MovieChat Forums > OnanTheBarbarian

OnanTheBarbarian (10577)


Why is a young Spock the Captain? Rate this song on a scale of 1-10. Okay Punkhaters, rate this song on a scale of 1-10. Eric Burdon was cute. I see this little puke is trending again. 2.3 IMDb rating? Unrealistic portrayl of a male prostitute. The prettiest Godzilla ever. What's up with this guy and being a rape victim? Was this OJ Simpson's favorite movie? View all posts >


👍 Yes, that baby voice is another reason I can't take him seriously. In Los Angeles everything is spread out so you need a car. As time goes by I like and respect this girl more and more. Dude, there's always been a lot of fat-assed black women. Hahaha. That's cruel. Okay. But that's not how it's usually done. The LA freeway commute can be horrific some days. Probably 2 hours. 2/10 I hate the guy. He usually plays a cutesy retard. Sorry, I can't even be objective on this one. If you gave the exact coordinates they would. Just sayin. View all replies >