mergaqui's Replies

The first half was much better than the second half. Just like the other Matrix sequels, as soon as the focus shifted to the real world it gets a whole lot less interesting. I don't understand why she hasn't been fired yet. I don't think anyone can argue she's done anything but a terrible job. I don't know why anyone cares what any celebrities think, whether they agree with them or not. A celebrity having an opinion shouldn't have any impact on anyone's life. I believe Spock was always meant to be one of the main characters. You might be thinking of Dr. McCoy, who wasn't in the pilot episode and who was only given a featuring credit for the first season. The main reason for the success of the show is Grogu. The character reached the public's consciousness in a way that no Star Wars character has since the original trilogy. I know people that only watch because of Grogu. In his last few breaths he reportedly said "The C... I...." then he died before he could finish. I wonder what he was going to say? 🤔 RIP A robot is essentially a computer. The core of a cyborg is organic. A robot can never be a cyborg and a cyborg can never be a robot. I think this started with the Bourne movies and then caught on. I think the cinematographers feel it makes the fights more real and intense but it just makes you not know what is going on. Come On Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners Thank you. I can enjoy this movie once again. Hopefully the last Star Wars product that Kathleen Kennedy is in charge of. I found this post very confusing. There are some good ones, but far less than there are bad ones. This movie is the only great one. Wow, I had no idea she was approaching 50. She looks like she is in her 30s. And she was one of the original American Idol judges. Thank you. I think he actually looks ok for 94. He moved too well to be a robot. Star Wars robots in the original trilogy are very clunky. You finally got it. A robot is completely mechanical and electrical. A cyborg is an organic lifeform with robotic enhancements. Grievous was mostly robotic but he began life as an organic being.