KiwiJim's Replies

Don’t be fooled by the rocks that she’s got It’s sad. A while ago I was catching an early morning train from the outer suburbs of Wellington to the city, which travels around the harbour. This particular morning there was the most spectacular sunrise, the sky was orange and pink and it was reflecting on the still water, it looked awesome. I was staring at it out the window then I looked at the people in the carriage and every single person was head down staring into their phones, oblivious to it all. Maybe regular commuters become blasé about the view but it still made me feel sad and a bit like an extra in a zombie movie. Oh, don’t be like that. We still think you’re cool. I didn’t even know guilty was lost. Bisexual surely. Borgsexual? Who cares. It was good to see Jeri again. You could even say it’s illogical Milk wasn’t a romance movie. Also, he dated an 18 year old when he was in his 30s.. if it was a movie about a straight man who did the same it wouldn’t be relevant to the big picture and I 100% believe you wouldn’t be on the page insinuating he’s an example of heterosexual degeneracy. So. Thoughts on Elvis? “This pretense that gay men are all nice guys that want relationships that are romantic and similar to what normal people have and blah, blah, blah” Right, so there are no older heterosexual men that marry 18 year olds? Clearly not a Real Housewives viewer. What normal straight relationships are those fags aspiring to anyway? Pam and Tommy? Johnny and Amber? OJ and Nicole?? What about Elvis and Priscilla.. a beloved American romance that’s actually more questionable than this bs about Milk.. bet not many are rushing to the ELVIS WAS A PEDO thread with pitchforks like here. Ok 😐 🫥 .. The ending made it for me I loved the mystery of it. The episode would’ve been less effective and eerie with a neater explanation. 10/10 You’re a classy one, aren’t you? You tell me. They say that closet homosexuals are often the most openly homophobic. Sorry Melton You wish, sailor. I’m sure a gay guy would only have to read one of your posts to know that you’re the LAST person they want to pm, other than to tell you to go f*ck yourself 🙂 You’re letting people tell you what to be scared of. Isn’t that embarrassing for you to be so easily influenced by scaremongers? Like, how much of the hyperbole above directly affects you? Why are you letting the idea a man in a wig reading a book turn you into a hysterical doomsdayer? It’s not a very masculine look, mate. What, that heterosexuals should be applauded for their sexuality (strange I thought you lot were heavily against celebrating pride of sexuality) or the cheap shot at trans people? Either way, congratulations. Yeah these warnings are unnecessary but I would pay as much attention to them as I do to the maturity ratings. I was surprised that the cultural/racial warnings have been around since 2010 though, I’ve read a lot about them but I haven’t seen a single one myself. You don’t need to push an actress who has proven her worth, she’s offered good parts because she gets results. I think there’s space enough for all of them and more, even if you or I aren’t fans.