BlackChristmas's Replies

Good movie. Good debut. Not a fucking chance in hell it's his best. The guy made Repulsion, Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, The Tenant and The Pianist. It's big monsters fighting, what were you expecting? I enjoyed it. As for the extremely talented Ms. Hall. I'm sure she gets a bigger paycheck for these movies than the other roles she typically gets. Gotta pay the bills and become a more recognizable star. A wise decision from her to star in these movies. The crime is not mine. The cops should speak to her father who thought it was a good idea to film his young daughter topless. (A skeevy moment from the great Dario Argento. I'll forgive him because his movies are awesome and he's Italian. Maybe that's how they roll in Italy.) Natalie was gorgeous in the prequels. A true beauty. I imagine they can. He's starred in many fantastic movies, he's a talented actor and many of his movies are vintage now. You can't spend decades enjoying a movie like Taxi Driver only to toss it at a whim because the lead actor has different political opinions. I wouldn't mind seeing her in the buff but honestly she's probably happy she got a lead role in a movie... only to go online and see everyone complaining that they didn't get to see her boobs. Naturally she'd be annoyed. Don't look into it too much kid. Friday the 13th (2026); - No nudity. - An unnattractive cast of victims. - A racially diverse cast with the final girl being a fat POC. - Several characters (or cast members) are non-binary/LGBT. - Bloodless kills, very little gore. A tame R. - Directed by a woman who has directed a few television episodes, no prior movie experience. - Jason and his mother are inbred white people out in the woods who target queer brown folk because they're evil, racist, homophobes. The final girl gets a yass queen slaayy moment where she beheads Pamela and kicks Jasons ass, whilst everyone in the audience claps. Watch the box office explode. F13 had been in a rights struggle for over a decade, it's only just been resolved. I reckon it's the asking price for the rights to the F13 title and Jason Voorhees character more so than the actual budget of a would be movie. I imagine the rights holders want a big payday and the studios they've been in discussion with so far have deemed it too much to be profitable for them. They have to buy the rights, put forth the budget for the movie(s), market them and going by the box office results of the last few Scream and Halloween movies it would seem the ceiling is $150 million in return at the box office (with half that going to the theatres). Lets say they have to pay $50 million for the rights and then put forth $20 million for a budget with a further $20 million for marketing. That's up to $90 million right there and they'd likely only get $75 million back in their pockets for the first movie. Honestly $50 million is probably low balling the rights, would anyone be surprised if they're asking for $100+ million for a 3 movie deal? At $100 million for 3 movies, when you factor the budgets and marketing you're talking about spending $74 million per movie. That's barely breaking even at the theatres, though home media/digital streaming would push it over into slightly profitable. Studios maybe don't think it's worth the risk, especially if they have doubts the F13 I.P. is as valuable in the 2020s as Scream or Halloween. The A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise has been quiet for 14 years too and it's in the same boat. The rights reverted back to the Craven estate. If anyone wants to make a movie they'll have to cough up some money to acquire the rights and if it's too much studios won't bother. Hopefully part 3 is as good (or better). A Christmas setting this time around. A new flick to watch every holiday season hopefully. <blockquote>My fear (and gut feeling) is that we'd get a F13 for 'modern audiences'.</blockquote> 🤮 Ah yes, I see you have finally discovered Lauren LaVera. She was great in Terrifer 2. I look forward to seeing more of her in part 3. He has now apologized. Slapping Chris Rock is hardly the crime of the century. I doubt general audiences care that much. If this flops I'd say it's more so due to his star fading (he was a huge A-list star back in the 00s, not so much anymore) than due to him being 'cancelled'. A respected 80 year old actor damaging his reputation by being so politically outspoken. We heard all of this stuff about the country being ruined if Trump got elected back in 2016. Do they think the same fear mongering tactics will work? He's been president before and the world carried on as normal. I wonder where the father is in all of this? Place your bets. 1) The mother doesn't know who he is. 2) He's seperated from the mother and doesn't give a shit about his son. 3) He's seperated from the mother and feels regret everyday that she is the mother of his son. 4) He's a door mat and his partner runs the show. He has no free will and cares not. 5) He's a LGBT loony tune as well. I remember all this nonsense back in 2016. How there would be genocide, the country would fall, all these doomsday predictions. So many celebrities claimed they'd leave the country if Trump was elected. Jackshit happened. I like James Wan and his movies, good director. Blumhouse... are hit and miss. My biggest concern here is the fact Wan and Blumhouse productions don't seem right for the F13 franchise. Can you picture these dudes delivering a tits-and-stabbings flick? I can't. Jason Blum (Blumhouse productions) has went on record several times stating how he'd like to acquire the rights to F13. I imagine that's the most likely bet going forward if the likes of New Line don't have interest in the franchise. Blumhouse love churning out horror. Just this week we've learned they're planning a new My Bloody Valentine movie. March 2024. <blockquote>Jason Blum has stated that he’s still trying to “will” a Blumhouse Friday the 13th movie into existing as he’s a huge fan of the franchise. Speaking with Collider, Blum was asked what one project he’d love to greenlight. The CEO and founder of Blumhouse revealed that he’d love to greenlight a Blumhouse Friday the 13th movie and that director and producer James Wan and his Atomic Monster company are equally passionate about the franchise. “Friday the 13th is what I would do,” Blum said. “It’s not a Blumhouse project, but I’m trying to will it into being one. It’s just a piece of IP I’ve always loved … And James Wan and Atomic Monster are very passionate about it, and I think we would have them shepherd it for us. That would be a lot of fun.”</blockquote> He wanted to tell everyone he's going commando. A game of mental warfare. The images it conjures up makes one vomit.