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Since COVID, I've Been Getting Flu More Often

In the past, I'd only get a flu/fever once a year, and usually around winter time, but now it seems to come and go, and although I'm not the only one, it sucks.

Body aches, chills, fatigue


Last year I had pneumonia, which completely wiped me out, but apart from that Iโ€™ve been ok.

I take a Vitamin C supplement every day.


Damn, good you're alright.. I had pneumonia about 10 years ago and it was horrible.

Since COVID, I've been taking Vitamin C, D, Zinc, fish oil, including another multi-vitamin just to "cover the rest"


Thanks - yes, it was bloody horrible.


Did you get the "Jab"?? ๐Ÿค”


No, but I'm not against them necessarily. I just want to throw that in because so many online seem extremely pro/anti, including some people I know "in real life" including a neighbor who thinks his father died in his 60s because of it... I'm sure the vaccine and the virus have a lot of side effects. When the pandemic started, my cousin couldn't go to a concert because he wasn't vaccinated, and I told myself, "I'll get the vaccination when I have to" but it just never happened.


You were better off without taking it considering how many people are dropping like flies now at such an early age and this was something we didn't see prior to Covid. I feel bad for not buying into any of this since Day 1 and I'll stop right there before this morphs into Politics and Kowalski emerges to have a fit about it


Don't be influenced in your health decisions by "information" gleaned from social media sites. Good god man, over 80% of the population has had at least one injection. At this point, sure, you could count on "herd immunity," but getting immunized yourself will add much more to your defenses against the bug. At least, instead of basing your decision on social media, visit legit science sites like FDA, AMA, and read what the most respected science journals have to say.


Sorry to hear that.
As much as a pain in neck as it is maybe talk to a doctor. Youโ€™re still a young man so a little two hour trip to see a pro could keep you healthy for a long time to come. Do it Amigo, I avoid doctors too but sometimes you gotta go๐Ÿ‘


I revised the title to remove "fever", but a doctor would tell me to drink plenty of fluids, medicine, which I am doing. I also figure going to a place full of sick people won't help. I keep hearing people talk about having "Long COVID" and I'm trying to avoid thinking it is that (mind over matter) because there is no cure.


Well, you could argue there's more variants floating around and you're catching them.

As to what caused the variants, that's probably left to the political board.


I discovered something which really works. My partner had a nasty virus and of course we sleep in the same bed, so I thought for sure I'd catch it. But I've been experimenting with raw garlic lately. So all day I long I kept eating raw garlic cloves. And that's not easy!!! It's like eating a hot coal!

But anyway, I never caught what he had. Just try integrating some raw garlic into your daily regimen. I swear by it now. It's like a miracle.

I think an easier way to eat it might be blended in a fruit smoothie. But of course garlic breath is an issue.


Keeps viruses and partners at bay. ๐Ÿ˜†

Signed, million man


Does it have to be chewed or can you swallow it like a pill?


I chew it because that increases absorption.


As an alternative explanation--your immune system was, from previous exposures, already primed to fight whatever virus or bacteria your "partner" had. Garlic has well-known blood-thinning properties, but as an antibiotic??...not so much.


Nah, I always catch whatever he gets, except this time with the garlic cure!

In addition to being anti-inflammatory, garlic is also an anti-oxidant which prevents cellular decay. It also has anti-microbial properties. Look at it this way, the overwhelming stank kills germs.


A nice way to eat garlic is to peel it, chop it up, put it on a slice of bread with some butter or margarine and then top it off with some pepper.

Vampire free since the incident in '98.


What happened in '98?


It's vague, but I believe it went like this...


Is your partner a vampire ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿฟ
