MovieChat Forums > BenStrousers

BenStrousers (492)


Good film View all posts >


Very much so. People are so eager to appease minority groups its outright embarrassing. Edit - changed "borderline embarrassing" to "outright embarrassing". If I do will you ask another question because right now you are being passive aggressive. Some people have been convinced they are victims in the most tolerant culture on the planet, some of those victims are going to put nice messages in their films such as "trans and gay people are awesome!" which is fine. Other victims are angry so their messages will be a little more damaging, such as "down with the west and families!" As we are seeing in recent years. Who doesn't know they exist? No one has a problem with gay people outside of a few fringe types. Think they have been given the keys to the pantry? Gay people are always going to have to come out. At some point a gay person will have to tell their parents they will never have grandchildren. People never having to come would mean everyone is bi, right? Good luck with that. In regards to gay people in movies, the more sensible people aren't complaining because there's a gay guy in a film, they are complaining because of the agenda, which the diversity hires at the Hollywood studios have admitted they are putting their own message into our movies, that's what people have a problem with. What was it that first attracted your wife to you? Forget classy, you want to get down to one of them pro-abortion rallies or some women's rights march. Just pretend you care about women's rights like you do on here and you'll at least get your foot in the door. You're tall and you can drive, they're always looking for people to take them to their rallies. Latch on to anyone who tells you their pronouns. This is the problem when you only have one thing going on. You need some variety in your life. If someone is angry they are still angry, they are just too stoned to do anything about it. Hence coming online to complain about trump 7 days a week Looks like you touched a nerve on the space cadet. Lol View all replies >