MovieChat Forums > lightbright812

lightbright812 (28)


THE ORCA ? Proof the Great Shark is Dead ? View all posts >


You misunderstand me, I never said <i>'Trump or any other politician is somehow working for God'</i> - but rather <b>God uses imperfect people to carry out His perfect will.</b> God uses people in this world, He always has, He chooses to work within the 'sandbox' that He created, the earth & it's people, as this way it demonstrates His Glory fully. Trump has been chosen by God for a specific purpose, not because he's a good person, or because he's a 'Christian,' or because he did or did not sleep with a pornstar, but because he's the right man for the job, period. I will leave you with this, if you're 'deep,' then you have a limited perspective, and will miss what God is doing, because you're too occupied with what the enemy is doing, when you need to <b>come up higher</b>. Take Care & God Bless :) xxx *** Thank You :) x *** <i>'how deep I have been in all this for quite a few years now'</i> ...that's the problem, you need to <b>come up higher</b> - you see things too much from the enemies camp, and not enough from God's, but I don't think you want any perspective other than your own. I could answer some of your points, but I'm going to leave you be. Wishing you all the best, God Bless :) xxx *** Biden has always been a 'puppet,' but it is Obama that is the pupper master, not Jill. Obama has effectively served three terms, - two as President, & one as 'shadow' President. He even said it 'out loud' in an interview with Stephen Colbert... <i>“I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony"</i> ...and that is effectively what you have been witnessing for almost 4 years. Biden was compromised on Day1, because 'they' have alot of very damaging 'dirt' on him. *** Come on man, 'the entire planet is fooked' - but at the same time, 'don't give up?' You're not giving people who read your comments, much reason to carry on. This world is NOT 'fooked.' I don't mean to sound all haughty, but think about it, if this world is 'fooked' and the enemy runs riot, all the while 'God' pulls His people out (rapture), then that sounds like a defeat to me, & 'God' is NOT in the business of losing, but RESTORATION. Sure it looks bleak from this earthly level, but 'higher-up' you will see the opposite! Look, I know, I've suffered from demonic attacks my whole life, 'suicidal' depression since the age of 5, I'm also 'highly sensitive' - so I see and sense things intensely, both in this world, & in the spirit, and I can assure you, the world is NOT 'fooked.' You're absolutely right about taking care of yourself, and turning the T.V. off, most of it is purely to lower your 'vibrational energy' - which in-turn attracts demonic entities and depression. In regards to Trump, he is God's 'anointed' - which means 'they' can do whatever they wish with him, but they cannot kill him, much like the Book of Job. Also, it doesn't mean Trump is perfect, or indeed needs to be perfect, far from it, but he is the right man for the job, at a very specific time in human history. Noah was a drunk, and Moses was a murderer, but 'God' uses imperfect people, to carry out his perfect will. Take care of yourself :) xxx *** You sure can. :) :) xxx Well Biden has pretty much 0% chance of winning, even with cheating. So 'Big Mike' has a better chance than that. I'm not saying it's going to give the Dems victory, but it's better than Biden at this point. *** Of course there's 'panic' why wouldn't there be? Some of it is fabricated to drum-up support to oust him (25th amendment), and some of it is genuine, as you would expect, when a sitting President gives a 'performance' like that! Again, i would ask you, why on earth would they put Biden out there, when they had nothing to gain, and everything to lose? In 2020, the election was fixed, fraud, - stolen, they could have put R2-D2 out there and it wouldn't have mattered, the fix was in. This time, they're obviously going to find it much much harder to fix, and Biden has no chance of winning, and so he is being sacrificed, he was always a puppet, nothing more, and now his strings are being cut. *** <i>'JFK Style'</i> Not gonna happen. 'They' may want to take him out, and may even try to take him out, but Trump is God's 'anointed.' Think of the Book of Job, in where the 'enemy' was allowed to do all kinds of things to him, but he couldn't kill him, because he was God's anointed. Many misunderstand what this means, doesn't mean that Trump is perfect, in-fact he's far from 'perfect,' but he's the man chosen to carry out a specific job at a very specific time. I always find it funny, when I hear 'MAGA's' saying 'Trump is right about everything' - no he's not, that would make him God, but Trump does have a big heart, and he's the right man for job. An 'attempt' on him, is very possible, but just imagine surviving that, it would make him almost invincible in the eyes of the public, and the press wouldn't be able to touch him. God uses imperfect people, to carry out his perfect will. Have a good weekend :) *** View all replies >