Ted said, there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. Her eyes are off-puttingly large. That would be fine if she played oddball characters, but she actually plays beauty queen types, which creates a kind of cognitive dissonance. In reality, she would be bullied for looking like a bush baby. I think you're an irritating and thick attention-seeker with no life and this site would be much better off without you. You don't love me and I strongly dislike you. View all replies >